Minimum Number of Edges that Need to be Added to form a Triangle

To determine the least number of edges required to make a triangle in a chart, we analyse the network between the hubs. In cases where three hubs are associated specifically or in a roundabout way through edges, a triangle can be shaped. The minimum number of edges required is equal to the number of lost edges within the existing connections between the three hubs. By looking at the graph and distinguishing the hubs that are not associated, we can count the number of extra edges required to make a triangle. This approach makes a difference because it requires the fewest adjustments to make a triangular relationship among hubs within the chart.

Methods Used

  • Graph Traversal approach

Graph Traversal Approach

The graph traversal approach for finding the least number of edges required to create a triangle involves investigating the chart employing a traversal calculation such as depth−first look (DFS) or breadth−first look (BFS). Beginning from each hub within the chart, we navigate its neighboring hubs and check in case there exists a way of length 2 between any match of adjoining hubs. In case such a way is found, we have found a triangle. By rehashing this preparation for all hubs, we will decide the least number of extra edges required to make at least one triangle within the chart. This approach effectively investigates the chart structure to distinguish triangles and minimise the number of included edges.


  • Make a contagiousness list or lattice representation of the graph.

  • Initialise a variable minMissing to store the least number of lost edges.

  • Iterate over each hub within the graph:

  • Begin a chart traversal from the current hub utilising depth−first look (DFS) or breadth−first look (BFS).

  • For each neighbouring hub j of the current hub, navigate its neighbours k and check on the off chance that there's an edge between j and k.

  • In the case where there's no edge between j and k, calculate the number of lost edges to create a triangle by subtracting the number of existing edges from 3.

  • Upgrade minMissing with the least of the current lost edges and minMissing.

  • After repeating over all hubs, the value of minMissing will speak to the least number of edges required to create a triangle.

  • Return the esteem of minMissing.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>

int minimumMissingEdges(std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph) {
    int minMissing = 3; // Variable to store the least number of lost edges

    // Iterate over each hub in the graph
    for (int hub = 0; hub < graph.size(); ++hub) {
        std::vector<bool> visited(graph.size(), false); // Mark nodes as unvisited
        int lostEdges = 0; // Number of lost edges to form a triangle

        // Begin chart traversal from the current hub utilizing Breadth-First Search (BFS)
        std::queue<int> q;
        visited[hub] = true;

        while (!q.empty()) {
            int currentHub = q.front();

            // Check neighbors of the current hub
            for (int neighbor : graph[currentHub]) {
                // Check if there's an edge between the current hub and its neighbor
                if (!visited[neighbor]) {
                    visited[neighbor] = true;
                    // If there's no edge between the current hub and its neighbor, increment lostEdges
                    if (!graph[currentHub][neighbor]) {

        // Update minMissing with the least of the current lost edges and minMissing
        minMissing = std::min(minMissing, lostEdges);

    return minMissing;

int main() {
    // Example usage
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph = {
        {0, 1, 1, 0},
        {1, 0, 0, 1},
        {1, 0, 0, 1},
        {0, 1, 1, 0}

    int minMissingEdges = minimumMissingEdges(graph);
    std::cout << "Minimum number of edges to form a triangle: " << minMissingEdges << std::endl;

    return 0;


Minimum number of edges to form a triangle: 0


This article centres on finding the least number of edges required to create a triangle in a given chart. It presents the chart traversal approach as a strategy to determine the slightest number of extra edges required to make the slightest triangle within the chart. The approach includes navigating the chart employing a traversal algorithm such as depth−first look (DFS) or breadth−first look (BFS).

Beginning from each hub within the chart, the neighbouring hubs are investigated, and it is checked whether there exists a way of length 2 between any match of adjoining hubs. In the event that such a way is found, a triangle is formed. By rehashing this handle for all hubs, the calculation determines the least number of additional edges required to make a triangle. The article gives a detailed calculation and code case in C for actualizing the chart traversal approach. Understanding and applying this approach empowers proficient assurance of the desired edges to make triangles in different chart structures.

Updated on: 14-Jul-2023


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