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Mastering Full Stack Development : From Frontend to Backend

person icon Metla Sudha Sekhar


Mastering Full Stack Development : From Frontend to Backend

Unlock the Full Potential: Master Full Stack Development!

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Metla Sudha Sekhar

English [CC]

category icon Development,Web Development,Full Stack Development

Lectures -208

Resources -1

Duration -21 hours



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Course Description

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of Full Stack Development and become a proficient software engineer capable of creating robust web applications from start to finish? If so, "Mastering Full Stack Development: From Frontend to Backend Excellence" is the ultimate online course that will equip you with the comprehensive skill set and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of web development.

In this in-depth and hands-on online course, you will embark on an exciting journey through the entire web development stack, mastering both frontend and backend technologies. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to expand your horizons or a complete beginner eager to enter the field, our carefully curated curriculum caters to learners of all levels.

Course Objectives:

1. **ChatGPT Generative Open AI:** You will begin by start learning how to use and apply ChatGPT Generative Open AI techniques in full stack development, like getting the real-world problem solutions and source code and apply to your project.

2. **Frontend Fundamentals:** You will begin by mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—the essential building blocks of modern front-end development. Learn to craft visually engaging and responsive user interfaces that provide seamless user experiences across devices.

3. **Backend Technologies:** Transition into the world of server-side development, where you will explore languages like Python. Grasp the principles of server-side logic, RESTful APIs, and data management. From this course, you will learn Python programming language and how to apply chatGPT Generative open ai techniques to solve real-world problems.

4. **Server-side Frameworks:** Mastering in Python language frameworks of Django and REST API frameworks to learn to build web application development and REST API services for mobile apps or other service requests.

5. **Database Management:** Learn how to work with databases effectively, in SQL databases. Understand how to design efficient database schemas and implement CRUD operations for PostgreSQL. Also, you will learn MySQL RDBMS (relational database management system) concepts.

6. **Authentication and Security:** Gain expertise in user authentication, data encryption, and best practices for securing web applications from potential vulnerabilities and threats.

7. **Project Management:** Discover the process of developing web applications, managing development workflows, and writing source code tasks with tools.

8. **REST API services:** Acquire vital skills in writing REST APIs, POSTMAN API tests, and conducting efficient debugging to ensure the reliability and quality of your API code.

9. **Performance Optimization:** Learn techniques for optimizing frontend and backend performance to create lightning-fast web applications that provide an excellent user experience.

10. **Real-world Projects:** Throughout the course, you will work on practical projects, applying the concepts you learn to build comprehensive full-stack applications. These hands-on experiences will reinforce your skills and boost your confidence as a full-stack developer.

By the end of "Mastering Full Stack Development: From Frontend to Backend Excellence," you will have a thorough understanding of the entire web development process, enabling you to create impressive and scalable web applications from scratch. As you progress, you will have the support of our experienced instructors.

Join us now and take the first step towards becoming a sought-after full stack developer, equipped to meet the demands of the ever-evolving web development landscape. Enroll today and unleash your potential in the exciting world of full stack development!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners - Those who are new to web development and want to learn both frontend and backend technologies.
  • Frontend Developers looking to expand their skills and venture into backend development to enhance their career opportunities.
  • Backend Developers seeking to gain expertise in frontend technologies to be able to build complete web applications and work on both ends of the development stack.
  • Aspiring Full Stack Developers Individuals who aspire to work as full stack developers and want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process.
  • Web Designers - who want to complement their design skills with coding abilities and create fully functional web applications.
  • Software Engineers interested in strengthening their skills and knowledge in full stack development to contribute effectively to end-to-end projects.
  • Computer Science Students studying computer science or related fields who wish to get hands-on experience and practical knowledge in web development.
  • Career Changers Professionals from other industries who want to transition into the field of web development and need a complete understanding of full stack technologies.
  • Who wants to become a Full stack developer curious about full stack development and data science


  • Learn to apply complete full-stack web development skills
  • Master back-end development with Python, and Django framework
  • Identify and solve real-world problems using ChatGPT Generative open ai techniques
  • Complete a case study to manage a project from conception to completion state
  • Be a comfortable front-end developer by making beautiful designing
  • Using Artificial Intelligence techniques to create website and real-time source code
  • Learn to write REST API services for your mobile apps
  • Apply Database techniques as a Data Analyst or Data Science engineer
  • Create light-weight apps using JavaScript language
  • Confidently apply PostgreSQL skills for your real world projects and apps


  • No pre-knowledge is required - enthusiasm is all you need!, you will be trained from scratch
  • No paid software required - all coding will be created with open source
  • A PC or Mac computer with access to the internet
  • No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know
Mastering Full Stack Development : From Frontend to Backend


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

4 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 04:21 04:21
  • play icon Getting started on Windows, macOS, and Linux 01:20 01:20
  • play icon How to ask great questions 01:43 01:43
  • play icon FAQ’s 01:55 01:55
Introduction to Full Stack Development
2 Lectures
Introduction to ChatGPT Open AI
4 Lectures
==== Fundamentals of HTML Cheat Sheet ====
1 Lectures
Frontend Development – HTML-CSS
11 Lectures
Frontend Development – Basic
9 Lectures
Frontend Development – Intermediate
11 Lectures
Frontend Development – Advanced
12 Lectures
Frontend Scripting – JavaScript
5 Lectures
Frontend Scripting – JavaScript – Basic
9 Lectures
Frontend Scripting – JavaScript – Intermediate
9 Lectures
Frontend Scripting – JavaScript - Advanced
8 Lectures
Backend Development-Python
6 Lectures
Backend Development – Python Basic
5 Lectures
Backend Development- Python Intermediate
5 Lectures
Backend Development-Python Advanced-OOPs
8 Lectures
Databases and Data Management – MySQL
11 Lectures
Databases and Data Management-MySQL-Basics
12 Lectures
Databases and Data Management – MySQL-Intermediate
10 Lectures
Databases and Data Management- MySQL-Advanced
10 Lectures
Server-side Frameworks-Django-PostgreSQL
6 Lectures
Server-side Frameworks-Django-PostgreSQL-Basic
10 Lectures
Server-side Framework-Django-PostgreSQL Intermediate
7 Lectures
Server-side Frameworks-Django-PostgreSQL-Advanced
9 Lectures
Server-side REST API-Web Services
7 Lectures
Server-side REST API-Basic
6 Lectures
Server-side REST API-Intermediate
5 Lectures
Server-side REST API-Advanced
6 Lectures

Instructor Details

Metla sudha sekhar

Metla sudha sekhar

About me

Mr. Sudha Sekhar, He is a Teacher and an IT Specialist, and also passionate to teach every single real-time step that leads students as well as professionals to become successful and the vision to impart Good Quality Software Education to all I.T to aspirants make a strong bridge the gap between the software companies requirements and the beginners.

He is Professional about web development and technologies:

* Programming: Python, C# Asp.Net and PHP more..

* UI/UX : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX and more...

* Database : MS-SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB and       


* Operating Systems / Servers: Administration of LINUX, Ubuntu,   

   CentOS, Windows and more...

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He is passionate about:

* Teaching students the correct way.

* Making things simple and easy to understand.

* Providing the best audio and video qualities to my courses.

* Real-time Examples who will understand real-time skills easily.

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