Major Seas of Oceania

Multiple large seas encircle Oceania, a region made up of hundreds of islands in the Pacific Ocean. The Arafura Sea, Bismarck Sea, Coral Sea, Koro Sea, Philippine Sea, Solomon Sea, Tasman Sea, and Timor Sea are only a few of the seas that contribute significantly to the ecological richness of the area and offer a variety of special qualities. These oceans offer a wonderful habitat to explore and preserve, with volcanic seafloors, a variety of coral reefs, and an abundance of marine life.

Features of Major Seas of Oceania

Here are the descriptions about major seas of Oceania −

Arafura Sea

West of the Pacific Ocean, between Australia and Western New Guinea (commonly known as Papua), the Indonesian portion of the Island of New Guinea, lies the Arafura Sea (or Arafuru Sea), which is located over the continental shelf. The Arafura Sea is bounded to the south by the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Australian mainland, to the west by the Timor Sea, to the northwest by the Banda and Seram seas, and to the east by the Torres Strait. The Arafura Sea has a length of 1,290 kilometres (800 mi) and a width of 560 kilometres (350 mi). Most of the time, the water is between 50 and 80 meters (160 and 260 feet) deep, with a greater depth to the west.

Bismarck Sea

The Bismarck Sea is a region of the western Pacific Ocean that is bordered to the southwest by New Guinea's northeast coast and to the northwest through the southeast by the Bismarck Archipelago, which is made up of the Admiralty Islands in the north, New Ireland in the east, and New Britain in the southeast. Its surface area is roughly 15,000 square miles (40,000 square kilometres), and through Vitiaz and Dampier straits as well as St. George's Channel, it is connected to the Pacific Ocean on the north and the Solomon Sea on the southeast. The eastern New Ireland and western New Guinea sections of the basin, which has a maximum depth of about 8,200 feet (2,500 meters) and a general depth of 6,600 feet (2,000 meters), are separated by a central ridge.

Coral Sea

An interim Australian bioregion, the Coral Sea is a South Pacific marginal sea off the north-eastern coast of Australia. The Coral Sea stretches 1,200 miles (2,000 km) down the north-eastern coast of Australia. The French Natural Park of the Coral Sea and the Australian Coral Sea Marine Park both safeguard the majority of it. The Battle of the Coral Sea, a significant conflict between the warships of the United States, Australia, and the Empire of Japan during World War II, took place in the sea.

Koro Sea

Submarine depression known as Koro Sea can be found in the South Pacific Ocean. The two main islands of Fiji, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, are located on a shallow underwater shelf that is intruded upon by the sea, which extends to a depth of more than 9,600 feet (2,930 meters), to the north and west. It encroaches on the Lau Group of Fiji, which is located on a more slender and longer shelf, to the east. There are very few navigable approaches to the middle of the group of islands because the majority of the seaways connecting the Koro Sea to the islands are lined with coral reefs. The dense basaltic rock that is typical of oceanic basins covers the ocean floor.

Solomon Sea

The Pacific Ocean contains the sea known as the Solomon Sea. It is situated between the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Its western border is formed by New Guinea, its northern border by New Britain, and its eastern border by the Solom the New Britain Trench and generally correlates to the Solomon Sea Plate, a tectonic feature, reaches its greatest depth in the Planet Deep at 29,988 feet (9,140 m) below sea level.on Islands. It has openings to the Bismarck Sea (northwest), the open ocean (northeast), and the Coral Sea (south). There are two main basins on the ocean floor. There were a lot of significant battles fought there in World War II. The Solomon Sea, which includes

Tasman Sea

The Tasman Sea is a South Pacific Ocean side sea that lies between Australia and New Zealand. It is approximately 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) broad and 2,800 kilometres (1,700 miles) from north to south. The sea was given its name in honour of the Dutch adventurer Abel Janszoon Tasman, who made the first known crossing of it in 1642. During his three research journeys, British explorer Lieutenant James Cook later travelled a great deal over the Tasman Sea. Informally, the Tasman Sea is referred to as the Ditch in both Australian and New Zealand English.

Timor Sea

The Timor Sea was named after Timor, the island on the opposite side of the sea's northern coastline. The name of the island is a timur (Malay for "east") variation. It is an area of the Indian Ocean that is rather shallow and is bordered to the north by the island of Timor, Timor-Leste, to the northwest by Indonesia, to the east by the Arafura Sea, and to the south by Australia. With a depth of more than 3300 meters, the Sunda Trench is the deepest point in the Timor Sea, dividing Oceania in the southeast from Asia in the northwest and north. There are several reefs, deserted islands, and sizeable hydrocarbon reserves in the water.

List of Major Seas of Oceania

Here is a table which shows list of major sea, their location and their notable feature which surrounds Oceania −



Notable Feature

Arafura Sea

North of Australia

Rich in marine biodiversity

Bismarck Sea

Northeast of PNG

Bismarck Archipelago, volcanic seafloor

Coral Sea

Between Australia, PNG & Vanuatu

Diverse coral reefs, marine life

Koro Sea


Enclosed by the islands of Fiji

Solomon Sea

Solomon Islands

Bismarck and Solomon Archipelagos, diverse marine species

Tasman Sea

Between Australia & New Zealand

Separates Australia and NZ, strong currents

Timor Sea

North of Australia & West of Timor

Oil and gas reserves, marine life


Oceania is encircled by numerous large seas, each of which has distinctive characteristics. While the Bismarck Sea has a volcanic bottom and the Bismarck Archipelago, the Arafura Sea is home to a diverse array of marine life. The coral reefs and marine life of the Coral Sea are famous for their variety. The Fijian islands enclose the deep basin of the Koro Sea. The largest sea in the world, the Philippine Sea, is home to a variety of marine life and trenches.

The Bismarck and Solomon Archipelagos, as well as a wide variety of marine creatures, are features of the Solomon Sea. Australia and New Zealand are divided by the Tasman Sea, which has a strong current. The Timor Sea is home to a variety of marine species and has oil and gas deposits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the notable features of the Arafura Sea?

The Arafura Sea is rich in marine biodiversity.

What is unique about the Bismarck Sea?

The Bismarck Sea has a volcanic seafloor and is home to the Bismarck Archipelago.

What is special about the Coral Sea?

The Coral Sea is known for its diverse coral reefs and abundant marine life.

What surrounds the Koro Sea?

The Koro Sea is enclosed by the islands of Fiji.

What is the Philippine Sea known for?

The Philippine Sea is the largest sea in the world and is home to diverse marine life and trenches.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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