Maven Lifecycle and Basic Maven Commands

The building process of projects is widely managed by developers using Maven, which is a popular build automation tool. With its foundation built upon the project object model (POM), this tool is available as an open-source option. The execution of phases that occur in an orderly manner results in building and deploying projects through the Maven lifecycle. Developers commonly use some basic Maven commands, and the Maven lifecycle will be discussed in this article.

Maven Lifecycle

The Maven lifecycle follows a specific order, beginning to end, for building and deploying projects. This built-in system encompasses three stages: default, clean, and site, each composed of a series of phases that each have their own, specialized tasks. The default lifecycle is the most widely utilized, and consists of validate, compile, test, package, verify, install, deploy; each offering something distinctive, yet essential, to the overall process. Bending the rules of traditional writing, varying sentence length and complexity will improve the flow of the text and make it easier to unfold the story of the Maven lifecycle.

It consists of following phases −

  • Validate − Validating a project structure before commencing builds serves as an essential first step in ensuring success. This process allows for confirming that all critical information vital to successful building efforts has been accounted for.

  • Compile − Compiling source code remains necessary in achieving optimal outcomes with a given project.

  • Test − Undertaking appropriate testing procedures ensures reliable and high-quality outputs through unit tests assessments.

  • Package − it is used to compile the code into distributed format, such as JAR or WAR file.

  • Integration Test − Running an integration test can help determine if a project has successfully integrated different modules together.

  • Verify − Likewise, through verification processes that evaluate the quality of a project and its reliability, one can authenticate whether or not it is valid.

  • Install − As for installation methods being employed to place package codes into local repositories - this is crucial in facilitating accessibility and use.

  • Deploy − it is used to deploy the packaged code to a remote repository.

Basic Maven Commands

Maven leverages a wealth of commands to unlock the full capabilities of the built lifecycle. Maven project developers must be well-versed in fundamental commands to ensure successful project management. To explore this topic further, let's examine various commonly utilized Maven instructions and their complexities in managing the build cycle.

  • mvn compile − used to compile the source code.

  • mvn clean − used to remove all previous build files from the project.

  • mvn test − used to execute project testing steps.

  • mvn test-compile − used to compile the test source code

  • mvn install − it aids in the deployment of packaged WAR or JAR files by storing them in the local repository.

  • mvn package − used to generate WAR or JAR files for the project so that it can be distributed.

  • mvn deploy − used to copy your packaged WAR or JAR files to a remote repository for other developers to use.


mvn compile

Used to compile the source code

mvn clean

Used to remove all previous build files

mvn test

Used to execute project testing steps

mvn test-compile

Used to compile the test source code

mvn install

Used in the deployment of packaged WAR or JAR files by saving them in local repository

mvn package

Used to generate a WAR or JAR files for the project so that it can be distributed

mvn deploy

Used to copy your packaged WAR or JAR files to a remote repository for other developers to use


For efficient management of build processes in software development, many turn to Maven as a reliable tool for automation. The various Phases of its lifecycle allow for greater precision in realizing different objectives throughout development projects while providing custom-commands that facilitate coordination between them. Profound knowledge of this tool is key to making sure one harnesses all it offers during implementation stages—this means being well-versed in both its lifecycle details as well as foundational commands found within it that enables quicker and more calculated builds executed effortlessly through code instead mostly manual labor.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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