Minimum number of subsets with distinct elements using counter

To represent a given set of items in this problem, the smallest number of subgroups must be present and contain unique members in each subset. In this article, the user will learn how to obtain the minimum number of subsets with distinct elements using a counter in Python. Two examples are depicted in this article.

Example one uses a dictionary to manually count the instances of each entry whereas example two uses a counter class to calculate the minimum number of subsets with unique elements. To count the instances of elements in a list, the code makes use of the Counter class from the collections module. The least number of subsets necessary to represent the set of elements with different components is then returned. The implementation makes it possible to process large datasets quickly and accurately.

Let’s start with a few examples −

Counting the Occurrences of Elements by Using a Dictionary

Code Explanation and Design Steps

  • Step 1 − Open Jupyter Notebook in Anaconda prompt and start writing the code in its cell.

  • Step 2 − Function ‘count_distinct_subsets(elements)’, which accepts a list of elements as an input and returns the bare minimum number of subsets necessary, must be defined first.

  • Step 3 − A blank dictionary ‘counter’ that will be used to hold the counts of each element is initialized inside the function.

  • Step 4 − To manually count the appearances of each element in the input list, this dictionary will be needed.

  • Step 5‘for’ loop is used to repeatedly iterate over each entry in the input list.

  • Step 6 − Using ‘get()’ method, we determine for each element whether it is a key in the counter dictionary. The value connected to the specified key is returned by the get() method.

  • Step 7‘get()’ returns 0 if the element is not in the dictionary; otherwise, it returns the current count of that element.

  • Step 8 − This process enables us to update the dictionary and increase the count by 1.

  • Step 9 − We have a dictionary counter that includes the counts of each element in the input list after iterating over all the entries.

  • Step 10 − Using ‘len(counter)’, we determine how many different elements are there by taking the dictionary's length.

  • Step 11 − Dictionary length is a representation of the number of distinct elements because dictionaries can only contain unique keys.

  • Step 12 − As the function's final output, it returns the total number of distinct elements.

Example 1

Code for counting the occurrence of elements by using a dictionary −

def count_distinct_subsets(elements):
# Count the occurrences of each element in the input list
   counter = {}
   for element in elements:
      counter[element] = counter.get(element, 0) + 1
# Count the distinct elements
   distinct_elements = len(counter)

# Return the number of distinct elements
   return distinct_elements

elements = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
distinct_subsets = count_distinct_subsets(elements)
print(f"The minimum number of subsets required is: {distinct_subsets}")    


The minimum number of subsets required is: 4

Viewing The Result

The function ‘count_distinct_subsets(elements)’ in the code, calculate how many distinct subsets are necessary to represent a given set of elements. The code does away with the ‘Counter’ class by manually counting the instances of each element using a dictionary. The function increases the count of each dictionary element as it loops through the input list. The number of different elements is then determined using the dictionary's length. The algorithm provides a versatile and effective method for handling huge datasets and can be applied in a variety of situations where unique subsets are required. It enables users to precisely calculate the bare minimum of subsets necessary to represent a set of elements without any repeated elements.

Using the Counter Class in Python

To represent a given set of items in this problem, the lowest number of subsets that are needed must have unique members in each subset. We will make use of Python's ‘Counter’ class, a useful data structure for keeping track of the number of times each element appears in an iterable.

Code Explanation and Design Steps −

  • Step 1 − Open Jupyter Notebook in Anaconda prompt and start writing the code in its cell.

  • Step 2 − ‘Counter’ class is first imported from the collections module.

  • Step 3 − Function ‘count_distinct_subsets(elements)’ takes a list of elements as input and returns the bare minimum number of subsets needed to represent the provided set of elements such that each subset contains distinct components.

  • Step 4 − Using the items list as a parameter, we build a Counter object ‘counter’ inside the function. Each occurrence of each element in the list is counted by this ‘counter’ object.

  • Step 5 − Using ‘len(counter)’, we determine how many different elements are thereby measuring the length of the counter object.

  • Step 6 − Lastly, we return the number of unique elements.

Example 2

Code for using the counter class −

from collections import Counter

def count_distinct_subsets(elements):
   # Count the occurrences of each element in the input list
   counter = Counter(elements)

   # Count the distinct elements
   distinct_elements = len(counter)

   # Return the number of distinct elements
   return distinct_elements

elements = [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
distinct_subsets = count_distinct_subsets(elements)
print(f"The minimum number of subsets required is: {distinct_subsets}")


The minimum number of subsets required is: 4


In this article, using two different examples, the ways to show how to get a minimum number of the subsets with distinct elements using a counter. These implementations of both algorithms make them possible to process huge datasets fast and accurately.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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