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Master Nutritional Coaching + Dietetic Nutrition Diets

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Master Nutritional Coaching + Dietetic Nutrition Diets

Nutrition Vegetarian & Carnivorous & Detox & Endomorphic & Sports & Allergen & Holistic & Children's & Allergen & Holistic & Children's Nutrition

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Mywebstudies

category icon Nutrition,Health & Fitness

Lectures -539

Duration -61.5 hours



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Course Description

Mywebstudies.com provides this Master consisting of:

  1. Nutritional Coaching Course
  2. Nutrition and Dietetics Course
  3. Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition and Diets Course
  4. Course Creation of diets to lose fat and gain muscles
  5. Carnivorous Diets Course
  6. Course Diets for Endomorphic Bodies
  7. Detox Diets Course
  8. Holistic Nutrition Course
  9. Allergens and food intolerances course.
  10. Child or Pediatric Nutrition Course.
  11. Celiac Nutrition Course. Gluten free.
  12. Ketogenic or Keto nutrition course.
  13. Nutrition for the elderly or geriatric course.

With these courses you will be able to create diets to lose weight in the most effective way and you will not have to spend a lot of money on other weight loss courses.

Details of each course that makes up the Master:

  1. In the Nutritional Coaching course, you will embark on a journey of knowledge and transformation in the field of food and wellness. You will learn to understand in detail the principles of a balanced and healthy diet, discovering how these affect your physical and mental well-being. During the course, you will immerse yourself in the world of nutrients, food groups and best practices for designing meal plans tailored to individual needs. In addition, you will be trained in nutrition coaching techniques, enabling you to guide others toward a healthier and more conscious lifestyle. You will learn to identify your clients' goals and challenges, and develop effective strategies to achieve nutritional and wellness goals. Upon completion of this course, you will be prepared to empower people on their path to a healthier, more balanced life through food.
  2. In the Nutrition and Dietetics course, you will immerse yourself in the fascinating world of food and health. Throughout this program, you will gain a deep understanding of the principles of nutrition and how they affect people's health. You will learn how to assess and plan balanced diets tailored to individual needs, taking into account factors such as age, gender and medical conditions. In addition, you will become familiar with the latest advances in the field of dietetics and nutritional trends. This course will provide you with the tools you need to counsel others in making healthy dietary choices and to promote a balanced lifestyle. Whether you are seeking a career in nutrition or simply want to better understand how food affects our daily lives, this course will provide you with a solid foundation in nutrition and dietetics.
  3. In the Vegetarian and Vegan Diets course, you will explore an approach to eating that goes beyond the conventional. Throughout this program, you will gain an in-depth knowledge of vegetarian and vegan diets, understanding their health, environmental and animal welfare benefits. You will learn how to plan and balance plant-based diets, identifying key sources of protein, vitamins and minerals in plant-based foods. In addition, you will discover delicious and creative recipes that align with these lifestyles, as well as strategies to address potential nutritional challenges. This course will empower you to make informed decisions about your own diet or to advise others who choose to adopt vegetarian or vegan diets, contributing to personal wellness and environmental stewardship. Whether you are a plant-based food enthusiast or simply want to explore this growing field, this course will provide you with the essential tools to embrace a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle with confidence.
  4. In the Sports Nutrition Course, you will dive into the fascinating world of nutrition and fitness. During this program, you'll learn how to design personalized meal plans that will help you effectively lose body fat while building lean muscle mass. You will explore key concepts such as calorie balance, the importance of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and how to adjust your diet to achieve your fitness goals. You will discover how to optimize your food intake to support your workouts and promote muscle recovery.
  5. In the Carnivore Diets Course, you will explore a dietary approach focused on animal-based food consumption, understanding its impact on health, weight loss and performance enhancement. You'll learn how to safely and effectively follow a carnivorous diet in a balanced way, adapting it to your personal goals and nutritional needs.
  6. In the Endomorph Diet Course, you will discover nutritional strategies designed specifically for the characteristics of this body type. You will learn how to manage your weight, improve your body composition and optimize your health through a personalized approach that is tailored to your unique needs as an endomorph. You will gain knowledge about food choices, meal planning and dietary adjustments that will help you achieve your wellness goals effectively.
  7. In the Detox Diets Course, you will explore the principles and practices behind detoxifying diets. You will learn how to eliminate toxins and promote health through a specific diet designed to detoxify your body. You will gain knowledge about the proper foods, preparation techniques and health benefits of detox diets. This course will provide you with the tools you need to revitalize your body, increase your energy levels and promote an overall sense of well-being.
  8. In the Holistic Nutrition Course, you will explore a holistic approach to food and health. You will learn to consider not only the nutritional aspects of food, but also how it influences your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. You will discover how to design personalized diets that fit your unique needs and lifestyle. This course will provide you with tools to understand the connection between food and holistic health, enabling you to make informed decisions to improve your quality of life and well-being on all levels.
  9. In the Food Allergens and Intolerances Course, you will dive into the world of adverse reactions to foods, gaining an in-depth understanding of allergies and intolerances. You will learn to identify and distinguish the most common allergens, as well as how to manage risk situations. In addition, you will acquire knowledge of the latest regulations and standards related to the declaration of allergens in food. This course will enable you to ensure food safety and offer safe options to people with special dietary needs, contributing to the health and well-being of those with food allergies or intolerances.
  10. In the Infant or Pediatric Nutrition Course, you will explore the fundamentals of food and nutrition specific to infants, children and adolescents. You will learn how to design appropriate meal plans for the different stages of growth and development, addressing essential topics such as breastfeeding, the introduction of solid foods and the prevention of possible nutritional deficiencies. In addition, you will understand how to promote healthy eating habits in young children, promoting optimal growth and preventing long-term health problems. This course is essential for health professionals, parents and caregivers who wish to ensure proper nutrition and well-being of children.
  11. In the Celiac Nutrition Course, you will dive into the world of nutrition designed specifically for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. You will learn how to identify sources of gluten in food, analyze product labels and design nutritional plans that are safe and delicious for those who must avoid gluten. This course will provide you with the knowledge you need to ensure a balanced and healthy diet, while avoiding the adverse effects that gluten can cause in people with these medical conditions. Through this training, you will be able to provide invaluable support to those who require a gluten-free diet.
  12. In the Ketogenic or Keto Nutrition Course, you will explore the fundamentals and applications of one of today's most popular and effective diets. You will learn how to design nutritional plans based on a high intake of healthy fats, moderate protein intake and a significant reduction of carbohydrates, which induces a state of ketosis in the body. You will discover how the ketogenic diet can contribute to weight loss, improve metabolic health and provide brain health benefits. In addition, you will understand how to adapt this diet to people's individual needs and how to address potential challenges. This course will empower you to guide others on their journey to a ketogenic lifestyle and to take advantage of the benefits this approach can provide.
  13. In the fascinating Senior or Geriatric Nutrition course, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of providing optimal nutrition for the senior population. From analyzing the physiological changes associated with aging to planning personalized diets that address specific health conditions, this educational program will cover essential aspects. The complexities of essential nutrients will be explored, providing practical tools to ensure adequate intake. In addition, students will learn how to manage common dietary problems in the geriatric population, promoting health through proper nutrition. This course will not only equip participants with sound theoretical knowledge, but will also provide them with practical skills to apply these principles in real-world situations, preparing them to play a crucial role in promoting the health and well-being of the elderly.

