Matcha - Nutrition, Health Benefits, Side Effects

If you're familiar with the healthy-eating trend and all its green-hued glory, you have probably heard of Matcha. A superfood originating in Japan hundreds of years ago, Matcha is a powdered form of green tea leaves with a distinctive and intense flavour. Matcha not only has an earthy and complex taste, but also packs quite a nutrition punch, containing high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre.

The popularity of Matcha snowballed in the last decade due to its many health benefits as well as its delicious flavour. From hot drinks to a myriad of foodstuffs – like ice cream or cake - this versatile ingredient can be found in all kinds of recipes today. Of course, no matcha experience would be complete without trying it in its traditional form: whisking up a hot cup or bowl of frothy green tea goodness. Let’s know more about its nutrient content and health benefits in detail.

Nutritional Content of Matcha

A. Macros and Micronutrients

Matcha tea offers an abundance of nutrition thanks to its macronutrients and micronutrients. Matcha contains an impressive amount of fibre, helps to keep cholesterol levels in check, and provides plenty of vitamins A and C. It also is full of micronutrients such as chlorophyll, zinc, chromium, magnesium, selenium, iron, calcium and vitamin K. In addition to these health benefits, many studies have shown that Matcha has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties due to its high antioxidant levels. This makes Matcha an incredibly healthy addition to one's diet - it's no wonder people around the world are making it part of their daily routine!

Antioxidants and Polyphenols

Matcha contains the most antioxidants per serving of any stir-able green or white tea, making it a powerhouse for those seeking health advantages. Additionally, it offers more than five times the amount of polyphenols than brewed green tea, as well as 137x more catechins. What’s more, its natural chlorophyll content provides high levels of flavonoids and amino acids while promoting alkalization in your body.

Matcha Vs Other Green Teas

When it comes to green tea, Matcha is often the preferred choice. This is because traditional green tea contains a higher level of bitterness due to its oxidation process. Matcha, on the other hand, undergoes a specialized process that helps to preserve its flavour and sweetness. It also features much richer nutritional benefits than regular green teas; while normal green tea contains the same plant compounds as Matcha, Matcha contains a more concentrated dosage due to its production approach. As such, you can reap more health benefits with less of this type of green tea than any other commonplace variety. It's no wonder that anyone serious about their health may choose Matcha over other popular types of green tea.

Health Benefits of Matcha

Boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss

Matcha contains catechins, potent antioxidants that help to burn body fat by raising the speed at which your body converts food into calories. EGCG – one of the catechins found in Matcha – also helps to reduce fat storage and process stored fats more quickly. In addition to being an excellent fat-burning supplement, Matcha boosts energy levels so you can feel energized even on restrictive diets like keto or paleo. By increasing your metabolism, you can ensure that your body is burning the maximum number of calories in a given day; this coupled with a healthy diet can be an invaluable aid to effective weight loss!

Improves Heart Health

Matcha contains unique compounds called catechins, which are known to help protect against cardiovascular problems. Catechins improve blood flow by preventing plaque build-up and reducing inflammation of arterial walls. Studies also found that regular consumption of Matcha can reduce LDL cholesterol levels, an important factor in maintaining overall heart health. In addition, the presence of antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in Matcha make it an exceptional beverage choice to decrease the risk of a variety of heart diseases.

Enhances Brain Function

This special green tea is made of ground, whole green tea leaves, resulting in a high concentration of catechins, which are powerful antioxidants. Research has shown that these catechins can increase neuron response rate and alertness. Additionally, recent studies demonstrate that fulvic acid and L-theanine, two additional components in Matcha tea, are effective at boosting cognitive performance and calming the mind without making the user feel drowsy.

Boosts Immune System

Matcha is becoming increasingly popular as a natural health booster due its high concentration of antioxidants and catechins, which studies have consistently shown to help strengthen the immune system. The most notable benefits include increased resistance to infection and faster recovery when sick. Additionally, these powerful antioxidants help fight free radicals, reducing inflammation in the body and providing even more protection against disease.

Supports Skin Health

Matcha is one of the healthiest drinks you can make. Not only is it packed with amazing antioxidants, it's also great for your skin. Full of polyphenols—catechins that may reduce cell damage—Matcha provides perfect support for overall skin health, reducing inflammation and fighting irritants. It’s even said to protect the skin from environmental stressors like pollutants, created a protective barrier of protection. Unsurprisingly, many beauty products contain Matcha due to its anti-aging benefits, deeply hydrating properties, and its ability to help restore damaged cells from within. In summary, incorporating Matcha into your daily diet or beauty routine proves to be a fantastic addition for healthy and glowy skin!

Side Effects

Matcha tea is a popular form of green tea that has a range of health benefits but can also have some negative side effects. These adverse effects are usually mild and transitory and typically occur when someone consumes an excessive amount of Matcha in a short period of time. Common side effects include nausea, upset stomach, headaches, and jitteriness due to the caffeine content. In rare cases, people have experienced allergic reactions caused by Matcha's ingredients, such as chest pain or difficulty breathing. People with existing medical conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before drinking Matcha to determine if it is appropriate for them given their health condition. By understanding the potential side effects of Matcha, you can enjoy its benefits while avoiding any potential issues.


Though Matcha does have some caffeine, it's a less intense form that provides a more sustained energy boost throughout the day. If you're looking for an alternative to your morning coffee or an addition to your afternoon tea, Matcha is a great option with many health benefits. Give it a try and see how you feel!

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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