Multilevel Association Rule in data mining

In this article, we will discuss concepts of Multilevel Association Rule mining and its algorithms, applications, and challenges.

Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from large data sets. One of the fundamental techniques in data mining is association rule mining. To identify relationships between items in a dataset, Association rule mining is used. These relationships can then be used to make predictions about future occurrences of those items.

Multilevel Association Rule mining is an extension of Association Rule mining. Multilevel Association Rule mining is a powerful tool that can be used to discover patterns and trends.

Association Rule in data mining

Association rule mining is used to discover relationships between items in a dataset. An association rule is a statement of the form "If A, then B," where A and B are sets of items. The strength of an association rule is measured using two measures: support and confidence. Support measures the frequency of the occurrence of the items in the rule, and confidence measures the reliability of the rule.

Apriori algorithm is a popular algorithm for mining association rules. It is an iterative algorithm that works by generating candidate itemsets and pruning those that do not meet the support and confidence thresholds.

Multilevel Association Rule in data mining

Multilevel Association Rule mining is a technique that extends Association Rule mining to discover relationships between items at different levels of granularity. Multilevel Association Rule mining can be classified into two types: multi-dimensional Association Rule and multi-level Association Rule.

Multi-dimensional Association Rule mining

This is used to find relationships between items in different dimensions of a dataset. For example, in a sales dataset, multi-dimensional Association Rule mining can be used to find relationships between products, regions, and time.

Multi-level Association Rule mining

This is used to find relationships between items at different levels of granularity. For example, in a retail dataset, multi-level Association Rule mining can be used to find relationships between individual items and categories of items.

Needs of Multidimensional Rule

Multidimensional rule mining is important because data at lower levels may not exhibit any meaningful patterns, yet it can contain valuable insights. The goal is to find such hidden information within and across levels of abstraction.

Algorithms for Multilevel Association Rule Mining

There are several algorithms for Multilevel Association Rule mining, including partition-based, agglomerative, and hybrid approaches.

Partition-based algorithms divide the data into partitions based on some criteria, such as the level of granularity, and then mine Association Rules within each partition. Agglomerative algorithms start with the smallest itemsets and then gradually merge them into larger itemsets, until a set of rules is obtained. Hybrid algorithms combine the strengths of partition-based and agglomerative approaches.

Approaches to Multilevel Association rule mining

Multilevel Association Rule mining has different approaches to finding relationships between items at different levels of granularity. There are three approaches: Uniform Support, Reduced Support, and Group-based Support. These are explained as follows below in brief.

Uniform Support (using uniform minimum support for all levels)

where only one minimum support threshold is used for all levels. This approach is simple but may miss meaningful associations at low levels.

Reduced Support (using reduced minimum support at lower levels)

where the minimum support threshold is lowered at lower levels to avoid missing important associations. This approach uses different search techniques, such as Level-by-Level independence and Level-cross separating by single item or K-itemset.

Group-based Support (using item or group based support)

where the user or expert sets the support and confidence threshold based on a specific group or product category.

For example, if an expert wants to study the purchase patterns of laptops and clothes in the non-electronic category, a low support threshold can be set for this group to give attention to these items' purchase patterns.

Applications of Multilevel Association Rule in data mining

These are some application as follows

Retail Sales Analysis

Multilevel Association Rule mining helps retailers gain insights into customer buying behavior and preferences, optimize product placement and pricing, and improve supply chain management.

Healthcare Management

Multilevel Association Rule mining helps healthcare providers identify patterns in patient behavior, diagnose diseases, identify high-risk patients, and optimize treatment plans.

Fraud Detection

Multilevel Association Rule mining helps companies identify fraudulent patterns, detect anomalies, and prevent fraud in various industries such as finance, insurance, and telecommunications.

Web Usage Mining

Multilevel Association Rule mining helps web-based companies gain insights into user preferences, optimize website design and layout, and personalize content for individual users by analyzing data at different levels of abstraction.

Social Network Analysis

Multilevel Association Rule mining helps social network providers identify influential users, detect communities, and optimize network structure and design by analyzing social network data at different levels of abstraction.

Challenges in Multilevel Association Rule Mining

Multilevel Association Rule mining poses several challenges, including high dimensionality, large data set size, and scalability issues.

High dimensionality

It is the problem of dealing with data sets that have a large number of attributes.

Large data set size

It is the problem of dealing with data sets that have a large number of records.


It is the problem of dealing with data sets that are too large to fit into memory.


Multilevel Association Rule mining is a powerful technique that can be used to identify relationships between items at different levels of granularity. It is an extension of Association Rule mining that can discover patterns and trends that would otherwise be missed. Multilevel Association Rule mining has several applications, including market basket analysis, medical data analysis, and web usage mining.

However, Multilevel Association Rule mining also poses several challenges, including high dimensionality, large data set size, and scalability issues. Future research directions in Multilevel Association Rule mining include developing more efficient algorithms and addressing these challenges.

In conclusion, Multilevel Association Rule mining is a powerful technique that can be used to discover relationships between items at different levels of granularity. It has several applications in various fields, but it also poses several challenges. As data sets continue to grow in size and complexity, Multilevel Association Rule mining will become an increasingly important tool for discovering hidden patterns in large data sets.

Updated on: 18-May-2023

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