MOET Technology - Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology


Multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is conventional and one of the most common reproductive technologies to increase cattle breeding. In multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology, multiple fertilized eggs are removed from the female donor and placed into the surrogate recipient. Generally, this technique is used in farm animals like cattle, sheep, buffalo, pigs, and goats.

MOET technology is widely used in cattle breeding. In this process, hormone-like follicle-stimulating hormones are given to female cattle so that multiple ovulation takes place. The donor female cattle are artificially inseminated as a result of this multiple eggs are fertilized in the reproductive tract of female cattle. After a period of seven days, the fertilized eggs are collected without surgery and frozen, and transferred to the recipient. In this process, more than one genetically advanced offspring can be produced.

MOET Procedure

The procedure of multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is listed below −


  • Heats should be synchronized both in recipient and donor cows.

  • The donor cow is injected with follicle-stimulating hormone twice a day for a period of four days.

  • Prostaglandin is injected into the recipient cows.

  • Generally, injections are given to the muscles.

  • The cattle should be fed with nutrients filled food before and after calving.

  • The female cows should complete their periodic cycle.

  • Proper hygiene and cleanliness should be maintained in both donor and recipient cows.

  • A routine check-up should be done.

  • There should be sufficient time intervals after calving. At least 6 weeks’ time gap should be present before the start of MOET program.

Heat Detection

  • It is very important to measure the heat accurately while the cows are artificially inseminated.

Collection of Embryo

  • On embryo collection day both donor and recipient cows should be put down in a safe and covered area.

  • To relax the bowel of the donor cow, an injection of epidural is given to the same.

  • The donor cow's back part is properly cleaned and sterilized to get rid of any infection.

  • The veterinarian inserts his hand (with gloves on) into the rectum of the donor cow and places a catheter inside one horn of the uterus.

  • Then the fluid flows into the uterine horn.

  • When the uterine horn is filled with fluid it flows back to the catheter and embryos are caught in a very fine filter.

  • The process is repeated several times after that the catheter is placed in another horn of the uterus and the same procedure is repeated.

  • The donor cow is injected with prostaglandin injection 3 days after to get her cycle and eliminates any embryo that may be left behind.


  • Under the microscope, the filter is examined to detect the presence of embryos.

  • The embryos are washed, counted, and graded.

  • The embryos are either frozen and put into liquid nitrogen at -190$\mathrm{^{\circ}}$ for preservation that can be used later or transferred to the recipient.

  • To transfer the embryos into recipient cows the embryos are loaded into the transfer gun.

Transfer of Embryo

  • Epidural is injected into the recipient cows and washed.

  • The ovaries are noticed to examine their cycle.

  • Next with the help of a transfer gun, the embryo is deposited into the uterus.

Drugs Used

In multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology, follicle-stimulating hormones are given to female donor cattle so that multiple ovulation takes place. Apart from follicle stimulating hormone progesterone (CIDRs), prostaglandin (estroplan or estrumate injection), PMSG (pregnecol) and GnRH (receptal) are used in cattle breeding programme.


The benefits of MOET technology are listed below −

  • It is a non-surgical procedure.

  • Using MOET technology farm animals, especially cattle breeding rate increases.

  • It is an easy conventional method that can be done on a farm.

  • For future use, the embryos are frozen and then put into liquid nitrogen for preservation.


The main goal of multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is to increase the fertility rate of farm animals. This technique can be done in a short span of time at a low cost.

Recent Advancement

In recent years, in vitro fertilization of embryos and MOET technology in cattle have marked a significant development. The combination of genomic selection, semen, and in vitro fertilization is proven to be successful and widely used in Europe, and South and North America. Using this technology, the reproduction rate of the animals can be increased with less time producing high genomic calves.


Multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is conventional and one of the most common reproductive technologies to increase cattle breeding. The donor female cattle are artificially inseminated. After a period of seven days, the fertilized eggs are collected without surgery and, frozen and transferred to the recipient. In this process, more than one genetically advanced offspring can be produced. The main goal of multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is to increase the fertility rate of farm animals. This technique can be done in a short span of time at a low cost. Multiple ovulation embryo transfer technology is widely used in Europe, South and North America.


Q1. What is a follicle-stimulating hormone?

Ans. Follicle-stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. The pituitary is small in size and located just below the brain. The main function of the FSH is the control of the female cycle and also stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs.

Q2. What do you understand by embryology?

Ans. The Branch of Biology that deals with the study of the growth and development of an embryo is known as Embryology. It covers the field of study that researches cellular, molecular as well as structural factors that help in the development of a species. Animal embryology deal with the process of evolution of an animal from fertilized egg to a birth of an offspring.

Q3. What is the main function of progesterone?

Ans. The progesterone hormone is liberated from the ovaries. It helps to conceive and sustain the pregnancy. Progesterone also assists in the monthly cycle of the female.

Q4. What do you understand by GnRH?

Ans. GnRH is a female reproductive hormone secreted by the hypothalamus. It assists in sexual development and the ovulation cycle in females.

Q5. What is an embryo?

Ans. The fusion of the male gamete (sperm) and the female gamete (egg) forms a zygote in sexual reproduction. The fusion of sperm with egg leading to the formation of the zygote is known as fertilization. Further, the zygotes develop to form an embryo.

Q5. What is pregnecol?

Ans. Pregnecol is used for the treatment of cattle. The device that is used in cattle for the release of pregnecol is known as Cue-Mate. Together with follicle-stimulating hormone, the pregnecol enhances the growth and development of follicles as well as the growth of the embryo. Along with these its increases ovulation rate and develop larger follicles in cattle.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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