Monitoring context switches in Linux

Context switching is an essential aspect of modern operating systems that enables them to efficiently manage resources available to them. Context switching is process of switching from one process to another in a multi-tasking environment. operating system does this by saving state of current process and loading state of next process. Monitoring context switches in Linux is a crucial task for system administrators, developers, and users who want to optimize performance of their systems. In this article, we will explore how to monitor context switches in Linux and why it is essential to do so.

Understanding Context Switching in Linux

Context switching is an essential aspect of modern operating systems that enables them to efficiently manage resources available to them. In a multi-tasking environment, operating system switches between multiple processes to give illusion of multiple tasks running simultaneously. Context switching involves saving state of current process and restoring state of next process. This process is usually handled by kernel, which is responsible for managing system resources.

Context switching occurs frequently in a multi-tasking environment, and it can have a significant impact on system performance. more context switches that occur, more time kernel spends managing them, and less time it has to spend on other tasks. This can lead to reduced system performance and increased system latency.

Monitoring Context Switches in Linux

Monitoring context switches in Linux is a crucial task for system administrators, developers, and users who want to optimize performance of their systems. There are several tools available in Linux that can be used to monitor context switches. most commonly used tools are −

  • top

  • vmstat

  • perf

  • sar

  • top


Top is a popular utility that is used to monitor system resources in real-time. It can be used to monitor number of context switches that occur on a system. To monitor context switches using top, type following command −

top -d 1 -b | grep -i context

This command will display number of context switches that occur every second. output will look like following −

Cswch/s: 0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00

The first column represents number of context switches that occur per second on system.


Vmstat is another utility that can be used to monitor system resources. It provides a variety of statistics about system performance, including number of context switches that occur on system. To monitor context switches using vmstat, type following command −

vmstat 1

This command will display a variety of statistics about system performance, including number of context switches that occur every second. output will look like following −

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  0      0 164364  28724 643836    0    0     0     2   10    0  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 164364  28724 643836    0    0     0     0 1249  462  0  0 100  0  0
 0  0      0 164364  28724 643836    0    0     0     0 1263  474  0  0 100  0  0

The second row in output shows number of context switches that occurred during previous second. cs column in output represents number of context switches.


Perf is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor system performance. It can be used to monitor context switches in Linux. To monitor context switches using perf, type following command −

perf stat -e cs sleep 1

This command will display number of context switches that occur during sleep command. output will look like following −

Performance counter stats for 'sleep 1':

           7,191      cs

The output shows number of context switches that occurred during sleep 1 command.


Sar is another utility that can be used to monitor system performance. It provides a variety of statistics about system performance, including number of context switches that occur on system. To monitor context switches using sar, type following command −

sar -w 1

This command will display a variety of statistics about system performance, including number of context switches that occur every second. output will look like following −

Linux 5.4.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	02/16/23 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

09:54:52 PM     ctxt/s
09:54:53 PM     19.00
09:54:54 PM     16.00
09:54:55 PM     16.00

The ctxt/s column in output represents number of context switches per second.

Why Monitor Context Switches?

Monitoring context switches is an essential task for system administrators, developers, and users who want to optimize performance of their systems. By monitoring context switches, you can identify potential performance issues and take steps to address them. Here are some of benefits of monitoring context switches −

  • Identifying performance issues − By monitoring context switches, you can identify potential performance issues on your system. If you notice that there are too many context switches occurring on your system, it may be an indication that there is a bottleneck or other performance issue that needs to be addressed.

  • Improving system performance − By identifying performance issues, you can take steps to improve system performance. For example, you may be able to optimize your system configuration, adjust resource allocations, or identify and fix software bugs that are causing performance issues.

  • Increasing system stability − High numbers of context switches can sometimes lead to system instability. By monitoring context switches, you can identify potential stability issues before they become major problems.


Context switching is an essential aspect of modern operating systems, and monitoring context switches is a crucial task for system administrators, developers, and users who want to optimize performance of their systems. In this article, we explored how to monitor context switches in Linux using various tools and commands, including top, vmstat, perf, and sar. By monitoring context switches, you can identify potential performance issues, improve system performance, and increase system stability.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023

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