MongoDB findOneAndUpdate() to update a single document

The findOneAndUpdate() is used to update only a single document in MongoDB. Let us create a collection with documents −

   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5e55384af8647eb59e5620b4")
> db.demo349.insertOne({"Name":"David","Marks":78});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5e553853f8647eb59e5620b5")
> db.demo349.insertOne({"Name":"Chris","Marks":89});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5e55385af8647eb59e5620b6")
> db.demo349.insertOne({"Name":"David","Marks":54});
   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("5e55385ff8647eb59e5620b7")

Display all documents from a collection with the help of find() method −

> db.demo349.find();

This will produce the following output −

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55384af8647eb59e5620b4"), "Name" : "Chris", "Marks" : 56 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e553853f8647eb59e5620b5"), "Name" : "David", "Marks" : 78 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55385af8647eb59e5620b6"), "Name" : "Chris", "Marks" : 89 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55385ff8647eb59e5620b7"), "Name" : "David", "Marks" : 54 }

Following is the query to work with findOneAndUpdate in MongoDB −

> db.demo349.findOneAndUpdate({ "Name" : "David" },{$inc:{Marks:10}});
   "_id" : ObjectId("5e553853f8647eb59e5620b5"),
   "Name" : "David",
   "Marks" : 78

Display all documents from a collection with the help of find() method −

> db.demo349.find();

This will produce the following output −

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55384af8647eb59e5620b4"), "Name" : "Chris", "Marks" : 56 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e553853f8647eb59e5620b5"), "Name" : "David", "Marks" : 88 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55385af8647eb59e5620b6"), "Name" : "Chris", "Marks" : 89 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e55385ff8647eb59e5620b7"), "Name" : "David", "Marks" : 54 }

Updated on: 02-Apr-2020


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