MSE as an evaluation metric for Regression Models


One of the most common evaluation metrics for regression models is the mean squared error (MSE). It is a proportion of the typical squared distinction between the anticipated and real qualities in a dataset. When errors are expected to be symmetric and have a Gaussian distribution, MSE is particularly useful for assessing a regression model's performance.

This article will discuss the MSE concept, how it is calculated, its advantages and disadvantages, and how it can be used to evaluate regression models' performance.

Understanding Mean Squared Error (MSE)

The average squared difference between a dataset's predicted and actual values is referred to as MSE. For each data point in the dataset, the average of the squared differences between the predicted and actual values is used to calculate it.

The MSE is defined mathematically as −

MSE = (1/n) * ∑(y - ŷ)^2


MSE − Mean Squared Error

n − The number of observations in the dataset

y − The actual values of the target variable

ŷ − The predicted values of the target variable

The formula can be broken down into several parts −

(y - ŷ)^2 − This is the squared difference between the actual value and the predicted value for a given observation.

∑(y - ŷ)^2 − This is the sum of the squared differences across all observations in the dataset.

(1/n) − This is the scaling factor that divides the dataset's total number of observations by the sum of squared differences. It displays the squared differences' average value.

The following steps must be taken in order to calculate the MSE −

Part the dataset into preparing and testing sets.

Fit a relapse model on the preparation set.

On the testing set, use the regression model to make predictions.

Determine the difference between each observation in the testing set's actual and predicted values.

Round the differences that were determined in step 4

Total the squared contrasts determined in sync 5.

Divide the number of observations in the testing set by the sum of the squared differences.

The MSE value can be anywhere from 0 to infinity, and it is not a negative number. A value of 0 indicates perfect predictions, while a value of higher indicates the model's poor performance.

Advantages of using MSE as an evaluation metric

  • Simple to comprehend − MSE is a straightforward and straightforward metric. It measures the intuitive and straightforward average squared difference between the predicted and actual values.

  • Helpful for symmetric mistakes − When the errors are expected to be symmetric and have a Gaussian distribution, MSE is especially useful. In such circumstances, the mean and fluctuation of the blunders can be assessed, which makes it more straightforward to break down and analyze the exhibition of various models.

  • Commonly used − MSE is a popular regression model evaluation metric. It is used extensively in engineering, finance, and economics, among other fields.

  • Sensitive to significant flaws − large errors can be problematic for MSE. Large errors have a greater impact because the squared differences between the predicted and actual values are larger. Because of this, it is useful for locating data points or outliers that significantly affect the model's performance.

Limitations of using MSE as an evaluation metric

  • Can be affected by anomalies − Outliers can have an impact on MSE, which is sensitive to large errors. Outliers are data points that stand out from the rest of the data in a big way. If the dataset contains anomalies, the MSE may not precisely mirror the model's exhibition.

  • Disregards the indication of blunders − MSE does not consider errors' signs. As such, it treats positive and negative mistakes similarly. Be that as it may, in certain circumstances, the indication of mistakes might be significant. In financial forecasting, for instance, it may be more critical to accurately forecast negative returns than positive returns.

  • May not be suitable for models that are not linear − The errors are assumed to be symmetric and to have a Gaussian distribution by MSE. However, these characteristics may not apply to all errors. In non-linear models, for instance, the MSE may not be an appropriate evaluation metric because the errors may not be symmetric.

How to use MSE to evaluate the performance of regression models?

Different regression models' performance can be evaluated with MSE. The lower the MSE, the better the exhibition of the model. It is essential to use the same evaluation metric and the same dataset when comparing the performance of various models. Utilizing MSE to evaluate a regression model's performance involves the following steps −

  • Divide the dataset − Splitting the dataset into training and testing sets is the first step. The model is fitted with the training set, and its performance is evaluated with the testing set.

  • Install the model − Fitting the regression model with the training set is the next step. The model ought to be chosen in view of the issue being tackled, and the information accessible.

  • Make forecasts − Subsequent to fitting the model, it is vital to make forecasts on the testing set. The model's performance can be evaluated by comparing predicted values to actual values.

  • Determine the MSE − The last step is to compute the MSE. The average of the squared differences between the predicted and actual values can be used to accomplish this. The model performs better when the MSE is lower.

  • Continue with other models − Steps 2-4 should be repeated for each model if you are comparing their performance. You will be able to compare their MSE performance as a result of this.


In conclusion, regression models' evaluation metric of choice is the Mean Squared Error (MSE). In a dataset, it measures the average squared difference between predicted and actual values. To improve the regression model's performance, the objective is to reduce the MSE.

Divide the dataset into training and testing sets, fit the model, make predictions on the testing set, calculate the MSE, and repeat for other regression models in order to use the MSE to evaluate a model's performance. By doing this, you can compare how well different MSE models work.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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