Minimum flips required to generate continuous substrings of 0’s and 1’s

Continuous character sequences known as substrings of 0s and 1s can be created by selecting zero or more characters from the original string in any order without skipping any of them.

Take for instance the string "0101." The sub strings that are followed up this text are: 0," "1," "01," "10," "010," "101," and "0101."

The unfilled string is likewise a substring of all strings since it very well might be made by picking precisely 0 characters from the beginning string.

As a result, in this instance "" is also a substring of "0101".


  • Using Dynamic Programming

  • Using Greedy Programming

Method 1: Using Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is an effective way to identify the smallest number of flips necessary to produce continuous substrings of 0s and 1s. The problem is divided into smaller subproblems using the dynamic programming approach, and a solution is built up from the bottom up.

We must establish the bare minimum of flips required to get such substrings.


min (k5):
   l8 [0][0] = 0 
   if k5 [0] == '0'
   else 1
   l8 [0][1] = 0 
   if k5 [0] == '1'
   else 1

      l8[i][0] = l8[i-1][1] + (0 if k5[i] == '0' else 1)
      l8[i][1] = l8[i-1][0] + (0 if k5[i] == '1' else 1)

   // Returning the minimum required
   return minimum among(l8[n-1][0], l8[n-1][1])


A calculation for figuring out the quantity of flips expected to create consistent substrings of 0s and 1s in every paired string −

Step 1  −   Initialize two variables, flip zero and flip one to 0.

Step 2  − It is often suggested a good idea to be carefully read each character in the string to make sure the repetition.

  • If a current character does not match the previous character, see if it is a '0' or a '1'.

  • Increment flip zero by 1 if the current character is '0'.

  • Increase flip one by 1 if the current character is '1'.

Step 3  −  Return the minimum of flip_zero and flip_one.

This algorithm calculates the number of flips required to change the string's 0s and 1s. Depending on value of current character, flip_zero or flip_one is increased each time new character is encountered. The minimum of flips zero and one is the final response.

Example 1

The minFlips function in this implementation iterates over a string s, counting the instances in which neighbouring characters are different. This number reflects how frequently a flip is necessary to produce continuous substrings of 0s and 1s. The number of times that no flip is necessary is represented by the minimum of this count and the quantity of consecutive substrings of 0s or 1s that contain same character as an adjacent character.

We call minFlips in sample main method with string "0011100" and print the outcome, which is 1. The continuous substrings of 0s and 1s i input string can be generated by just one flip, according to this.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

int minFlips (std::string s) {
   int n = s.size();
   int count = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
      if (s[i]!= s[i+1]) {
   return std::min(count, n - count - 1);
int main () {
   std::string s = "0011100";
   std::cout << "Minimum flips required: " << minFlips(s) << std::endl;
   return 0;


Minimum flips required: 2

Using Greedy Programming

In order to obtain an overall optimal solution, the greedy programming method requires making locally optimal decisions at each phase. Finding the smallest number of flips necessary to produce continuous substrings of 0s and 1s is one application of this technology.

Typically, the issue statement refers to a binary string with alternating substrings of 0s and 1s. The goal is to ascertain the smallest number of flips required to change the string into a pattern in which all the 0s or all the 1s appear before the other way around.


To find the minimum number of flips required to generate continuous substrings of 0's and 1's in each string, we can follow the following algorithm −

  • Step 1 − We need to set up two variables that will hold initial values of 0. The first variable, c1 represents the number of flips required in order to generate the sequence 010101. On the other hand the second variable c2 denotes the number of flips we need to perform to create the sequence 101010.

  • Step 2 − Go through the string and for each character, check if it matches the expected character according to the current pattern. If not, increment the corresponding c variable.

  • Step 3 − After checking the current character, flip the expected character according to the current pattern. For example, if the current pattern is 010101... and the current character is 1, then the next expected character would be 0.

  • Step 4 − Switch the pattern if the number of flips required to generate the opposite pattern is less than the current pattern.

  • Step 5 − Return the minimum of c1 and c2.

  • Step 6 − This algorithm takes n, the length of the input string, and has an O(n) time complexity.

Example 2

In this illustration, the min Flips function takes a binary string s as input and outputs the smallest number of flips necessary to produce a string of alternating 0s and 1s. The function generates two possible alternating strings, one beginning with 0 and the other with 1, by counting the number of flips necessary to produce each string. Then, the function returns the lower of these two numbers.

In the main function, we call min Flips with the binary string "0101010101" and print the result to the console. The output should be "Minimum flips required: 0", since the input string is already string of alternating 0's and 1's. The result ought to say "Least flips required: 0" in light of the fact that the info string is now a line of rotating 0s and 1s.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int minFlips(string s) {
   int n = s.length();
   int flips1 = 0, flips2 = 0;

   // Count flips required to generate string of alternating 0's and 1's
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (i % 2 == 0 && s[i] != '0') {
      } else if (i % 2 == 1 && s[i] != '1') {
      if (i % 2 == 0 && s[i] != '1') {
      } else if (i % 2 == 1 && s[i] != '0') {

   // Return the minimum number of flips required
   return min(flips1, flips2);
int main() {
   string s = "0101010101";
   int flips = minFlips(s);
   cout << "Minimum flips required: " << flips << endl;
   return 0;


Minimum flips required: 0


The solution to challenge of determining minimum number of flips necessary to produce continuous substrings of 0s and 1s depends on the restrictions and requirements of the problem. The negligible number of flips important to do this relies upon the string and how "nonstop" substrings are characterized. There are typically multiple approaches that can be taken when tackling problems. For instance, dynamic programming and avaricious calculations are both possible answers for a similar issue.

Specifically, if you need to find the best solution to a problem, dynamic programming might be your best option.With this technique, you can create a database filled with information on how many flips are needed to construct viable substrings up until a specified point. While this method certainly has its benefits, its drawbacks of various solutions is crucial if we want to discover the optimal solution to this problem.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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