We look forward to seeing you at MYWEBSTUDIES.COM


Este Master de Nutrición esta formado por los siguientes Cursos:

  1. Nutritional Coaching Course
  2. Nutrition and Dietetics Course
  3. Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition and Diets Course
  4. Course Creation of diets to lose fat and gain muscles
  5. Carnivorous Diets Course
  6. Course Diets for Endomorphic Bodies
  7. Detox Diets Course
  8. Holistic Nutrition Course
  9. Allergens and food intolerances course.
  10. Child or Pediatric Nutrition Course.
  11. Celiac Nutrition Course. Gluten free.
  12. Ketogenic or Keto nutrition course.
  13. Nutrition for the elderly or geriatric course.


  • Querer dar el próximo paso hacia una vida más saludable y energética.
  • Querer descubrir información para saber nutrirse bien y la obtener capacidad para transformarte.
Master Nutritional Coaching + Dietetic Nutrition Diets


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Nutritional Coaching Course
33 Lectures
  • play icon 1.1.Coaching in general 11:34 11:34
  • play icon 1.2.Coaching protagonists 07:59 07:59
  • play icon 1.3 Modalities of coaching 07:59 07:59
  • play icon 1.4.Fundamentals of coaching 08:19 08:19
  • play icon 2.1. The coaching process 13:14 13:14
  • play icon 2.2. Non-psychological coaching models 13:14 13:14
  • play icon 2.3. Psychological coaching models 10:08 10:08
  • play icon 2.4. Coaching Tools and Techniques i 11:55 11:55
  • play icon 2.5. Coaching tools and techniques ii 10:17 10:17
  • play icon 3.1. Setting the objectives 17:27 17:27
  • play icon 3.2. Evaluation of the current situation 09:29 09:29
  • play icon 3.3. Analysis of alternative courses of action 03:04 03:04
  • play icon 3.4. Development of the action plan 09:51 09:51
  • play icon 3.5. Follow-up and evaluation feedback. 13:05 13:05
  • play icon 3.6. Planning the first session 12:43 12:43
  • play icon 3.7 Planning the first session II 12:42 12:42
  • play icon 4.1. Communication (1) 26:20 26:20
  • play icon 4.2. Communication (2) 13:10 13:10
  • play icon 4.3. Active listening 05:46 05:46
  • play icon 4.4. Interrogative techniques 11:38 11:38
  • play icon 4.5. The reframing technique 04:24 04:24
  • play icon 5.1.General 06:02 06:02
  • play icon 5.2.Coaching for weight loss. 11:44 11:44
  • play icon 5.3.Accepting mistakes 06:01 06:01
  • play icon 6.1. Nutritional status 04:13 04:13
  • play icon 6.2 Thermogenic effect and physical activity 05:12 05:12
  • play icon 6.3 The coaching cycle 13:23 13:23
  • play icon 6.4 Energy expenditure 03:04 03:04
  • play icon 6.5 The seven stages of coaching 04:49 04:49
  • play icon 6.7 Feedback 10:14 10:14
  • play icon 6.8 The 5 steps to change habits1 08:06 08:06
  • play icon 6.9 The emotional cycle 08:52 08:52
  • play icon 6.10 Counseling process 12:09 12:09
Creating diets for weight loss and muscle gain course
71 Lectures
Course Creation of carnivorous diets
16 Lectures
Course Diets for endomorphic bodies
38 Lectures
Detox diets course
25 Lectures
Ketogenic nutrition course
48 Lectures
Curso de Nutrición y Dietética
79 Lectures
Vegetarian Nutrition Course
59 Lectures
Holistic Nutrition Course
74 Lectures
Child or pediatric nutrition course
62 Lectures
Gluten-free Nutrition Course
34 Lectures

Instructor Details



Este curso lo hemos realizado ofreciendo todos nuestros conocimientos los cuales hemos obtenido a lo largo de estos años en el mundo de la informática y laboral, esperando de esta forma poder ayudar a introducirse en este mundo a cualquier persona que desee y quiera aprender desde el nivel de principiante hasta el nivel avanzado .

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