Multiple Digit Decimal Display (4 Digits)

What is a Multiple Digit Decimal Display?

A type of electronic display which is used to show multiple digits of decimal numbers is called a multiple digit decimal display. A most extensively used type of multiple digit decimal display in digital systems is a 4-digit display. The 4-digitl display is able to display decimal numbers between 0 and 9999 (largest 4 digit number).

The most common application of these multiple digit decimal displays is in digital calculators, digital watches and clocks, and in many other electronic devices that need to display information in the form of decimal numbers.

Let us understand the constructional and functioning features of multiple digit decimal displays with the help of a 4-digit decimal display.

Construction of 4-Digit Decimal Display

A typical 4-digit decimal display consists of four seven segment digital displays along with an LED segment to display the decimal point. These 4 seven segment displays are mounted on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). These displays are then connected to other electronic components.

The LED segment which is used to display the decimal point is a basic semiconductor light emitting diode (LED). These four seven-segment displays and the LED segment are arranged in a specific pattern to display each digit of a decimal number. A typical 4-digit decimal display is shown in the figure below.

Multiple Digit Decimal Display (4 Digits)

Operation of 4-Digit Decimal Display

The 4-digit decimal display is operated with the help of a BCD to seven-segment decoder driver IC (for example IC 7447). This decoder IC is used to decode the BCD code representation of the number and to drive the appropriate LED segment of 7-segment displays to show the corresponding decimal digit, and hence the decimal number.

In order to drive the 4-digit decimal display, the multiplexing technique is used. With the help of multiplexing, each seven segment display module is turned ON and OFF in a sequence so that each module can display a different digit of the decimal number. Also, multiplexing allows a single decoder driver IC to operate all the four seven segments display modules of the 4-digit display.

Applications of Multiple Digit Decimal Display (4-Digit)

Some common applications of multiple digit decimal display (4-digit decimal display) are listed below −

  • Multiple digit decimal displays are used in digital clocks and calculators.

  • They are also used in digital counters and timers.

  • Multiple digit decimal displays are used in digital multimeters to display measured quantities.

  • Multiple digit decimal displays are used in thermometers to display temperature.

  • Multiple digit decimal displays are also used in scoreboards to display game scores like runs in cricket, etc.


In conclusion, multiple digit decimal displays are very common and versatile display devices used in several electronic systems to represent information in the form of decimal numbers.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023


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