Microsoft Office Tools for Collaboration and Sharing

In today's workplaces, collaboration is more critical than ever when it comes to getting work done. However, teams that seek to collaborate more successfully face new hurdles because of the evolving workplace.

And to overcome these difficulties, we have efficient Microsoft office tools to help you collaborate with your team, even while you are working remotely.

Microsoft 365 opens up new methods of working. You may feel secure knowing that you have the resources to help you adjust from wherever you are, whether you're working from home or if there's an emergency while you're abroad. You can quickly join meetings online, share Office files, collaborate on writing in real-time, and be productive from anywhere, whether using a laptop or a mobile device.

What are Microsoft Collaboration Tools?

Microsoft collaboration tools contain several critical software solutions that assist remote teams in efficiently creating, sharing, storing, protecting, communicating, and collaborating with each other.

Office 365 collaboration solutions foster healthy workplace connections among employees, allowing them to exchange information more effectively and meet company objectives.

These tools are like orchestra instruments, harmonizing diverse tones while keeping your team in sync.

Microsoft 365 Collaboration Tools to Improve Productivity

There is no doubt that Microsoft 365 is a formidable corporate tool; by the end of 2019, firms worldwide recorded 200 million monthly active users. Its popularity is most likely owing in part to the platform's strength.

However, with hundreds of applications, tools, and features to choose from, it may be hard to know which ones will help you do more.

That is why, in this section, we'll look at which tool is best for your company, team, and goals.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is undoubtedly the best collaboration tool in the Microsoft 365 subscription. If you are busy and unable to meet in person, Microsoft Teams allows you to arrange video conferences, which is one of the next best methods to have face-to-face engagement.

This promotes greater collaboration and aids in the development of relationships. Microsoft Teams also enables your staff or team to exchange documents and data and host presentations, allowing you to collaborate in real-time with the added convenience of video conferencing. Furthermore, it allows your employees to communicate quickly, thus eliminating the backlog of emails and generating a more efficient form of communication while allowing your employees to have that informal office talk that they might have missed otherwise.

These capabilities guarantee that your staff can collaborate and operate effectively from wherever.


A project management tool is essential for ensuring your team's effective collaboration. It ensures that your staff has a central location from which to operate while simplifying their job. Microsoft Project makes it simple for your team to collaborate. Your staff can collaborate effectively with a user-friendly interface and clear projects created with templates and other clever solutions.

Microsoft Whiteboard

Microsoft Whiteboard is one of those Microsoft collaboration products that you didn't realize you needed until now. Improve your team meetings by incorporating Microsoft Whiteboard into your talks and make your team exchange ideas efficiently. Microsoft Whiteboard is a digital canvas that allows for more creative brainstorming and gives every member of your team a voice.


You may believe that OneDrive is just a cloud storage program with no collaborative features.

But OneDrive, on the other hand, allows your team to access their files from any device and anywhere, making it an essential Microsoft collaboration tool. Without it, your staff would be unable to access the essential data to complete their tasks, and securely sharing documents would be more difficult.


SharePoint is a Microsoft collaboration platform that enables real-time document editing and sharing. With the rise of remote work, a platform that allows your team to collaborate on the same file or document for a project is critical, and SharePoint can accomplish just that. It will save your workers considerable time and effort when working on deadlines and other duties.

Microsoft To Do

If your staff struggles to remain organized or if staying on top of their task is difficult then Microsoft To-Do is the application for them. Plan out your whole day, week, or month and manage your to-do list online. It is simple to share these lists with your team, and your colleagues will know precisely what are their priorities and agreed goals with the touch of a mouse. Microsoft Outlook offers advanced integration with all your tasks so you can manage them in one place.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is the hub of your team's communication. Microsoft Outlook can manage your whole workday and arrange meetings and catch-ups to ensure that everyone stays on track and collaborates. Microsoft Outlook makes it simple to stay organized and connected with your team.


Skype is a free communication program available to Microsoft account holders. There are multiple ways to use it, including chatting, calling, and making video calls.

However, Skype for Business has many distinct characteristics and may be a valuable addition to any team's collaboration and communication toolbox.

  • Skype allows you to hold two-way and group chats via text, audio, and video calls.

  • While doing a video conference, you can present PowerPoint decks and delegate control to other meeting participants.

  • It can be integrated with other Office apps, so you can start Skype for Business from within Word, PowerPoint, or Excel to work on a current document.

  • Besides broadcasting meetings, with the help of Skype, you can interact with small groups and individuals.

  • Skype can display if contacts are online or in meetings.


Keeping the presentation in a central area allows for faster feedback and maintains your version's structure.

Using one or more of these team communication tools may significantly boost productivity, regardless of what you're working on. And when engaging with others is simple, it is much simpler to establish rapport, resulting in better outcomes for everybody.

Companies should first assess the functionality that comes with each tool and decide if it will help their teams work better together before deploying it. Before introducing a new tool to the full team, test it with a small group and assess its advantages.

Finally, never underestimate the value of training. While many technologies may appear simple, training helps guarantee that your team can fully utilize the capabilities of these communication platforms.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2023


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