Major Countries with the Longest Coastlines in Africa

Africa, is renowned for its fascinating and varied coasts. These coastlines, which cover thousands of kilometers, provide a range of sceneries, including gorgeous beaches, rocky cliffs, and vibrant coastal cities. Africa's coastlines have had a tremendous impact on the development of its history, culture, and natural beauty. Some of the continent's longest and most amazing coastlines can be found in countries like Madagascar, Somalia, South Africa, Mozambique, and Egypt.

As we examine their features and qualities, discover the magnificence and attraction of Africa's coasts.

Major Countries of Africa with Longest Coastlines

Here are the descriptions about major coastlines in Africa −


Madagascar is 1,600 km long from north to south and has a maximum breadth of 600 km, with a coastline that stretches over 6,000 km. It is only 300 km from Africa's east coast, where it is separated by the 4,000-meter-deep Mozambique Channel. Geologists estimate that the island was joined to Africa 165 million years ago. The island of Madagascar split away from Africa as the continents drifted apart, and ever since then, its flora and wildlife have evolved in distinct directions.


In Africa, Somalia has the longest national coastline (3025 km), and its shelf area (depth 0-200 m) is estimated to be 32 500 km2. The northern coastal plain of Guban, which has a semi-arid landscape, the northern highlands, which descend to the south from the highlands and are made up of shallow plateau valleys, wadis, and broken mountains, and the Ogaden region, which rises in the north from the highlands. The Mudug plain in the center of Somalia is reached from the latter region.

South Africa

With a long coastline that stretches over 3000 km from the arid border with Namibia on the Atlantic coast southward to the southernmost tip of Africa and then north to the border of subtropical Mozambique on the Indian Ocean, South Africa holds the most southernmost point of Africa. The South African fishing industry is concentrated on the west coast because the cold seas there are significantly richer in oxygen, nitrates, phosphates, and plankton than those on the east coast. Only one ideal natural harbour exists, and that is Saldanha Bay on the west coast.


The fourth-ranked country on the list, Mozambique, has the longest coastline, a 2,470-kilometer stretch that crosses the Indian Ocean. The unknown and unnamed beaches are supposed to boast intriguing and opulent resorts that draw tourists looking for something different.


The land borders of Egypt are shared with Libya to the west, Sudan to the south, and Israel to the northeast. The "alib Triangle" near the Red Sea and "Bir Awl" farther inland are two places along Egypt's border with Sudan where the two nations have conflicting claims. Its coastline on the Mediterranean is around 620 miles (1,000 km) in the north, while it is approximately 1,200 miles (1,900 km) in the east along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba.


The Red Sea borders Eritrea's northeast and east, Sudan its west and northwest, Ethiopia its south, and Djibouti its southeast. Eritrea is a country on the Horn of Africa. A high central plateau rises from 1,800 to 3,000 meters (5,906–9,843 ft) above sea level in the nation. The remaining land mass of Eritrea is made up of about 350 islands, a coastal plain, and western lowlands.


It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the north, with the Strait of Gibraltar separating the two shores. Morocco shares boundaries with Algeria to the east and southeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Western Sahara to the south. It is the only nation in Africa with coastlines that are exposed to both the Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas. The Kingdom of Morocco spans 710,850 km2 in total. 3,500 kilometers of shoreline are present.


North Africa's Mediterranean coast is home to the nation of Libya. A total of 1,770 km (1,099.8 mi) of shoreline and 1,759,540 km (679,362 mi) of land make up the area of the planet. Benghazi's shoreline may be found in eastern Libya, in the Cyrenaica. Among African countries, Libya boasts the longest Mediterranean coastline. It is the region of the Mediterranean Sea between Tobruk and Alexandria that lies north of the old Libyan coast of Africa, also known as Cyrenaica and Marmarica (the coast of what is now eastern Libya and western Egypt).


Angola is a country in southern Africa that shares borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo as well as Namibia, Zambia, and the South Atlantic Ocean. The overall area of Angola is 1,246,700 square kilometres. Its 1,610 km of shoreline along the South Atlantic Ocean. On the north-central coast of Angola is Luanda, the country's capital. Morro de Moco, which has a height of 2,620 meters (8,596 feet), is Angola's highest peak. The exclave of Cabinda is also a part of Angola (an exclave is a region of land that is a part of another country but geographically isolated from that country). Cabinda is a province of Angola that is approximately 7,300 square kilometres (2,800 square miles) in area. It is situated on the Atlantic coast, south of the Republic of Congo.


The length of Namibia's coastline, which stretches from the Orange River in the south to the Kunene River in the north, is approximately 1,572 km. The coastline is relatively straight and trends NNW, with the exception of a large embayment in Walvis Bay. There are two natural harbours in Walvis Bay and Luderitz that can accommodate vessels of up to a medium size. The former is located in a rocky inlet facing northwest, and the latter is sheltered by Pelican Point, a sizable sand spit. A passive margin feature from the early Cretaceous is the Namibian coast.

List of Major Coastlines in Africa

Here is the list of countries which forms coastlines in Africa, their rank and length −



Coastline (Km)








South Africa
























Africa's coastlines are remarkably diverse in terms of their length, geography, and cultural importance. Africa provides a variety of coastal experiences, from the long coastline of Madagascar to the rough coastlines of Somalia, the stunning landscapes of South Africa, and the unique beaches of Mozambique. The strategic positioning of Egypt along the Mediterranean and Red Sea, the breathtaking Red Sea coast of Eritrea, the dual exposure of Morocco to the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and Libya's extensive Mediterranean shoreline all add to the appeal of the continent's coastline.

The list of significant African coastal countries is completed by Angola and Namibia, both of which have South Atlantic coastlines. The cultural, economic, and ecological features of

the different countries are significantly shaped by these coastlines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country in Africa has the longest coastline?

Madagascar has the longest coastline in Africa, spanning approximately 6,000 kilometers.

What is the length of Somalia's coastline?

Somalia has a coastline that extends for about 3,333 kilometers, making it the second-longest in Africa.

Which country has the most southern coastline in Africa?

South Africa possesses the most southern coastline in Africa, stretching over 2,798 kilometers from its border with Namibia to the southern tip of the continent.

What is the length of Mozambique's coastline?

Mozambique boasts a coastline of approximately 2,470 kilometers along the Indian Ocean, making it the fourth-longest coastline in Africa.

Which country in Africa has a coastline on both the Atlantic and Mediterranean Seas?

Morocco is the only African country that has coastlines exposed to both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the length of Angola's coastline?

Angola's coastline extends for about 1,600 kilometers along the South Atlantic Ocean, contributing to its diverse coastal landscapes.

How long is Namibia's coastline?

Namibia's coastline spans approximately 1,572 kilometers, running from the Orange River in the south to the Kunene River in the north.

Which country has the longest Mediterranean coastline in Africa?

Libya boasts the longest Mediterranean coastline among African countries, measuring around 1,770 kilometers.

What is the length of Egypt's coastline?

Egypt has a coastline of approximately 2,450 kilometers along the Mediterranean Sea and around 1,200 kilometers along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba.

How long is Eritrea's coastline?

Eritrea's coastline stretches for about 2,234 kilometers along the Red Sea, forming a significant part of its border.

Updated on: 21-Nov-2023


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