Major Islands of the World

Most significant islands in the world are noticeable land masses encircled by water and home to distinct civilizations, unusual ecosystems, and beautiful scenery. The size, population, and geological makeup of these islands, which are frequently found in oceans and seas, vary. They are important for tourism, wildlife, and cultural heritage.

Major islands draw tourists and provide possibilities for exploration and discovery, from the lush rainforests of Borneo to the volcanic splendour of Hawaii.

Features of Major Islands of the World

Here is the description about major island of the world:


  • Greenland is the world's largest island, located in the North Atlantic Ocean.

  • It is known for its stunning Arctic landscapes, including glaciers, icebergs, and fjords.

  • The island is sparsely populated, with the majority of its land covered by ice.

  • Greenland is home to unique wildlife such as polar bears, whales, and seals.

  • It offers opportunities for adventure activities like hiking, dog sledding, and experiencing the Northern Lights.

New Guinea

  • New Guinea is the world's second-largest island, located in Oceania.

  • It is divided between two countries: Papua New Guinea to the east and Indonesia to the west.

  • The island is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, hosting vast rainforests, mountains, and unique animal species.

  • It is home to diverse indigenous cultures and languages.

  • The island offers opportunities for adventure, including trekking, diving in vibrant coral reefs, and exploring remote tribal communities.

  • Mount Wilhelm, the highest peak in Oceania outside of Australia, is located on New Guinea.


  • Borneo is the world's third-largest island, situated in Southeast Asia.

  • It is shared by three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei.

  • The island is renowned for its rich biodiversity, hosting ancient rainforests and being home to diverse plant and animal species, including the endangered orangutans.

  • Borneo offers stunning natural attractions such as the Mount Kinabalu, the Mulu Caves, and the Danum Valley.

  • The island's indigenous cultures and traditional longhouses add to its cultural significance and allure.


  • Madagascar is the world's fourth-largest island, located off the south-eastern coast of Africa.

  • It is known for its incredible biodiversity, with a high number of endemic plant and animal species found nowhere else on Earth.

  • The island offers diverse landscapes, including rainforests, baobab-lined avenues, and pristine beaches.

  • Madagascar is famous for its unique wildlife, such as lemurs, chameleons, and the fossa.

  • Its cultural heritage includes a blend of African, Arab, and Asian influences, making it a fascinating destination for travellers.


  • Sumatra is the sixth-largest island in the world and the largest island in Indonesia.

  • It is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including dense rainforests, active volcanoes, and beautiful beaches.

  • Sumatra is home to unique wildlife, such as the critically endangered Sumatran orangutan and Sumatran tiger.

  • The island offers opportunities for adventure, such as trekking in the Gunung Leuser National Park and exploring the pristine waters of Lake Toba.


  • Honshu is the largest and most populous island in Japan, located in East Asia.

  • It is known for its diverse landscapes, including mountains, plains, and coastal areas.

  • The island is home to iconic cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, offering a blend of modernity and traditional culture.

  • Honshu boasts famous landmarks such as Mount Fuji, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, and the historic temples of Kyoto.

Great Britain

  • Great Britain is an island located off the northwest coast of continental Europe.

  • It consists of three countries: England, Scotland, and Wales.

  • The island is known for its diverse landscapes, including rolling countryside, rugged coastlines, and historic cities.

  • It has a rich cultural heritage, with iconic landmarks such as Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, and Edinburgh Castle.

  • Great Britain is renowned for its contributions to literature, music, and sports, and is a popular tourist destination.

Victoria Island

  • Victoria Island is the eighth-largest island in the world, located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

  • It is primarily within the territory of Nunavut, Canada.

  • The island is known for its pristine Arctic wilderness, featuring tundra landscapes, lakes, and rivers.

  • It is home to diverse wildlife, including polar bears, Arctic foxes, and migratory birds.

Ellesmere Island

  • Ellesmere Island is the tenth-largest island in the world, located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

  • It is part of the territory of Nunavut, Canada.

  • The island is known for its rugged and remote Arctic landscapes, including glaciers, ice caps, and fjords.

  • Ellesmere Island is home to unique Arctic wildlife, such as muskoxen, Arctic wolves, and polar bears.


  • Sulawesi is one of the four main islands of Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia.

  • It is known for its unique shape, resembling an orchid or an octopus.

  • The island boasts diverse landscapes, including mountains, volcanoes, rainforests, and rice terraces.

  • is home to rich biodiversity, with numerous endemic species and Sulawesi marine life.

  • The island is famous for its traditional boat-building, vibrant markets, and ancient megalithic sites.

List of 10 Major Island of the World

Here's a table of the 10 major islands of the world and their respective locations −




North Atlantic Ocean

New Guinea



Southeast Asia


Indian Ocean


Southeast Asia



Great Britain


Victoria Island


Ellesmere Island



Southeast Asia


The world's largest islands are substantial landmasses that highlight the beauty and diversity of our globe. The distinctive landscapes, abundant wildlife, cultural heritage, and chances for adventure and discovery on these islands are what make them special. Each island has its own unique characteristics and draws, from the huge ice-covered stretches of Greenland to the vibrant jungles of Borneo.

They act as the natural habitat for endangered and uncommon species, support important ecosystems, and provide tourists with pleasurable experiences. Major islands are genuine world treasures that need our admiration and protection efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the largest island in the world?

Greenland is the largest island in the world.

Which one is the most biodiverse island?

Madagascar is known for its incredible biodiversity and endemic species.

Which Island is famous for its orangutans?

Borneo is renowned for its orangutans, among other unique wildlife.

Where is Mount Fuji located?

Mount Fuji is located on the island of Honshu in Japan.

Which Island is associated with Stonehenge?

Great Britain is associated with the historic landmark of Stonehenge.

Where is Victoria Island located?

Victoria Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

What is the largest island in Indonesia?

Borneo is the largest island in Indonesia.

Which Island is shaped like an orchid or an octopus?

Sulawesi is known for its unique shape resembling an orchid or an octopus.

Where is Ellesmere Island located?

Ellesmere Island is located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

What is the fourth-largest island in the world?

Sumatra is the fourth-largest island in the world.

Updated on: 08-Nov-2023


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