Methods in Interprocess Communication


Inter process communication (IPC) was the transfer of information and interaction between multiple processes in an electronic system. Every operation in a tasking process structure runs on its own, as well as communication between them is required if these processes require to exchange of information or coordination of what they are doing

IPC is an essential part of contemporary operating systems and can be employed in a variety of applications, which include simple control-line appliances to complicated systems with distributed components. The primary goal of IPC is to make the transmission of knowledge among processes more private and effective.

Different Methods of IPC

Methods of IPC Info graphic

There are several IPC methods accessible, each of which has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Several of the most common IPC techniques are −

  • Pipes − A pipe is a channel of communication that is one-way that enables a single procedure to transmit data to a different one. Pipes can be identified as or unidentified. The operations running in anonymous pipes have to be associated (i.e., both parent and child processes). Known pipes, on the contrary together, may be utilized by processes that are separate from one another.

  • Message Queues − Message queues are employed for inter-process interaction when both the sending and getting processes do not need to be present at the same time. The asynchronous communications may be sent and received. A message in a queue possesses a particular final destination and is accessible to multiple processes

  • Shared Memory − Shared memory is an inter process communication method that enables various programs to make use of a single storage region. This allows them to effectively and effectively share data. Sharing memory is frequently employed in applications that are extremely fast.

  • Semaphores − Semaphores serve to keep the utilization of resources that are shared synchronized. Their companies serve as responses that limit the number of procedures that may utilize a resource that is shared at any given time. Semaphores are useful for implementing critical sections in which only one process has access to a resource that is shared at a time.

  • Socket − Sockets constitute an internet-based communications process that enables procedures to interact with one another over a network. Someone can communicate both locally and remotely. In client-server relationships applications, ports are frequently used.

  • Remote Procedure call(RPC) − RPC is a procedure that enables a single process to call an operation in another. It allows procedures to call treatments in distant systems as though they were actually local, enabling distributed computing. In systems with distributed components, RPC is frequently used.

  • Signals − Asynchronous IPC signals are employed for informing an operator of an occurrence or interference. The Operating System (OS) sends communication through processes as well as between processes. Programming based on events can be implemented using signals.


The following are many benefits of employing inter process communication (IPC) techniques for procedure interaction, such as −

  • Increased Modularity − IPC enables developers to divide large applications into smaller parts that are easier to manage.

  • Improved Performance − IPC may enhance the efficiency of applications by enabling handles to share information and convey it directly to one another.

  • Improved Scalability − IPC may assist enhance an implementation's adaptability by enabling various processes to collaborate to complete a task.

  • Improved Fault Tolerance − IPC may be employed to enhance an implementation's fault tolerance by allowing procedures to identify and recuperate from mistakes.

  • Increased Security − IPC may be employed to enhance security for applications by managing the utilization of resources that are shared.


Although there are numerous benefits associated with employing Inter process Communication (IPC) techniques, that are also a number of potential drawbacks to keep in mind, such as −

  • Increased Complexity − IPC may complicate a program by needing creators to handle process interaction and synchronization.

  • Increased Overhead − IPC can increase usage overhead by needing extra processing time as well as memory assets.

  • Increased Risk of Race Condition − IPC may boost the likelihood of race circumstances, which occur when several programmers access a resource that is shared at the same period of time potentially resulting in corruption of information or other problems.

  • Security Risks − Given that interactions between procedures can be seized or controlled by unauthorized individuals, IPC can pose safety hazards.

  • System Dependency − In accordance with the system that underlies it, distinctive IPC techniques might come with distinct needs and constraints.

  • Debugging and Troubleshooting − Debugging and troubleshooting IPC related problems can prove difficult because they might involve numerous procedures with intricate relationships.


Inter process Communication (IPC) techniques allow various procedures to interact and exchange data with one another. Pipes, message queues, shared memory, sockets, and RPC are some of the IPC approaches accessible. Every approach has benefits and drawbacks, and builders have to carefully decide which approach will work best for their specific application.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023

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