Major Minerals of Asia

Major minerals are abundant throughout Asia. Asia plays a significant role in the global mineral industry due to its enormous resources of coal, petroleum and natural gas, uranium, iron, ferroalloy metals, nonferrous base metals, precious metals, and non-metallic minerals. These minerals, which are primarily located in nations like China, India, Russia, and Kazakhstan, are what power the continent's energy production, manufacturing sector, and economic activity. The mineral abundance of Asia determines its economic environment and has an impact on international mineral supply networks.

Features of Major Minerals of Asia

Here are the descriptions of major minerals of Asia −


Although roughly three-fifths of the world's coal deposits are in Asia, they are spread unevenly. Siberia, the Central Asian republics, India, and China have the greatest deposits; North Korea, Indonesia, and Japan have lesser but nevertheless significant reserves from an economic standpoint. China's coal reserves are primarily of excellent quality. North and Central Asia contain enormous coal reserves, and the area has employed workers in 200 different fields. Siberia is home to the majority of North Asia's known coal reserves, though its entire extent and quality of deposits have not yet been thoroughly investigated.

Petroleum and Natural Gas

At least two-thirds of the world's known crude oil and natural gas reserves are located in Asia; as Siberia, the Caspian basin, and the oceans off Southeast Asia are further explored, the percentage may end up being greater. Oil fields—both on land and offshore—are currently being produced in China, Brunei, and Malaysia as well as in the Indonesian island chains of Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Many of the island chains bordering eastern Asia also feature geological formations that are conducive to the accumulation of petroleum. The greatest known oil reserves are in Western Asia, and they may be found in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran. Oil supplies are scarce in other parts of Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent's proven petroleum reserves are also modest.


Ancient crystalline rocks in Asia have uranium ore reserves. Between Osh and Tuya Muyun in Kyrgyzstan, you may find the country's richest mineral resources. Their own deposits are in China and India. The provinces of Xinjiang in the north and Hunan in the south are suspected to contain Chinese uranium resources.


Iron ore reserves can be found throughout Asia, while not all nations have access to local supplies. Several smaller nations in Southwest Asia, including South Korea, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and others, seem to have very modest amounts of iron ore. Japan relies heavily on imported commodities and has significantly less resources than are required for its sizable iron and steel sector. The Philippines ships ore abroad. Malaysia generates a considerable amount. There are substantial quantities of relatively low-grade ores in Thailand, Myanmar, and Pakistan, as well as high-quality ores in Vietnam and Turkey. Both India and Indonesia have sizable, evenly distributed reserves of high-quality iron ores.

Ferroalloy metals

Nickel deposits in Asia are not very plentiful. Norilsk, in north-central Siberia, has a large ore resource; nickel reserves and significant production also exist in Indonesia, China, and the Philippines. Turkey, the Philippines, India, Iran, and Pakistan are among the Asian nations possessing chromium reserves; quantities are also present in northwest Kazakhstan. There are substantial reserves of manganese in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Siberia, and India, and there are also sizeable quantities in China. Exceptionally massive tungsten resources can be found in southern China. The reserves of molybdenum and tungsten in Central Asia are very significant.

Nonferrous Base Metals

Copper is not widely distributed in Asia. Production in Siberia is primarily from the Kuznetsk Basin. The Philippines only has a small amount of copper ore reserves, while Japan no longer exploits its once-vast reserves. In Gansu, Hebei, Anhui, and Hubei, China possesses deposits. Small reserves are held by Turkey, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mongolia, India, and North Korea. Along a north-south axis that extends from southwest China through the Malay Peninsula to Indonesia, there are large tin reserves. Tin deposits can also be found in Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, and the Chinese province of Yunnan.

The Kuznetsk Basin of Siberia and central and eastern Kazakhstan contain the majority of Asia's lead and zinc reserves. North Korea has significant lead resources, while China also has numerous zinc and lead ore reserves. Asia has substantial bauxite reserves. The greatest fields are found in Kazakhstan and the Sayan Mountains in south-central Siberia. Along with considerable reserves in China, there are also sizable deposits in Malaysia, Turkey, India, Indonesia, and Indonesia. There are significant mercury concentrations in Siberia and south-central China. In Asia, magnesit is widespread. Turkey and Thailand also have sizeable antimony reserves, while central China has large antimony deposits.

Precious Metals

Throughout the years, many Asian nations have generated gold from alluvial stream deposits, and some still do today. Myanmar, Cambodia, and Indonesia generate small amounts of alluvial gold, while the Yangtze River's headwaters near the Tibetan border region also produce some gold. In the past, India was a significant lode mine producer of gold, but it appears that the best ores have been used up. Significant gold ore reserves exist in Taiwan, the Philippines, North and South Korea, and Taiwan. Small lode mines in these countries also occasionally yield gold.

Non-metallic Minerals

Asbestos reserves are regional; they are particularly rich in China, South Korea, and the eastern slope of the Central Urals in Siberia. Both eastern Siberia and India contain significant amounts of mica. In Central and West Asia, gypsum and sulphur deposits are both plentiful. Japan has substantial sulphur reserves. Along with other dispersed, lesser-valued resources, Kazakhstan possesses significant phosphate reserves in the Tupqaraghan Peninsula on the eastern bank of the Caspian Sea. In India and central-eastern Siberia, diamonds are made. Significant producers of rubies, sapphires, and several semiprecious stones, including moonstones and agates, are India and Sri Lanka. Important supply of rubies, sapphires, and other stones are also found in Cambodia and Myanmar. Rock salt is also abundantly available in Asia, but the hills and "glaciers" of salt in southern Iran have not yet been developed for use.

List of Major Minerals of Asia

Here's a table showcasing the major minerals found in Asia and their predominant locations −

Mineral Type

Predominant Locations


China, India, Indonesia, Australia

Petroleum and Natural Gas

Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Russia, China


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, India


China, India, Russia, Japan, South Korea

Ferroalloy Metals

Kazakhstan, China, India, Russia

Nonferrous Base Metals

China, Russia, Kazakhstan, India, Mongolia

Precious Metals

China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

Non-Metallic Minerals

China, India, Russia, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam


A wide range of important minerals, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as uranium, iron, ferroalloy metals, nonferrous base metals, precious metals, and non-metallic minerals, are abundant throughout Asia. The majority of these minerals may be found in Asia, specifically in China, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia. Mineral resources in Asia are essential to the continent's industrial expansion and economic progress. These minerals are abundant, which supports the manufacturing sector, the energy sector, and international mineral supply networks.

Frequently Asked Question

Which country has the largest coal reserves in Asia?

China has the largest coal reserves in Asia.

Where are the major petroleum reserves located in Asia?

Major petroleum reserves in Asia are located in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Russia, and China.

Which country in Asia has significant uranium deposits?

Kazakhstan is known for its significant uranium deposits in Asia.

What are the predominant locations for iron ore in Asia?

Iron ore deposits are predominantly found in China, India, Russia, Japan, and South Korea in Asia.

Where can precious metals like gold be found in Asia?

Precious metals like gold can be found in countries such as China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, and the Philippines in Asia.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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