Multiplying Alternate elements in a List using Python?

Every programmer needs to be able to work with arrays and perform calculations on the data they contain. Multiplying alternative elements in a list is the specific task that will be the focus of this Python program. By solving this issue, we will improve our programming abilities and learn more about manipulating arrays and doing mathematical computations.

Because they are flexible data structures, arrays are essential for storing and managing collections of elements. To manage arrays effectively, Python provides a large selection of effective tools and features. By addressing the problem of multiplying alternative items, we will investigate various techniques that make use of arrays' intrinsic flexibility and highlight Python programming's elegance.


To multiply alternate elements in a List, we can follow the two methods −

  • Utilizing the iterative approach.

  • Utilizing the List Comprehension Approach

Let us look into both approaches:-

Approach-1 Utilizing the iterative approach.

A loop is employed that iterates through the list and multiplies the alternate elements. We initiate by putting the initial value of the result variable, which will hold the final item, to 1. After that built a loop to run via the list, we verify to see if the index i is divisible by 2, which means the presence of a substitute element. We increase the current element by the result if the condition is met. We obtain the product of the alternate items by repeating this process until every element on the list has been checked. We then print the value of the result. This method provides an easy-to-understand resolution and enables step-by-step manipulation of the list items.


The algorithm to multiply alternate elements in a List, are given below −

  • A function multiply_alternate_ elements function is created that will return the desired result

  • A variable named as answer is initialized and set to 1 in order to begin. The outcome will be stored in answer variable.

  • The list is traversed through all the index for the given loop

  • Check that the index i is divisible by 2 to identify a different element

  • For if the condition is met multiply the current element by the result.

  • Continue doing this until every item on the list has been inspected.

  • Display the answer’s value to end the code.


def multiply_alternate_elements(value):
    result= 1
    for var in range(len(value)):
        if var % 2 == 0:
            result*= value[var]
    return result

# Test the function with an example list
instance_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
answer = multiply_alternate_elements(instance_list)
print("Product of alternate elements:", answer )


Product of alternate elements: 945

Approach-2 Utilize the List Comprehension Approach

In the list comprehension method, we use list comprehension's ability to screen out alternative entries from the initial list. Initializing an empty list called alternatives is the first step. We cycle through the list using list comprehension, filtering the items according to the requirement that the index i is divisible by 2. A new list created by this technique solely contains the substitute entries. The result is then stored in the result variable after a loop is used to calculate the product of each element in the alternates list. Finally, we print the product's worth. With less explicit iteration required and a cleaner code structure, this method provides a more succinct and expressive solution.


The steps to multiply alternate elements in a List, are as follows −

  • Create the alternates list from scratch.

  • To delete the alternative elements from the first list, utilize list comprehension

  • Append together all the components you got from step 2 to get the finished item.

  • Finally, print the product's value.


#define function
def multiply_alternate_elements(arr):
    elements = [x for var, x in enumerate(arr) if var % 2 == 0]
    result = 1
    for num in elements:
        result *= num
    return result

# Test the function with an example list
instanceExample = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
result = multiply_alternate_elements(instanceExample)
print("Product of alternate elements:", result)


Product of alternate elements: 945


In this article, we concentrate on the two techniques for multiplying the alternative list elements. In the first approach, we multiplied the alternative items as we iterated through the list. The second method filtered out the alternative elements and computed their product by utilizing the list comprehension technique. Although they utilize the same algorithm, the two strategies had different implementations. The list comprehension approach offered a more succinct as well as expressive answer than the iterative approach, which used a conventional loop.

Updated on: 05-Sep-2023


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