Multiplication Tricks


  • Multiplication is a mathematical operation or process of combining the total number of items or values by using repeated addition.

  • It is used in all sections of mathematical problem solutions be it Algebra, Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus and etc.

Multiplicand and Multipliers

When we apply multiplication then, the Multiplicand is the number which is being multiplied and the Multiplier is the number which is multiplying the first number.

For example: In this multiplication 20 is the Multiplicand and 25 is the Multiplier.

Multiplication Tricks

A single-digit number can be easily multiplied. But the multiplication of two, three or more-digit numbers can be difficult and time-consuming. Here are some tricks which we need to remember to find the answer.

Multiplication tricks for 2?

If we need to multiply a number by 2, we can add the number by itself. In simple terms, we just double the number.

For example, 3 x 2 = 3 + 3 = 6.

Multiplication tricks for 4?

Multiplying 4 with any number we use the double-up tricks twice.

For example, 6 ×4 is the same 6+6 = 12 then 12+12 = 24. Hence the answer is 24.

Multiplication tricks for 5?

We know that 5 can be expressed as 10/2. If we need to multiply any number by 5 then we just need to multiply the multiplicand by 10 and divide that by 2.

For example, We can multiply 8 by 10 and get 80 and then divide it by 2 and get the answer 40.

Multiplication tricks for 8?

The multiplication method for 8 is double, re-double and double again.

For example, 6×8. Now, double the number 6 = 6+6 = 12.

Now, double the number 12 = 12+12 = 24.

Now, double the number 24 = 24+24 = 48.

Multiplication tricks for 9?

The multiplication trick for 9 is to add 1 with 9 and make it 10 then multiply the numbers, and after that minus the multiplier.

For example, 8×9. Now, add 1 with 9 then 9+1=10.

Then multiply the numbers 8×10=80.

Then subtract the multiplier 8.

Then the answer is 80-8=72.

Multiplication tricks for 10?

The multiplication of any number with 10 is the simplest one. Write the number itself and add 0 followed by the number.

For example, 7×10=70, here we have written 7 and added 0 after it.

Multiplication Table

A table is designed to contain different numbers to understand the multiplication process easily. It is always suggested to all the students to learn at least tables from 1 to 20, which will help to solve multiplication problems easily.

Now we create a table of multiplication from 2 to 10, which will help us to memorise the table easily.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

From the above table, we can see that every number is appearing twice starting from the row to the column.

Faster Direct Multiplication By Addition

Multiplication is also defined as the shortest method of addition. In everyday life when we have to add some numbers multiple times then we use multiplication to save time.

For example, 3+3+3+3+3+3+3=21 can be added 7 times or just simply written as 3×7=21.

Some more examples,

2+2+2+2+2 can be written as 5×2=10.

9+9+9+9 can be written as 4×9=36 .

Rounding off Multiplication Trick

We can easily multiply two- or three-digit numbers by transforming one of the numbers to the nearest zero then multiplying with the multiplier and then subtracting the rounded value from itself.

For example, 38×2; we can take 38 to the nearest number 40 and then multiply with 2 and we will get 40×2=80.

Then we will multiply the rounded value with the multiplier then we get 2×2=4.

Now we subtract and get 80-4=76. So, 76 is the final answer.

Another example is 68×12

We can write 12 as 10+2 and multiply them one by one. Then we get 68×10=680 and again 68×2=136. Now we need to add 680+136=816.

So, 816 is the answer.

Some other important Multiplication Tricks

Multiplication tricks for 11?

To multiply a two-digit number with 11 is to sum both digits of the Multiplier and place the sum in between them. (e, g:- 23×11= [2→(2+3)→3]=253.

To multiply a three-digit number with 11 is to sum of middle digit of the multiplier with both of the numbers and place the sum in between them. (e, g:-123×11=1353).

Multiplication tricks for 12?

Let us think, we need to multiply 8 by 12.

Step 1 − Let’s multiply the number by 10. (8×10 = 80).

Step 2 − Then again multiply the number by 2. (8 × 2 = 16).

Step 3 − Add the two results from step 1 and step 2 (80+16 = 96).

Hence, the answer will be 8 ×12 = 96.

Multiplication tricks for 15?

To multiply any number by 15 is to multiply that number by 10 and then add half of that product with the product itself.

For example,

15×25, first multiply 25 with 10 and get 250. Then half of 250 is 125, add it with 250 itself. Now we get the answer 250+125=375.


So we have learned the process of multiplications along with some tricks and tips to solve them easily. Also took a look at the multiplication table which will help us to memorise the table of 1 to 20 easily. Learned that multiplication can be done by the process of repeated addition. Now we will see some more examples of Multiplication under solved examples.

Solved Examples

1.Find the product of 8×2?

Solution :- The answer will be 8+8=16.

2. Find the product of 18×10?

Solution :- The product of 18 and 10 will be 180.

3. Multiply 23 with 11?

Solution:-The answer will be [2→(2+3)→3]=253.

4. Multiply 289 with 11?

Solution :- The answer will be 3179.

( Note :- 2 added with 8 and becomes 10, 8 added with 9 becomes 17. 7 is placed before 9 and 1 carry forwarded added with 0 of 10 and becomes 1 and 1 is added with 2 and becomes 3.)

5. Multiply 26 with 12?

Solution:-The answer will be (26×10)+(26×2)=260+52=312 .

6.Find the product of 375×15?

Solution:- The solution will be 3750 + 3750/2=5625.

7. Multiply 745 and 15?

Solution:- The solution will be

Step 1:- 745×10=7450

Step 2:- $\mathrm{\frac{7450}{2}=3725}$ and the answer 7450+3725=11,175.


1.What is Multiplication?

Multiplication is an algebraic method by which we find a product of two or more numbers.

2.What is the symbol of Multiplication?

The symbol of multiplication is denoted by the cross (×) or sometimes dot(.).

3.What is the formula of Multiplication?

The formula of multiplication is Multiplicand × Multiplier=Product.

4.What will be the answer if we multiply any number by 0?

The answer will be 0 as from the Zero Property of multiplication the product will be zero for any number.

5.What are the properties of multiplication?

The properties of multiplication are closure, commutative, associative, distributive and identity.

  • Closure Property − According to Closure Property, the product of two integers is also an integer. (e, g :- 5×3=15).

  • Commutative Property − According to the Commutative Property order of the Multiplier and Multiplicand does not matter. (e, g:- 5×3=3×5).

  • Associative Property − According to Associative Property the product of the multiplication does not change if they are grouped in a different way. (e, g:-5×[3×2]=[5×3]×2 ).

  • Distributive Property − According to the Distributive Property multiplication of the sum of two or more values with a multiplier gives the same product as multiplying them independently. [e, g:-5×(2+3)=(5×2)+(5×3)].

  • Identity Property − According to the Identity Property if 1 is being multiplied by any number then it remains unchanged. (e, g:- 5×1=5).

Updated on: 07-Mar-2024


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