Mutex Locks


In multitasking programming, mutex locks, also referred to as mutual exclusion locks, are synchronization basic functions used to prevent simultaneous possession of resources that are shared by numerous threads or procedures. The word "mutex" means "mutual exclusion."

In this article, we will be exploring the components, types with examples, use cases, and implemented examples for Mutex Locks.

What are Mutex Locks?

A mutex lock makes it possible to implement mutual exclusion by limiting the number of threads or processes that can simultaneously acquire the lock. A single thread or procedure has to first try to obtain the mutex lock for something that is shared before it can access it. The seeking string or procedure gets halted and placed in a state of waiting as long as the encryption key turns into accessible if it is being organized by a different thread or process. The thread or process is able to use the resource that has been shared after acquiring the lock. When finished, it introduces the lock so that different threads or processes can take possession of it.

Components of Mutex Locks

Below we discuss some of the main components of Mutex Locks.

Mutex Variable − A mutex variable is used to represent the lock. It is a data structure that maintains the state of the lock and allows threads or processes to acquire and release it.

Lock Acquisition − Threads or processes can attempt to acquire the lock by requesting it. If the lock is available, the requesting thread or process gains ownership of the lock. Otherwise, it enters a waiting state until the lock becomes available.

Lock Release − Once a thread or process has finished using the shared resource, it releases the lock, allowing other threads or processes to acquire it.

Types of Mutex Locks

Mutex locks come in a variety of forms that offer varying levels of capabilities and behavior. Below are a few different kinds of mutex locks that are frequently used &mi nus;

Recursive Mutex

A recursive mutex enables multiple lock acquisitions without blocking an operating system or procedure. It keeps track of the number of occasions it was previously purchased and needs the same amount of discharges before it can be completely unlocked.


Think about a data framework where a tree-like representation of the directory structure exists. Each node in the tree stands for a directory, and several threads are simultaneously going through the tree to carry out different operations. The use of a recursive mutex can prevent conflicts. A thread is a program that passes through a directory node, takes control of the lock, executes its actions, and then declares itself repeatedly to enter subdirectories. The recursive mutex enables multiple acquisitions of the identical lock without blocking the thread, maintaining appropriate traversal and synchronization.

Error-Checking Mutex

When lock processes, an error-checking mutex executes further error checking. By hindering looping lock appropriation, it makes a guarantee that an application or procedure doesn't take over a mutex lock it presently already holds.


Consider a multi-threaded program in which multiple processes update a common contrary fluctuating. The counter is secured by a mutex lock to avoid conflicts and race conditions. A fault occurs if a thread unintentionally attempts to obtain the mutex lock it currently possesses. Such coding errors can be found and quickly fixed by programmers thanks to the error-checking mutex.

Times Mutex

For a predetermined amount of time, an algorithm or procedure can try to acquire a lock using a timed mutex. The acquiring functioning fails if the security key fails to become accessible during the allotted time, as well as if the thread/process can respond appropriately.


Think about a system that operates in real-time that has a number of operations or strings that require access to a constrained number of resources that are fixed. Each assignment requires a particular resource to complete it. Nevertheless, a task might need to execute a different course of action or indicate a mistake if it can't get the needed resource in an appropriate period of time. Each task can make an attempt to obtain the material for a set amount of time through the use of a timed mutex. The task at hand can continue with an alternate method or take the necessary action depending on the time limit circumstance if the resource in question is not accessible within the allotted time.

Priority Inheritance Mutex

A particular kind of mutex that aids in reducing the inversion of priority issues is the priority inheritance mutex (also known as the priority ceiling mutex). The priority inheritance mutex momentarily increases the ranking associated with the low-priority organization to the level of the highest-priority organization awaiting the lock to be released as a low-priority string or procedure is holding the lock and a higher-priority string or procedure requires it.


Consider a system that operates in real-time with several threads operating at various priorities. These processes have access to shared assets that are mutex lock protected. A priority inheritance mutex can be used to avoid highest-priority inversion, which happens when a lower-priority string blocks a higher-priority string by retaining the lock. In order to ensure that the highest-priority string receives immediate access to the material, the mutex momentarily raises the lower-priority thread's importance to coincide with that associated with the highest-priority thread awaiting the lock.

