Major Hot Deserts of Asia

Asia is home to a wide variety of hot deserts that cover large areas of land and influence the climate and landscapes of the area. These deserts show off the dry beauty of the continent, from the vast Arabian Desert with its recognizable sand dunes and scorching temperatures to the isolated Lut Desert with its unusual geological formations. The Dasht-e Kavir in Iran and the Thar Desert in India and Pakistan are thriving ecosystems with a rich cultural history. Exploring these scorching deserts provides a window into Asia's severe but interesting landscapes.

Features of Major Hot Deserts of Asia

Here are the descriptions of major hot deserts of Asia −

Arabian Desert

Almost the entire Arabian Peninsula is covered by the huge desert wasteland known as the Arabian Desert, which is located in Western Asia. It extends from Yemen to the Persian Gulf, Oman to Jordan, and Iraq and Jordan to Jordan. With a total surface size of 2,330,000 square kilometres (900,000 sq. mi), it takes up the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the largest desert in Asia and the sixth largest in the globe. One of the world's largest continuous sandbodies, Ar-Rub' al-Khali (The Empty Quarter), sits at its centre. The Sahara Desert stretches farther here.

Lut Desert

In the southeast of the nation is where you'll find Dasht-e-Lut, also known as the Lut Desert. Strong winds sweep across this dry subtropical region between June and October, carrying silt and causing massive aeolian erosion. Aeolian yardang landforms (huge corrugated ridges) may be found at the site, which also offers some of the most breathtaking specimens of them. Additionally, there are significant stony deserts and dune areas there. The property serves as an outstanding illustration of current geological processes.

Dasht-e Kavir

Dasht-e Kavir, also known as the Great Salt Desert and Kavir-e Namak (literally, "salty lowlands," is a sizable desert located in the centre of the Iranian Plateau. It is the 24th largest desert in the world and measures over 800 km (500 mi) long and 320 km (200 mi) broad. Its total surface area is roughly 77 600 km2 (30,000 sq. mi). This desert's territory runs from the Dasht-e Lut in the south-east to the Alborz Mountain range in the north-west. It is divided between the Iranian provinces of Yazd, Tehran, Isfahan, Khorasan, and Semnan.

Thar Desert

The Great Indian Desert, sometimes referred to as the Thar Desert, is a dry desert in the northwest of the Indian subcontinent that spans 200,000 km2 (77,000 sq. mi) of both Pakistan and India. It is the ninth-largest hot subtropical desert in the world and the twentieth-largest desert overall. 15% of the Thar Desert is in Pakistan, and 85% of it is in India. The Thar Desert makes up roughly 4.56% of India's total land area. The Indian state of Rajasthan hosts more than 60% of the desert, and it also includes parts of Gujarat, Punjab, and Haryana.

Dasht-e Margo

Afghanistan's southern Nimruz and Helmand provinces contain the desert region known as Dasht-e Margo, often spelled Dasht-e Morgow or Dasht-e Margoh. The Dasht-e Khash and Registan Deserts are close by this one. With an area of roughly 150,000 km2 and an elevation of 500–700 m, it ranks as the 20th largest desert in the world. In the desert, solonchaks, takirs, and occasionally oases can be found among the sand masses and rocky-clayish plains. The name of the desert translates to "Desert of Death" in Dari, where dasht stands for "plain" and margo for "death."

Registan Desert

In southeast Afghanistan, between the provinces of Helmand and Kandahar, is the Registan Desert, often referred to as the Sistan Desert, which is a very dry plateau area. Small red sand hills that are 50–100 feet (15–30 m) high, sand-covered plains, and open, rocky, and clay-covered sections make up this sandy desert. Ancient transverse dunes that have been partially stabilized form the foundation of the hills, reflecting a wind that blows from west to east and an almost limitless supply of sand. Baluchi and Pashtun nomads are quite sparsely dispersed throughout the desert. Agriculture is being steadily encroached upon by the desert.

Rub' al Khali

The majority of the southern third of the Arabian Peninsula is covered by the sand desert known as the Rub' al Khali. Around 650,000 km2 (250,000 sq. mi) of the desert are found in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and sections of the United Arab Emirates. The greater Arabian Desert includes it. The desert measures 500 kilometres (310 miles) in width and 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) in length. In the southwest, it has a surface elevation of 800 meters (2,600 feet), whereas in the northeast, it is roughly at sea level.

Kyzylkum Desert

The Kyzylkum Desert is the fifteenth-largest desert on earth. Its name translates to Red Sand in Turkic. It is situated in Central Asia, in the region once known as Transoxania, between the confluence of the Amu and Syr Darya rivers. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan currently share it. It travels approximately 298,000 kilometres

List of Major Hot Deserts of Asia

Here is a table listing major hot deserts of Asia along with their locations −

Hot Deserts


Arabian Desert

Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE

Lut Desert


Dasht-e Kavir


Thar Desert

India, Pakistan

Dasht-e Margo


Registan Desert

Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan

Rub' al Khali

Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Yemen

Kyzylkum Desert

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan


Some of the world's most amazing and diversified hot deserts can be found in Asia. These dry areas exhibit both the beauty and abrasiveness of desert ecosystems, from the enormous expanses of the Arabian Desert to the distinctive vistas of the Lut Desert. The hot deserts of Asia provide a mesmerizing view into the adaptability of life in difficult circumstances with their severe temperatures, shifting sand dunes, and distinctive flora and fauna.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the largest hot desert in Asia?

The Arabian Desert, covering most of the Arabian Peninsula, is the largest hot desert in Asia.

Are there any unique features in the Lut Desert?

Yes, the Lut Desert in Iran is known for its massive aeolian erosion and stunning aeolian yardang landforms.

Where is the Thar Desert located?

The Thar Desert spans across the northwest of the Indian subcontinent, covering parts of India and Pakistan.

What is the significance of the Rub' al Khali desert?

The Rub' al Khali, also known as the Empty Quarter, is a vast sand desert in the Arabian Peninsula that holds cultural and environmental importance.

Which countries share the Kyzylkum Desert?

The Kyzylkum Desert is shared by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

Which is the largest hot desert in Asia?

The Arabian Desert is the largest hot desert in Asia, covering a significant portion of the Arabian Peninsula.

Where is the Thar Desert located?

The Thar Desert is located in the northwest region of the Indian subcontinent, spanning both India and Pakistan.

What is the significance of the Lut Desert?

The Lut Desert, also known as Dasht-e-Lut, is known for its extreme temperatures and unique geological features, making it a remarkable site for studying current geological processes.

Which countries share the Kyzylkum Desert?

The Kyzylkum Desert is shared by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

What is the Rub' al Khali?

The Rub' al Khali is a vast sand desert covering the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, including Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and sections of the UAE.

Where is the Dasht-e Kavir located?

The Dasht-e Kavir, also known as the Great Salt Desert, is located in the central Iranian Plateau.

Which desert is often referred to as the "Desert of Death"?

Dasht-e Margo, also spelled Dasht-e Morgow or Dasht-e Margoh, is often called the "Desert of Death" in Afghanistan.

Updated on: 18-Oct-2023


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