Major Plateaus of South America

The plateaus of South America include extensive expanses of elevated terrain and have distinctive geological formations and sceneries. These plateaus, like the Altiplano and the Brazilian Highlands, add to the continent's varied terrain. They are distinguished by a range of habitats, high elevation, and flat or moderately undulating ground.

The South American plateaus have had a tremendous impact on the natural and cultural history of the area, providing a window into the geological forces that have sculpted the continent.

Features of Major Plateaus of South America

The following overviews emphasize the physical, ecological, geological, and cultural features of each significant South American plateau. Here are the descriptions about major plateaus of South America −


  • Located in Bolivia and Peru, the Altiplano is a high-elevation plateau known for its extreme altitude and unique ecosystems.

  • It is home to endemic species adapted to the harsh conditions, including the vicuña and the Andean flamingo.

  • The Altiplano is a significant cultural region, inhabited by indigenous communities that have preserved their traditional way of life for centuries.

Brazilian Highlands

  • The Brazilian Highlands encompass a vast plateau region in Brazil, characterized by its diverse ecosystems and rich biodiversity.

  • It is considered a biodiversity hotspot, hosting a wide range of plant and animal species, including the jaguar and the giant anteater.

  • The Brazilian Highlands also hold substantial mineral resources, such as iron ore and gold, contributing to the region's economic significance.

Guyana Highlands

  • Stretching across Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, and French Guiana, the Guyana Highlands feature ancient mountains known as tepuis.

  • These table-top mountains have unique flora, including endemic species such as the carnivorous plant known as the "pitcher plant."

  • The Guyana Highlands has cultural significance, as they are associated with indigenous communities and are believed to hold spiritual and mythological importance.

Patagonian Plateau

  • Situated in Argentina and Chile, the Patagonian Plateau is characterized by its vast steppe ecosystem, dominated by grasslands and scrub vegetation.

  • The plateau is known for its fossil deposits, providing valuable insights into the region's ancient flora and fauna.

  • It is a windswept and sparsely populated region, with some areas designated as national parks to protect its unique ecological features.

Gran Chaco

  • The Gran Chaco spans across Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay, featuring a mix of dry scrub forests, savannas, and wetlands.

  • It is home to indigenous cultures that have adapted to the challenging conditions and maintain a deep connection to the land.

  • The Gran Chaco harbours rich biodiversity, including endangered species like the jaguar and the Chacoan peccary, making it ecologically significant.


  • The Puna plateau extends across Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru, encompassing a high-altitude region with volcanic activity.

  • It is characterized by vast stretches of arid plains, dotted with volcanoes and volcanic cones.

  • The Puna is associated with traditional cultures that have adapted to the challenging environment, preserving their ancestral knowledge and practices.

Guiana Highlands

  • The Guiana Highlands span Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and parts of Venezuela, featuring ancient mountains and unique geological formations.

  • The region holds cultural heritage, as it is home to indigenous communities with deep historical ties to the land.

  • The Guiana Highlands are recognized for their natural beauty, with towering tepuis and diverse ecosystems, supporting a range of endemic species.

List of Major Plateaus of South America

Here's a table of major plateaus in South America, their locations, and significance −





Bolivia, Peru

High elevation

Brazilian Highlands


Biodiversity hotspot

Guyana Highlands

Guyana, Venezuela,


Patagonian Plateau

Argentina, Chile

Steppe ecosystem

Gran Chaco

Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay

Dry scrub forests


Argentina, Chile,


Guiana Highlands

Guyana, Suriname,

Ancient mountains


Plateaus serve as a showcase for the region's astounding geological diversity, ecological diversity, and cultural relevance. These plateaus, which range in elevation from the high-elevation Altiplano to the historic tepuis of the Guyana Highlands, offer distinctive habitats, uncommon species, and priceless natural wealth. The untamed Patagonian Plateau with its fossil treasures, the vast Pantanal wetlands, and the mysterious tepuis of the Guyana Highlands all add to the natural diversity of the continent.

In the meantime, the diverse ecosystems of the Gran Chaco and the allure of the Puna plateau's volcanism add to the intrigue. As indigenous tribes continue to maintain their relationships to the soil, these plateaus are not only geological marvels but also archives of cultural traditions. The South American plateaus act as important ecosystems and cultural touchstones while serving as a witness to the continent's geological marvels.

As hotspots for biodiversity, the Gran Chaco and Brazilian Highlands are home to a variety of plants and animals. Numerous animals can be found in the wetlands of the Pantanal and the steppe habitat of the Patagonian Plateau. Indigenous cultures and long-standing customs are linked to the Puna plateau and the Guiana Highlands. Together, these plateaus showcase South America's geological and ecological splendour, adding to its natural and cultural heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Altiplano located?

The Altiplano is located in Bolivia and Peru.

What is the ecological significance of the Brazilian Highlands?

The Brazilian Highlands are considered a biodiversity hotspot, supporting a diverse range of plant and animal species.

What unique feature characterizes the Guyana Highlands?

The Guyana Highlands is known for their distinctive tepuis, ancient table-top mountains.

What is the dominant ecosystem of the Patagonian Plateau?

The Patagonian Plateau is characterized by its vast steppe ecosystem, dominated by grasslands and scrub vegetation.

What cultural significance does the Gran Chaco hold?

The Gran Chaco is home to indigenous cultures and traditions that have adapted to the challenging environment.

Which countries share the Pantanal wetlands?

The Pantanal wetlands are shared by Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay.

What geological feature is prominent in the Puna plateau?

The Puna plateau is known for its volcanic activity, with numerous volcanoes and volcanic cones.

What countries are included in the Guiana Highlands?

The Guiana Highlands span Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and parts of Venezuela.

What is the economic significance of the Brazilian Highlands?

The Brazilian Highlands are known for their mineral resources, including iron ore and gold, contributing to the region's economic importance.

What makes the Patagonian Plateau unique in terms of fossil deposits?

The Patagonian Plateau is renowned for its fossil deposits, which provide valuable insights into the ancient flora and fauna of the region.

What type of ecosystem characterizes the Gran Chaco?

The Gran Chaco is characterized by a mix of dry scrub forests, savannas, and wetlands, creating a diverse and dynamic ecosystem.

What is the significance of the Pantanal wetlands in terms of wildlife diversity?

The Pantanal is renowned for its exceptional wildlife diversity, including iconic species such as the jaguar, giant river otter, and hyacinth macaw.

How have indigenous communities adapted to the challenging conditions of the Puna plateau?

Indigenous communities residing in the Puna plateau have developed unique cultural practices and traditional knowledge to thrive in the high-altitude and volcanic environment.

What is the geological feature associated with the Guiana Highlands?

The Guiana Highlands feature ancient mountains and unique geological formations, including towering tepuis with flat summit surfaces.

Updated on: 08-Nov-2023

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