Read-Write Mutex

A read-write lock is a synchronization system that permits several threads or procedures to access the same resource concurrently whereas implementing exclusion between them throughout write activities, though it does not constitute solely an instance of a mutex lock.


Only one thread is in charge of drafting new frames into the provided buffer whereas various threads read provides and from it in an immediate time online video implementation. A read-write lock can be used to permit simultaneous reading but reserved writing. For unrestricted access to the structures, numerous reading strings can concurrently gain the read lock. Yet, the writer string develops the write lock solely when it wishes to modify the storage device, making sure that no other threads are able to read or write throughout the procedure for updating.

Use Cases of Mutex Locks

We will now talk about some of the use cases of Mutex Locks.

Shared Resource Protection − Mutex locks are commonly used to protect shared resources in multi-threaded or multi-process environments. They ensure that only one thread or process can access the shared resource at a time, preventing data corruption and race conditions.

Critical Sections − Mutex locks are used to define critical sections in a program, where only one thread at a time can execute the code inside the critical section. This ensures the integrity of shared data and prevents concurrent access issues.

Synchronization − Mutex locks enable synchronization between threads or processes, allowing them to coordinate their actions and access shared resources in a controlled manner. They ensure that certain operations are performed atomically, avoiding conflicts and ensuring consistency.

Deadlock Avoidance − Mutex locks can be used to prevent deadlock situations where multiple threads or processes are waiting indefinitely for resources held by each other. By following proper locking protocols and avoiding circular dependencies, deadlock situations can be avoided.


Let us explore an implemented example of Mutex Locks in Python below.

In this example, multiple threads are created to increment a shared resource (shared_resource) by 1. The critical section where the shared resource is modified is protected by a mutex lock (mutex). Each thread acquires the lock before entering the critical section and releases it after completing the critical section. The mutex lock ensures that only one thread can modify the shared resource at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring the correctness of the final result.

import threading

# Shared resource
shared_resource = 0

# Mutex lock
mutex = threading.Lock()

# Function to increment the shared resource
def increment():
   global shared_resource
   for _ in range(100000):
      # Acquire the lock
      # Critical section
      shared_resource += 1
      # Release the lock

# Create multiple threads
threads = []
for _ in range(5):
   thread = threading.Thread(target=increment)
# Start the threads
for thread in threads:

# Wait for all threads to complete
for thread in threads:

# Print the final value of the shared resource
print("Shared Resource:", shared_resource)


Shared Resource: 500000

Benefits of Mutex Locks

Mutex locks benefit multitasking in a number of ways−

  • Mutual Exclusion − Mutex locks ensure that only one thread or process can hold the lock at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring predictable behavior in multi-threaded/multi-process scenarios.

  • Synchronization − Mutex locks allow programs and threads to coordinate access to shared resources, preventing unauthorized access and enabling controlled access when an application or process attempts to acquire a locked mutex.

  • Simple and Portable − Mutex locks are widely supported in various programming languages and OS platforms and are relatively easy to use.

  • Efficiency − Mutex locks generally work well with little contention, generating minimal overhead while the lock is not being contended.

Drawbacks of Mutex Locks

Mutex locks have drawbacks to multitasking in a number of ways −

  • Potential Deadlocks− Improper use of mutex locks can lead to deadlocks, where multiple threads or processes are held up indefinitely while waiting for locks that will never be released.

  • Priority Inversion− Priority inversion can occur when a high-priority thread or process is blocked while waiting for a lock held by a lower-priority thread or process.

  • Resource Utilization− Mutex locks can result in poor resource utilization if threads or processes are frequently blocked while waiting for locks.


Mutex locks are useful synchronization of basic functions in programming concurrently, to sum up. By enabling just a single thread or procedure to make use of a resource that is shared at a time, they enable mutual exclusion, synchronization, and aid in preventing race conditions. Mutex locks provide a standardized method for synchronization and are easy to operate and widely accepted.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023

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