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Microsoft Excel in Hindi- हिंदी में सीखें MS Excel A-Z

person icon Abhishek And Pukhraj


Microsoft Excel in Hindi- हिंदी में सीखें MS Excel A-Z

Complete Microsoft Excel in Hindi - Learn MS Excel formulas & function, Excel charts, Excel Shortcuts, Macros in Hindi

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - Hindi

person icon Abhishek And Pukhraj

category icon Excel,Microsoft,Office Productivity

Lectures -37

Resources -3

Duration -5 hours



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Course Description

7 Reasons why you should choose this Excel course

  1. Carefully designed curriculum teaches you only the most commonly used functionalities of Microsoft Excel in a business environment

  2. Concise You can complete this Microsoft Excel course within one weekend

  3. Business-related examples, data analysis, Excel, and case studies solved using Advanced Excel.

  4. You will learn various data analysis techniques using MS Excel

  5. Practice exercises on data analysis in MS Excel (basic & advanced), because Excel requires practice

  6. Downloadable resources comprising important MS Excel techniques and functionalities

  7. Your queries will be responded to by the Instructor himself

Start using Excel to its full potential to become proficient at your Excel tasks today!

Either you're new to Microsoft Excel, or you've played around with Excel for a while but want to get more comfortable with MS Excel's advanced features, or maybe you want to enhance your data analysis skills using Microsoft Excel. Either way, this Excel course will be great for you.

A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this MS Excel course.

Why should you choose this course?

This is a complete and concise tutorial on MS Excel which can be completed within 6 hours. This course will help you learn advanced Excel and various data analysis tools associated with Microsoft excel. We know that your time is important and hence we have created this fast-paced MS Excel course without wasting time on irrelevant Excel operations.

What makes us qualified to teach you?

The course is taught by Abhishek and Pukhraj. Instructors of the course have been teaching Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade. They have in-depth knowledge of advanced MS Excel and various data analysis tools available in the market.

We are also the creators of some of the most popular online courses, with over 150,000 enrollments and thousands of 5-star reviews.

Our Promise

Teaching our students is our job and we are committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content on basic Excel features, or advanced Excel functions or maybe on data analysis tools; practice sheet or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message.

Download Practice files take Quizzes and complete Assignments

With each lecture, there is a practice sheet attached for you to follow. You can also take quizzes to check your understanding of concepts. Each section contains a practice assignment for you to practically implement your learning. Assignments are aimed at enhancing your skillsets on Microsoft Excel at an advanced level and at analyzing data. The solution to the Assignment is also shared so that you can review your performance.

What is covered in this course?

This course covers everything you need to crack advanced MS Excel in the professional workplace.

Below are the contents of this complete and concise course on Microsoft Excel:

  • Introduction - In this video, the structure and contents of the course are discussed.

  • Mathematical Functions - This lecture covers Mathematical formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, RAND, MIN & MAX, SUMPRODUCT.

  • Textual Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Textual formulas such as TRIM, CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, UPPER & LOWER, LENGTH, LEFT, RIGHT & MID

  • Logical Formulas - This lecture covers Logical formulas such as AND & OR, IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF

  • Date-time (Temporal) Formulas - This lecture covers Date-time related functions such as TODAY & NOW, DAY, MONTH & YEAR, DATEDIF & DAYS

  • Lookup Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Lookup formulas such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH

  • Data Tools - This lecture covers Data operating tools such as Data Sorting and Filtering, Data validation, Removing duplicates, Importing Data (Text-to-columns)

  • Formatting data and tables - This Excel lecture covers data formatting options such as coloring, changing font, alignments and table formatting options such as adding borders, having highlighted table headers, banded rows etc.

  • Pivot Tables - This Excel lecture covers Pivot tables end-to-end.

  • Charts - This Excel lecture covers charts such as, Bar/Column chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie & Doughnut charts, Statistical Chart - Histogram, Waterfall, Sparklines

  • Excel Shortcuts - This lecture will introduce you to some important shortcuts and teach you how to find out the shortcut for any particular excel operation.

  • Analytics in Excel - This Excel lecture covers the data analytics options available in Excel, such as Regression, Solving linear programming problem (Minimization or Maximization problems), What-if (Goal Seek and Scenario Manager)

  • Macros - This lecture covers the process of recording a Macro, running a Macro and creating a button to run a Macro.

  • Bonus Lectures - Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and previous versions of Excel, Infographics 1: Cool charts, Infographics 2: Cool charts

  • And so much more! 

    By the end of this course, your confidence in using MS Excel will soar. You will learn how Microsoft Excel can play a pivotal role in data analysis and related field. You'll also have a thorough understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel for study or as a career opportunity.

Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!


Start-Tech Academy


Why learn Microsoft Excel?

1. Microsoft Excel helps solve Business Problems

2. MS Excel has some extremely relevant and important data analysis tools.

3. Advanced MS Excel will give you an edge over other candidates in the competitive environment in schools, colleges or workplaces.

4. Microsoft Excel helps you get stuff done

5. Microsoft Excel will make you better at your job (no matter what that is)

6. Microsoft Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your starting salary

How much time does it take to learn Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is easy but no one can determine the learning time it takes. It totally depends on you. The method we adopted to help you learn Microsoft Excel quickly starts from the basics and takes you to advanced level within hours. You can follow the same, but remember, you can learn nothing without practicing it. Practice is the only way to learn Microsoft Excel quickly.

What are the steps I should follow to learn Microsoft Excel?

1. Start learning from the basics of Microsoft Excel. The first 3 sections of the course cover the basics.

2. Once done with the basics, try your hands on advanced MS Excel. Next 7 sections cover Advanced Excel topics

3. Next section will help you some cool new tricks of Microsoft Excel.

4. Practice your learning on the exercise provided with every lecture.

What is the difference between basic and advanced level of Excel?

At the Basic level of MS Excel a person 

  1. Can build excel formulas using: SUM, IF, AVERAGE, COUNT, ROUND

  2. Is comfortable building excel formulas to manipulate text and dates

  3. Understands and can use the Filter and Sort feature of Microsoft Excel.

  4. Can create basic charts like Line charts, bar charts, and pie chart

At Advanced level of MS Excel a person

  1. Can implement Excel LOOKUP Formulas like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, Index and Match

  2. Can use conditional and logical formulas like IF, SUMIF, COUNTIF, OR, AND etc.

  3. Knows what a Pivot Table is and how to build one.

  4. Knows what an add-in is and how to install one.

  5. Can record a macro and use it later.

  6. Can successfully edit/modify simple recorded macros.

  7. Can create advanced charts like Waterfall charts and overlay chart in Microsoft Excel

  8. Can create solve analytics problems using excel solver charts

Start working proficiently on Microsoft Excel and increase your office productivity.

The Authors of this Microsoft Excel course have several years of corporate experience and hence have curated the course material keeping in mind the requirement of advanced MS Excel in today's corporate world.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone curious to master excel from beginner to Advanced in a short span of time


  • Microsoft Excel सीखने वाले सभी नए विद्यार्थियों के लिए कोर्स - इसमें आप Microsoft Excel, Spreadsheets, Formulas, Excel shortcuts, Macros आदि सीखेंगे ।

  • Excel के सभी ज़रूरी फॉर्मूलो के बारे में सीखोगे ।

  • Excel data tools जैसे - Sorting, Filtering, Data validations और Data importing में कुशल बनेंगे ।

  • Excel के सबसे ज़रूरी और लोकप्रिय Lookup फंक्शन जैसे - Vlookup, Hlookup, Index और Match फंक्शनों को काफी अच्छे से सीख पाओगे ।

  • Slicers की मदद से Pivot table बनाकर Excel की पूरी क्षमता का उपयोग कर पाओगे ।

  • Table formatting और संबंधित बाकी विकल्पों का इस्तेमाल कर के शानदार Presentations बना पाओगे ।

  • Bar chart, Scatter plots, Histogram आदि का उपयोग करके अपने दर्शकों को आकर्षित कर पाओगे ।

  • ज़रूरी Excel shortcuts को बनाने और उनका उपयोग करने का तरीका सीखकर अपने काम को तेज और आसान बना पाओगे । 

  • Excel के मजेदार और रोमांचक उपयोग के तरीकों को देखेंगे


  • आपको एक पीसी की आवश्यकता होगी जिसमें एक्सेल के किसी भी संस्करण को स्थापित किया गया हो
  • You will need a PC with any version of Excel installed in it
Microsoft Excel in Hindi- हिंदी में सीखें MS Excel A-Z


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

2 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 02:42 02:42
  • play icon Resources
Excel Basics
7 Lectures
Essential Excel Functions
6 Lectures
Data Tools
1 Lectures
Formatting data and tables
1 Lectures
Pivot Tables
1 Lectures
Excel Charts
13 Lectures
Named Ranges
2 Lectures
Excel Shortcuts
1 Lectures
Advanced Excel
1 Lectures
1 Lectures
Congratulations and about your certificate
1 Lectures

Instructor Details

Abhishek and Pukhraj

Abhishek and Pukhraj

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Rajesh Gurjar

very good excel course in hindi


Rishi sharma



Sunil Khaire

It would have been great if the shortcut keys(combination) were given/mentioned along with each step

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