Multiple simultaneous downloads using Wget

When it comes to downloading files from internet, there are numerous ways to go about it. One such method is using command-line tool Wget, which is an extremely versatile and powerful utility for downloading files. Wget is a popular tool among developers, system administrators, and even casual users due to its simplicity and speed.

In this article, we will take a closer look at Wget's ability to download multiple files simultaneously, and how this feature can improve your download speeds.

What is Wget?

Wget is a command-line utility used for retrieving files from web. It is a non-interactive tool that can be used in scripts and programs to download files automatically. tool supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, among others. Wget also has various options to customize download process, such as setting user-agent, download speed limits, and downloading specific file types.

Multiple simultaneous downloads

When downloading large files, it can take a significant amount of time to download them one by one. Wget offers ability to download multiple files simultaneously, which can significantly improve download speeds. This feature is especially useful when downloading multiple files from a website or a file-sharing service. With Wget, you can specify number of files to download concurrently, allowing you to download more files at once, which reduces download time.

How to download multiple files simultaneously using Wget

To download multiple files simultaneously using Wget, use '-i' option followed by a text file containing URLs of files you want to download. Here is an example −

wget -i list_of_files.txt

In this example, Wget will read file 'list_of_files.txt' and download each URL listed in file.

To download multiple files concurrently, use '-j' option followed by number of concurrent downloads you want to initiate. Here is an example −

wget -i list_of_files.txt -j 4

In this example, Wget will read file 'list_of_files.txt' and download up to four files simultaneously.

Tips for downloading multiple files using Wget

  • Use '-c' option to resume incomplete downloads − If you are downloading large files and download is interrupted, you can use '-c' option to resume download. This option will continue downloading file from where it was interrupted.

  • Use '-P' option to specify a download directory − If you want to download all files to a specific directory, use '-P' option followed by directory path. Here is an example −

wget -i list_of_files.txt -P /downloads/

In this example, Wget will download all files to '/downloads/' directory.

  • Use '-r' option to recursively download files − If you want to download all files from a website or a directory, use '-r' option followed by website or directory URL. Here is an example −

wget -r

In this example, Wget will download all files in 'downloads' directory of website ''.

While ability to download multiple files simultaneously is a powerful feature, it's important to note that downloading too many files at once can overload server and cause download speeds to slow down. It's always best to use '-j' option with caution and not to set value too high.

In addition to options we've covered, Wget has many more options and features that can be used to customize download process. These include options for setting timeouts, downloading with authentication, and downloading in background. By exploring different options, you can tailor download process to your specific needs.

Wget is not only tool available for downloading files from web. Other popular options include cURL, aria2, and DownThemAll. While these tools may have different features and options, they all share ability to download multiple files simultaneously.


Wget is a powerful tool for downloading files from web. Its ability to download multiple files simultaneously is especially useful when downloading large files or multiple files from a website or file-sharing service. By using '-j' option, you can specify number of concurrent downloads, which reduces download time. With '-c' and '-P' options, you can resume incomplete downloads and specify a download directory, respectively. '-r' option can be used to recursively download files from a website or directory. By using these options, you can customize download process and improve your download speeds.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023

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