Major Glaciers of the World

The Earth is covered in amazing glaciers, from the freezing continent of Antarctica to the high Himalayan peaks. In this succinct investigation, we will delve into the world's largest glaciers, examining their history, importance, and the crucial role they play in forming the ecosystems and landscapes of our planet. Get ready for a cold voyage through these frosty delights.

Features of Major Glaciers of the World

Here, description about each glacier is provided −

Lambert Glacier

  • The widest glacier in the world is Lambert Glacier, which is found in Antarctica.

  • The width of it is about 60 miles.

  • The glacier eventually flows into the Amery Ice Shelf and the ocean.

  • An important part of Antarctica's ice drainage system is played by Lambert Glacier.

  • It has been thoroughly investigated to comprehend ice dynamics and climate change.

Greenland Ice Sheet

  • The Greenland Ice Sheet, which makes up over 80% of Greenland's land area, is the second-largest ice body in the world.

  • Its ice is thought to have a volume of 2.9 million cubic kilometres.

  • In certain places, the ice sheet is up to 3 kilometres thick.

  • It is essential for controlling the rise in sea level and the world climate.

  • Numerous glaciers and ice streams that sculpt spectacular fjords are found on the ice sheet.

Columbia Icefield

  • Alberta and British Columbia's borders are shared by the Columbia Icefield, which is situated in the Canadian Rockies.

  • It has a space of about 325 square km.

  • Athabasca Glacier and Dome Glacier are just two of the glaciers fed by the icefield.

  • It is one of the Canadian Rockies' biggest icefields.

Perito Moreno Glacier

  • The Perito Moreno Glacier is situated in Argentina's Los Glaciares National Park.

  • It is about 250 square kilometres in size and is a piece of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.

  • The glacier is noted for being dynamic, moving constantly and rupturing sometimes.

  • The towering ice walls and eye-catching blue ice formations of the Perito Moreno Glacier are well-known.

Siachen Glacier

  • The highest battleground in the world is the Siachen Glacier, which is situated in the Himalayan Karakoram Range.

  • It has a length of 76 kilometres and a surface area of about 700 kilometres.

  • With temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius, the glacier is renowned for its hard circumstances and extreme environment.

  • Due to the fact that Siachen Glacier lies on disputed ground between India and Pakistan, it has strategic significance.

Vatnajökull Glacier

  • With a surface size of over 8,100 square kilometres, Vatnajökull Glacier is Iceland's biggest glacier.

  • It belongs to Vatnajökull National Park and is situated in the country's southeast.

  • Ice tunnels and caves are among the breath-taking ice formations found in the Vatnajökull Glacier.

  • Under its frozen surface, it harbours a number of active volcanoes.

  • The glacier is a well-liked location for ice climbing, glacier hiking, and discovering the fascinating ice caves that form inside its frozen expanse.

Franz Josef Glacier

  • The South Island of New Zealand's Franz Josef Glacier is a stunning glacier that may be found there.

  • It spans from the Southern Alps to the rainforest close to the ocean for around 12 kilometres.

  • The glacier bears the name of Franz Josef, an Austrian ruler.

  • With an average speed of almost 50 centimetres per day, it is one of the glaciers that is moving the quickest in the entire world.

  • On guided excursions of the glacier, visitors can see the magnificent ice structures, deep crevasses, and flowing icefalls.

Aletsch Glacier

  • The largest glacier in the Alps is the Aletsch Glacier, which is located in the Swiss Alps.

  • It covers about 81.7 square km of land.

  • The glacier is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

  • The magnificent blue ice, enormous ice formations, and soaring ice cliffs of the Aletsch Glacier are well recognized.

Athabasca Glacier

  • One of the easiest to reach glaciers in the Canadian Rockies is Athabasca Glacier, which is situated in Alberta, Canada.

  • It has a surface area of around 6 square kilometres and is about 6 kilometres long.

  • The glacier is a smaller portion of the Columbia Icefield.

  • Visitors can take guided trips that include walking on the Athabasca Glacier.

  • It features breath-taking ice formations, wide crevasses, and an alluring glacial landscape.

  • As a result of climate change, the glacier has been retreating over time.

Biafo Glacier

  • In Pakistan's Karakoram Mountain range, there is a sizable glacier called Biafo Glacier.

  • It is among the longest glaciers outside of the polar regions and measures roughly 67 kilometres in length.

  • The Biafo Glacier is well-known for its rough terrain, wide crevasses, and breath-taking ice formations.

  • It frequently forms a part of the well-known Biafo Hispar trek and offers breath-taking vistas of the hills and valleys in the area.

List of 10 Major Glaciers of the World

Here’s is the list of 10 major glaciers of the world and their locations −



Lambert Glacier


Greenland Ice Sheet


Columbia Icefield


Perito Moreno Glacier


Siachen Glacier


Vatnajökull Glacier


Franz Josef Glacier

New Zealand

Aletsch Glacier


Athabasca Glacier


Biafo Glacier



Major glaciers around the world are remarkable natural wonders that mesmerize us with their majesty and significance. Every glacier on the earth, from the vast Lambert Glacier in Antarctica to the effervescent Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina, has its own distinct characteristics and can provide important information about the climate and geological history of the planet.

In addition to shaping the terrain, these icy giants also offer freshwater resources and help regulate the global temperature. By exploring and admiring these glaciers, we are reminded of the incredible fragility and power of Earth's frozen regions. In order for future generations to see these magnificent glaciers and appreciate their ecological significance, they must be preserved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the largest glacier in the world located?

The largest glacier, Lambert Glacier, is located in Antarctica.

What is the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet?

The Greenland Ice Sheet covers approximately 80% of Greenland's land area.

What are the features of Columbia Icefield?

Columbia Icefield showcases stunning glaciers, including Athabasca Glacier, and is a popular tourist destination.

Where is Perito Moreno Glacier located?

Perito Moreno Glacier is located in Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina.

What is unique about Siachen Glacier?

Siachen Glacier is the world's highest battleground and experiences extreme climate conditions.

What are the features of Vatnajökull Glacier?

Vatnajökull Glacier in Iceland boasts beautiful ice formations, including ice caves and ice tunnels.

What is special about Franz Josef Glacier?

Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand is known for its fast-moving nature and captivating ice formations.

Where is Aletsch Glacier located?

Aletsch Glacier is located in the Swiss Alps and is the largest glacier in the Alps.

What are the features of Athabasca Glacier?

Athabasca Glacier offers accessible glacier walking tours and showcases impressive ice forvmations.

Where is Biafo Glacier located?

Biafo Glacier is situated in the central Karakoram Mountain range and is one of the longest glaciers outside the polar regions.

Updated on: 08-Nov-2023


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