Major Islands of South America

The Major Islands of South America are a varied group of islands spread over the whole continent. These islands provide distinctive and enthralling experiences, from the isolated and unspoiled Galapagos Islands to the culturally diverse Easter Island. They exhibit stunning natural scenery, an abundance of biodiversity, and cultural legacy. Each island has its own unique appeal and attractiveness, making it one of the most sought-after locations for tourists looking for adventure, nature, and cultural exploration.

Examples include the breath-taking beaches of Fernando de Noronha and the mysterious Moai statues of Easter Island.

Features of Major Islands of South America

These South American islands' major islands draw tourists from all over the world with their distinctive natural, cultural, and historical experiences. Each island has unique qualities and attractions that make them vital resources for the area's tourism and conservation initiatives. Here are the explanations of the above-mentioned major islands of South America −

Tierra del Fuego

  • Located at the southernmost tip of South America, divided between Argentina and Chile.

  • Known for its unique biodiversity, including diverse bird species like penguins and albatrosses.

  • Home to indigenous communities like the Yamana and Selk'nam, showcasing their rich cultural heritage.

Fernando de Noronha

  • Situated off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Recognized as a marine reserve, boasting crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs.

  • A popular destination for ecotourism, offering opportunities for snorkelling, diving, and wildlife observation.

Galapagos Islands

  • Located off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean.

  • Renowned for their exceptional biodiversity and numerous endemic species, inspiring Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

  • Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site and a national park, emphasizing conservation efforts.

Easter Island

  • Situated in the Pacific Ocean, belonging to Chile.

  • Famous for its enigmatic Moai statues, massive stone figures created by the Rapa Nui civilization.

  • Showcasing Polynesian culture, the island offers a glimpse into their history, language, and traditions.

Juan Fernández Islands

  • Found in the Pacific Ocean, belonging to Chile.

  • Known for their remarkable biodiversity, including endemic plant and animal species.

  • Designated as a national park, preserving the islands' unique ecosystems and providing opportunities for hiking and nature exploration.

Ilha Grande

  • Located on the southeast coast of Brazil.

  • Boasts beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and an ecological reserve.

  • Offers visitors a chance to enjoy the pristine natural surroundings and engage in activities like hiking and wildlife spotting.

Chiloé Island

  • Situated along the southern coast of Chile.

  • Notable for its distinctive wooden churches, representing a blend of Spanish and indigenous architectural styles.

  • Rich in mythology and folklore, with a strong connection to its indigenous Mapuche heritage.

Margarita Island

  • Found in the Caribbean Sea, belonging to Venezuela.

  • Known for its stunning beaches and vibrant beach tourism scene.

  • Popular among water sports enthusiasts, offering opportunities for snorkeling, windsurfing, and sailing.

Marajó Island

  • Located at the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil.

  • Home to diverse wildlife, including caimans, capybaras, and river dolphins.

  • Showcases the rich indigenous culture of the Amazon region and offers insights into their traditional way of life.

Isla de la Juventud

  • Situated in the Gulf of Batabanó, belonging to Cuba.

  • Known for its ecotourism opportunities, including hiking trails, caves, and marine activities.

  • Features historical sites, such as the Presidio Modelo, a former prison that once held Fidel Castro.

List of Major Islands of South America

The major islands of South America are included in the table below, along with their locations and other details. These islands are well-known for their distinctive qualities, diverse biodiversity, and cultural importance. Each island offers a distinctive experience, from the Galapagos Islands, renowned for their diverse and rare fauna, to Easter Island, renowned for its enigmatic stone statues. While Margarita Island enchants with its Caribbean allure, Fernando de Noronha draws tourists with its immaculate beaches and abundant aquatic life.

The Falkland Islands are home to an amazing variety of species and breath-taking scenery. Discover the fascinating South American islands in this table, together with the exceptional qualities that make them so well-liked with tourists and nature lovers. Here is a table of Major Islands of South America, their locations, and significances −




Tierra del Fuego

Southernmost tip of South America


Fernando de Noronha

Off the coast of Brazil

Marine Reserve

Galapagos Islands

Off the coast of Ecuador

Endemic Species

Easter Island

Pacific Ocean, belonging to Chile

Moai Statues

Juan Fernández Islands

Pacific Ocean, belonging to Chile


Ilha Grande

Southeast coast of Brazil


Chiloé Island

Southern coast of Chile

Wooden Churches

Margarita Island

Caribbean Sea, belonging to Venezuela

Beach Tourism

Marajó Island

Mouth of the Amazon River, Brazil


Isla de la Juventud

Gulf of Batabanó, belonging to Cuba



The South American Major Islands are a distinctive and singular travel destination that beautifully displays the region's natural and cultural heritage. These islands provide visitors with a variety of experiences, from the spectacular vistas of the Galapagos Islands and Easter Island to the dynamic cultures of Fernando de Noronha and Margarita Island.

The Major Islands of South America offer something for everyone, whether it's discovering pristine beaches, meeting unusual species, diving into vibrant coral reefs, or getting to know the regional customs and cuisines. They are notable for their commitment to scientific studies and conservation efforts in addition to their stunning natural beauty. Numerous endemic species rely on these islands' important ecosystems and habitats for survival.

o maintain the long-term viability of these islands, visitors must respect and conserve their delicate ecosystems. The South American Continent’s Major Islands are true jewels, luring travellers on wonderful journeys and allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the glories of the natural and cultural worlds.

Frequently Asked Question

What are the major islands of South America?

The major islands of South America include the Galapagos Islands, Easter Island, Fernando de Noronha, Margarita Island, and the Falkland Islands.

Where are the Galapagos Islands located?

The Galapagos Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean, approximately 1,000 kilometres off the coast of Ecuador.

What makes the Galapagos Islands special?

The Galapagos Islands are known for their unique wildlife, including giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and Darwin's finches, as well as their volcanic landscapes.

Where is Easter Island located?

Easter Island is located in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, approximately 3,700 kilometres off the coast of Chile.

What are the famous statues on Easter Island called?

The famous statues on Easter Island are called Moai, and they were created by the Rapa Nui people centuries ago.

Where is Fernando de Noronha located?

Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago located off the north-eastern coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean.

What is unique about Fernando de Noronha?

Fernando de Noronha is known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich marine life, making it a popular destination for diving and snorkelling.

Where is Margarita Island located?

Margarita Island is situated in the Caribbean Sea, off the north-eastern coast of Venezuela.

What can visitors do on Margarita Island?

Visitors to Margarita Island can enjoy beautiful beaches, water sports, shopping, and exploring the island's vibrant culture and cuisine.

Where are the Falkland Islands located?

The Falkland Islands are located in the South Atlantic Ocean, approximately 500 kilometres off the coast of Argentina.

What is the main attraction of the Falkland Islands?

The Falkland Islands are known for their rich wildlife, including penguins, seals, and various bird species, as well as their stunning landscapes.

Updated on: 15-Nov-2023


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