How to change the color of the radio button using CSS?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 19-Jul-2024 15:27:07

21K+ Views

To change the color of the radio button using CSS, is a simple process that can be achieved using various approaches. In this article, we will learn and understand two different approach for changing the color of the radio button using CSS. Radio buttons allows to select one option out of many available options. In this article, we are having a radio button and our task is to change the color of radio button using CSS. Approaches to Change the Color of the Radio Button Here is a list of approaches to change the color of the radio button using ... Read More

Java program to check the birthday and print happy birthday message

Updated on 19-Jul-2024 14:23:10

2K+ Views

In this article, we will understand how to check the birthday and print Happy Birthday message. Checking the birthday is accomplished by comparing the present day and the given birthday. Problem Statement Write a program that checks if today's date matches a predefined birthday date. If the dates match, the program should print a "Happy Birthday" message otherwise, it should indicate that today is not the birthday. Below is a demonstration of the same − Input Birthday Date: 15 July Output Today’s Date is 20-12-2021 Today is not my birthday Check the Birthday Using LocalDate ClassBelow are the steps to check ... Read More

How to create a signup form with HTML and CSS?

Updated on 19-Jul-2024 13:26:37

13K+ Views

In this article, we will be understanding How to create a signup form with HTML and CSS. A sign-up form allows any new user visiting the website to register. It includes adding an email-id, password, repeat password, and clicking on the Sign-Up button to register. To allow the browser to save the password, click the Remember Me. You can also provide a Terms & Policies link so the users can first read the registration terms. Let us see how to create a signup form with HTML and CSS. Steps to Create Sign Up Form We are following 2 steps to ... Read More

Program to find a Score of a String

Revathi Satya Kondra
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 19:10:36


The Score of a String is a concept which is used to calculate the score based on the sum of the absolute differences between the ASCII values of adjacent characters in the string. Problem Statement Given a string s, calculate the score of the string. The score is defined as the sum of the absolute differences between the ASCII values of adjacent characters. Example Scenario 1 Input: s="abc" Output: 2 The ASCII values of the characters in s are 'a' = 97, 'b' = 98, 'c' = 99. So, the score of s = |97-98|+|98-99|= ... Read More

Latest Time You Can Obtain After Replacing Characters

Revathi Satya Kondra
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 19:02:29


The Latest Time You Can Obtain After Replacing Characters sub-task is applied to an input string, in which the string is represented as a 12-hour format time when the maximum number of characters are replaced by '?'. In a 12-hour format time, "HH:MM” where HH is an element from the set {00, 01, …, 10, 11} and MM is also an element from the set {00, 01, …, 59}. The earliest possible time is 00:00, and the latest time is 11:59. Problem Statement In this problem statement, the goal is to replace all "?" characters in the string s ... Read More

Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray

Revathi Satya Kondra
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 19:01:24


The Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray problem is used to find the maximum length of the contiguous subarray within a given array where the elements are either strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. Problem Statement Given an array of integers nums, return the length n of the longest subarray of n which is either strictly increasing or strictly decreasing. Example Scenario 1 Input: nums = [1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6] Output: n = 2 The longest strictly increasing subarrays are [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5], and [4, 6]. The longest strictly decreasing subarrays ... Read More

Minimum Operations to Make Median of Array Equal to K

Revathi Satya Kondra
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 18:57:06


The problem “Minimum Operations to Make the Median of the Array Equal to K” is used to adjust the elements of an integer array so that its median becomes equal to a given value k. In one operation, you can increase or decrease any element by 1. Problem Statement The goal is to find the minimum number of such operations to make the median of the array equal to K. The median of an array is the middle element when the array is sorted in non-decreasing order. The larger one is considered the median if there are two middle ... Read More

Program to find the Maximum Prime Difference

Revathi Satya Kondra
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 18:54:16


The Maximum Prime Difference is a problem used to determine the largest difference between indices of two prime numbers in a given array. Problem Statement Here, we have given an array of integers as nums. our task is to find the maximum prime difference between the indices of any two prime numbers in an array. In the given array if we have only one prime number then it returns 0 and if no prime number returns -1. Example Scenario 1 Input: arr = [11, 4, 7, 6, 13] Output: 4 The prime numbers are 11 (index 0), ... Read More

Difference between List, Set, and Map in Java

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 15:14:27


Java has a java.util package that consists of a Collection interface. This interface has many sub-interfaces and classes like List, Set, and Map. In this article, we will learn the difference between List, Set, and Map. What is List Interface? Java has a Collection interface and List is the sub-interface of Collection. This interface consists of methods like insert, update, delete, and search. Developers are also allowed to insert null elements. List Interface Example The List interface can be found in the java.util package. An example of a List is given below − import java.util.*; public class ListExample { ... Read More

Java program to calculate the factorial of a given number using while loop

Samual Sam
Updated on 18-Jul-2024 14:22:45

2K+ Views

The factorial of a number is a fundamental concept in mathematics, representing the product of all positive integers up to that number. Calculating the factorial of a given number is a common problem in programming, and Java provides a straightforward way to achieve this using a while loop. A factorial of a particular number (n) is the product of all the numbers from 0 to n (including n) i.e. factorial of the number 5 will be 1*2*3*4*5 = 120. Problem Statement Given a number write a Java program to calculate the factorial using while loop. Input ... Read More

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