Memory Protection in Operating Systems

Memory protection is a crucial component of operating systems which permits them to avert one method's storage from being utilized by another. Memory safeguarding is vital in contemporary operating systems since it enables various programs to run in tandem lacking tampering with their respective storage space

The primary goal of safeguarding memory is to avert an application from accessing RAM without permission. Whenever an approach attempts to use memory that it does not have permission to enter, the computer's operating system will stop and end the process. This hinders the program from obtaining memory that it should not.

Memory backup is frequently carried out using equipment memory management units (MMUs). An MMU is an instruction set component that corresponds digital addresses utilized by a program to actual locations in memory. The MMU is in charge of converting artificial addresses to real addresses and guaranteeing the program only has access to the recall that it has been granted access to.

Memory security usually happens within contemporary operating systems using an approach known as memory virtualization. Virtual RAM enables every program to operate in a virtual address space of its own, which the MMU maps to physical memory. This enables several programs to run concurrently, everyone having a different virtual address space but distributing the same physical storage space.

Different Ways of Memory Protection


Memory is segmented into sections, every single one which can have a separate set of access rights. An OS kernel segment, for instance, might be read-only, whereas a user data segment could have been designated as read-write.


As an illustration, User A may be using a text-editing programme while User B is using an internet browser. A distinct segment is given for every consumer's implementation of their code, data, and stack. The section for the document evaluating programme used by User A is entirely separate from the internet browser programme used by User B.

The word processing programme used by User A can only use or alter data that is located in its designated segment. A segmentation fault or gain access infringement is going to happen if the programme tries to get into RAM outside of its segment, and the OS terminates the implementation to stop unauthorized access to additional segments.

Paged Virtual Memory

Memory is divided into pages in paged virtual memory, and each page can be saved to its own place in physical memory. In order to maintain track of where pages are kept, the OS uses a page table. This gives the operating system the ability to move pages to various parts of physical memory, where they can be secured against unauthorized access.


The OS sets permissions for entry on every page to safeguard memory. For instance, the information pages could be granted read-write authorizations in order for the game to change its internal configuration whereas the code pages might be identified as read-only to safeguard against unintentional alterations. Depending on their needs, framework processes' pages might be granted various access authorizations

The virtual memory management unit (VMM) uses a table of pages to convert an Internet address to a real address when an app attempts to reach a specific memory location. The page table identifies the exact position of the information in physical memory by mapping the digital numbering of pages to physical numbers for pages.

Protection keys

Each RAM page has a set of bits called encryption keys. Accessibility to the page can be controlled using these bits. A protection key could be utilized, for instance, to specify whether or not a document will be read, written to, or operated


On an equivalent server that is User A operates an application with a database which holds private client information, and User B is operating an algorithm that uses machine learning. Memory protection among both of these programmes is enforced by the OS using protection keys.

The protection key linked to User A's data is the only way for the database implementation to get into memory. The protection key makes certain that neither the database usage nor other system methods have access to memory locations used by User B's machine learning method.

Similar to User A's, User B's machine learning algorithm works within the confines of the protection key that was given to it. This hinders unauthorized gain of User A's information or additional system assets and limits User B's access to just its own memory


Applying security for memory in a platform offers multiple perks.

Listed below are a few of the primary benefits −

  • Improved Stability − Memory security prevents one program from accessing another procedure's memory area, which can enhance system stability and prevent the loss of vital information.

  • Increased Security − Memory protection helps to prevent the unauthorized access of private information, as the OS will interrupt and terminate any application attempting to access unauthorized RAM, preventing security breaches.

  • Better Resource Management − Memory shielding allows multiple processes to run concurrently without affecting each other's memory space, improving the overall efficiency of the system's resource management.

  • More Efficient Memory Usage − Simulated memory security strategies can optimize the use of memory while decreasing the amount of RAM necessary for the system, allowing multiple programs to use the same physical storage space.

  • Facilitates Multitasking − Memory protection enables multiple processes to run simultaneously, allowing for multitasking and running multiple programs at the same time.


Applying security for memory in a platform offers multiple perks, alongside downfalls as well which are considered below −

  • Overhead − Guarding memory requires additional software and hardware resources, which can lead to higher costs and reduced system efficiency.

  • Complexity − Memory protection adds complexity to the operating system, making development, testing, and maintenance more difficult.

  • Memory Fragmentation − Virtual memory can cause memory fragmentation, where real memory is broken into inadequate, pseudo contiguous blocks.

  • Limitation − Memory protection is not foolproof and can be circumvented in certain situations. For example, a malicious user might exploit vulnerabilities in the OS to gain access to another process's memory area.

  • Compatibility Issues − Some older software programs may be incompatible with memory protection features, limiting the operating system's ability to protect memory from unauthorized access


Memory safeguarding in contemporary operating systems offers advantages such as reliability, safety, resource management, efficient memory usage, and multitasking. However, it can also add complexity, resulting in lower efficiency, and compatibility issues with older software.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023

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