Minimum prefixes required to be flipped to convert a Binary String to another

In this problem, we need to convert the first binary string to the second binary string by flipping the prefix of the first string. To get the minimum prefix flip, we require to iterate through the end of the string, and if we find mismatched characters in both strings, we need to flip the prefix of the first string.

Problem statement − We have given two different binary strings called first and second. The length of both binary strings is equal, which is N. We need to convert the first string into the second string by flipping the prefixes of the first string. Here, we require to count the total number of prefix flips to convert one string to another. The flip means converting ‘0’ to ‘1’ and ‘1’ to ‘0’.

Sample Examples

Input –  first = "001", second = "000"
Output – 2


  • First, we need to flip the prefix of length 3 for the first string, and the resultant string will be 110.

  • After that, we require to flip the prefix of length 2, and the resultant string will be 000, which is equal to the second string.

Input –  first = "10", second = "01"
Output – 1


We require to flip the prefix of length 2, and the resultant string will be ‘01’, which is equal to the second string.

Input –  first = "11", second = "11"
Output – 0


As both strings are equal, we require zero flips.

Approach 1

In this approach, we iterate through the string from the last, and if we find the mismatched character, we flip all the characters in the prefix of the length ‘I + 1’. This is the naïve approach to solving the problem.


  • Step 1 − Define the ‘cnt’ variable and initialize it with 0.

  • Step 2 − Start traversing the string from the end using the loop.

  • Step 3 − If first[i] and second[i] are not equal, we need to flip all the characters of the prefix whose length is equal to the I + 1.

  • Step 4 − Use the nest for loop to iterate through the prefix of length equal to I + 1, and flip each character of it by executing the flipBits() function.

  • Step 4.1 − We return ‘0’ if the current character is ‘1’ and ‘1’ if the current character is ‘0’ in the flipBits() function.

  • Step 5 − Increase the value of the ‘cnt’ variable by 1 when we flip the prefix.

  • Step 6 − Return the value of the ‘cnt’ variable.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
char flipBits(char ch){
   // if the bit is '0', flip it to '1', else flip it to '0'.
   return (ch == '0') ? '1' : '0';
int minimumFlips(string first, string second, int n){
   // to store the count of flips
   int cnt = 0;
   // Traverse the string
   for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){
      // If first[i] is not equal to second[i]
      if (first[i] != second[i]){
         // flip the bits
         for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++){
            first[j] = flipBits(first[j]);
   return cnt;
int main(){
   string first = "001", second = "000";
   int N = first.size();
   cout << "The minimum number of flips of prefixes required to convert the first binary string to the second is - " << minimumFlips(first, second, N);
   return 0;


The minimum number of flips of prefixes required to convert the first binary string to the second is - 2

Approach 2

In this approach, we will use the ‘inverted’ variable to track whether the current bit is flipped or not, rather than flipping each prefix bit every time. We also optimized the time complexity of the code in this approach.


  • Step 1 − Define the ‘cnt’ variable and initialize it with ‘0’. Also, define the ‘inverted’ variable and initialize it with a false value.

  • Step 2 − Start traversing the string from the end. If the first[i] and second[i] characters are not matching, follow the below steps.

  • Step 2.1 − If the value of the ‘inverted’ is false, increase the value of the ‘cnt’ variable by 1, and change the value of the ‘inverted’ variable to true.

  • Step 3 − If both characters match, and the value of the ‘inverted’ is true, we need to flip the bit again. So, increase the value of ‘cnt’ by 1, and change the value of ‘inverted’ to false.


Let’s debug the above algorithm by taking the example.

Input – first = ‘001’, second = ‘000’
  • In the first step, the first[2] and second[2] mismatch and the value of ‘inverted’ is false. So, the ‘cnt’ value will become 1, and ‘inverted’ will become true. Here, by changing the value of ‘inverted’ to true, we assume that we have virtually flipped the prefix.

  • After that, the first[1] and second[1] match, but the value of the ‘inverted’ is true. So, the ‘cnt’ value will become 2, and the ‘inverted’ is false.

  • Next, the first[0] and second[0] match, and the value of ‘inverted’ is false. So, we don’t need to perform any operation.

  • At last, it returns the ‘cnt’ value, which is 2.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum number of flips of prefixes required to convert the first binary string to the second
int minimumFlips(string first, string second, int N){

   // number of flips
   int cnt = 0;
   // to track whether the current bit is already flipped.
   // When we flip a bit 2 times, it becomes the same as the original bit.
   bool inverted = false;
   // Traverse the given string
   for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--){
      // If A[i] is not equal to B[i]
      if (first[i] != second[i]){
         // If the current bit is not already flipped
         if (!inverted){
            cnt++; // Increase the count of flips
            inverted = true; // Invert all prefix bits
         // If A[i] is equal to B[i], but a current bit is flipped, we need to flip it again
         if (inverted){
            // Increase the count of flips
            // Update inverted to false
            inverted = false;
   return cnt;
int main(){
   string first = "001", second = "000";
   int N = first.size();
   cout << "The minimum number of flips of prefixes required to convert the first binary string to the second is - " << minimumFlips(first, second, N);
   return 0;


The minimum number of flips of prefixes required to convert the first binary string to the second is - 2


We learned two approaches to finding a minimum number of prefix flips to convert one string to another. The logic is to traverse the string from the end and flip the prefix if we find mismatched characters.

We optimize the second code in the time complexity manner as we keep track of flipping prefixes using the ‘inverted’ variable rather than flipping the prefix as in the first approach.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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