Matching Boundaries & Selecting Alternatives in Perl

Matching Boundaries in Perl

The \b matches at any word boundary in Perl, as defined by the difference between the \w class and the \W class. Because \w includes the characters for a word, and \W the opposite, this normally means the termination of a word. The \B assertion matches any position that is not a word boundary. For example −

/\bcat\b/ # Matches 'the cat sat' but not 'cat on the mat'
/\Bcat\B/ # Matches 'verification' but not 'the cat on the mat'
/\bcat\B/ # Matches 'catatonic' but not 'polecat'
/\Bcat\b/ # Matches 'polecat' but not 'catatonic'

Selecting Alternatives in Perl

The | character is just like the standard or bitwise OR within Perl. It specifies alternate matches within a regular expression or group. For example, to match "cat" or "dog" in an expression, you might use this −

if ($string =~ /cat|dog/)

You can group individual elements of an expression together in order to support complex matches. Searching for two people’s names could be achieved with two separate tests, like this −

if (($string =~ /Martin Brown/) || ($string =~ /Sharon Brown/))
This could be written as follows
if ($string =~ /(Martin|Sharon) Brown/)

Updated on: 29-Nov-2019


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