Minimum addition/removal of characters to be done to make frequency of each character prime

Optimising character frequency for primality is a challenging task in computer science that entails identifying the smallest number of character additions or removals required to make the frequency of each character in each string a prime integer. Cryptography, data reduction, and natural language processing are just a few of the applications for this issue. The frequency of characters in a string can be optimised for primality in this tutorial using a C++ method. We will start by involving further into the problem description and then propose an efficient solution.


  • Dynamic programming Approach

  • minOperations function Method

Method 1: Dynamic programming Approach

To solve problem of optimising character frequency for primality, we must determine shortest number of character additions or removals required to make frequency of each character in the supplied string a prime integer.

One approach to this issue −

  • Find out how often each character appears in provided string.

  • Find whether frequency of each character is prime. If number is not prime, find the closest prime number that is greater than or equal to current frequency. If current character frequency is already prime number, keep going after it.

  • Estimate how many adjustments each character would require reaching position of premier. This can be done by deducting original frequency from closest prime number (or the opposite, depending on whether the original frequency was higher or lower than the nearest prime).

  • Add together all the character additions and removals to get the outcome.


In order to determine how many characters must be added or deleted from a given string in order for the frequency of each character to be a prime number, below is an example of C++ syntax without any actual code −

Step 1 − Calculate the frequency of each string character.

// Function to determine the minimum number of character additions/removals
// required to make the frequency of each character in a string a prime number
int optimizeCharacterFrequency(string s) {
   map<char, int> freq;
   for (char c : s) {

Step 2 − Determine the bare minimum of additions/removals needed.

// to make each frequency a prime number
int minAdditionsOrRemovals = 0;
for (auto [c, f] : freq) {
   // Check if the frequency is already a prime number
   if (isPrime(f)) {

   // Find the nearest prime number to the frequency
   int nearestPrime = findNearestPrime(f);

   // Determine the number of additions or removals required
   minAdditionsOrRemovals += abs(f - nearestPrime);

Step 3 − Return the bare minimum of additions/removals needed.

   return minAdditionsOrRemovals;

Please keep in mind that this is only an example syntax and is not a comprehensive or workable solution. Actual implementation would necessitate defining the isPrime and findNearestPrime methods, as well as handling edge circumstances appropriately.


An algorithm for finding the smallest number of additions or deletions required to make the frequency of each character in a given string a prime number −

  • Step 1 − Make a map to keep track of the frequency of each character in the given string.

  • Step 2 − Check whether frequency of each character in map is prime number. If it isn't, find nearest prime number and subtract current frequency from prime number.

  • Step 3 − Add differences found in step 2 for all characters in map to get smallest number of additions or deletions needed to make each character's frequency prime integer.

Example 1

The code provided contains two functions, where the first one named "is prime" determines whether a given input integer is prime or not. The second function called "min change" takes in a string and outputs the minimum number of character additions or removals required to make each character frequency in the string a prime number.

When analyzing the "min change" function, it can be seen that there is a vector called "freq" which keeps track of each character's frequency present in the given input string. The sum of all such i values is the minimum number of changes required.

In the main function, we test the min changes function on a sample input string and print the result to the console.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

bool is_prime(int n) {
   if (n <= 1) {
      return false;
   for (int i = 2; i <= sqrt(n); ++i) {
      if (n % i == 0) {
         return false;
   return true;

int min_changes(string s) {
   vector<int> freq(26, 0);
   for (char c : s) {
      ++freq[c - 'a'];

   int sum = 0;
   for (int f : freq) {
      if (is_prime(f)) {
   int i = 1;
   while (!is_prime(f + i)) {
   sum += i;

   return sum;

int main() {
   string s = "abbcccddddeeeeeffffff";
   cout << "Minimum changes required: " << min_changes(s) << endl;
   return 0;

Output 2

Minimum changes required: 43

Method 2: minOperations function Method

In this example, each character in string s will have the prime frequency by using least number of additions and subtractions possible, as determined by minOperations function. The function calculates frequency of each character in s at the beginning by using an integer vector. Then, by repeatedly going through the frequencies, the least number of additions and subtraction are determined to make each frequency prime. This Prime function is used to determine whether a given number is a prime number. Then, prime number that comes closest to a given frequency is found by repeatedly iterating through all integers bigger than the frequency.

The minOperations function, which check fewest additions and subtractions needed to make each character prime, receives an example string s from main function and uses it to calculate number of operations that must be performed. A console print out of output follows.

Example 2

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

// Function to check if a number is prime
bool isPrime(int n) {
   if (n <= 1)
   return false;
   for (int i = 2; i <= sqrt(n); i++) {
      if (n % i == 0)
      return false;
   return true;

int minOperations(string s) {
   // Calculate the frequency of each character in the string
   vector<int> freq(26, 0);
   for (char c : s)
   freq[c - 'a']++;

   // Find the minimum number of additions and removals required
   int add = 0, remove = 0;
   for (int f : freq) {
      if (isPrime(f))
      if (f < 2) {
      // Find the nearest prime number to f
      int nextPrime = f + 1;
      while (!isPrime(nextPrime))
      add += nextPrime - f;
      remove += f - 2;
   return min(add, remove);

int main() {
   string s = "abbcccdddd";
   cout <<"Minimum number of add/removals are:"<< minOperations(s) << endl;   // Output: 2 (add 'e' twice)
   return 0;

Output 2

Minimum number of add/removals are:2


In conclusion, it is difficult computational task to check how many characters must be added or subtracted from given the string to make frequency of each character prime. Brute force, dynamic programming, and the graph-based algorithms are a few methods that can be utilised to overcome this issue. The amount of input and precise specifications of problem, however, determine most effective approach.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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