Machine Learning for a school-going kid


Machine learning's core methods have been available for a long time, but computers have only lately developed the processing capacity necessary to apply the approaches in real-world settings.

Today's artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are capable of learning to recognize things in pictures and videos, communicate across languages, and even master board and arcade games. In some situations, such as with DeepMind's AlphaGo software, the AI even performs better than top humans at the given job!

What is Machine Learning?

Artificial intelligence is used in machine learning, where we will try to give computers access to the data and allow them to utilize that data to learn on their own. In essence, it involves instructing a computer to carry out a job without having been specifically configured to do so. Machine Learning is also known as ML and artificial intelligence is also known as AI.

Explanation of Machine Learning

I assume your children had previously witnessed a battle bots tournament. You know, where robots are programmed to attack and "fight" one another using a methodology (a series of instructions followed to complete a task; it's a computer's cognitive process).

In this case, the robot would make a choice on its own based on the information available to it if machine learning were applied. In other words, instead of being instructed by code to always execute choice A, the robot would select to execute either option A or option B.

Therefore, machine learning teaches an algorithm so that it may learn how to make decisions by itself, as opposed to programming software with explicit instructions.

Working of Machine Learning

ML, as previously mentioned, refers to training an algorithm. Then in order to train an algorithm, users need to have an artificial neural network also known as ANN, which is a collection of algorithms inspired by our brain that is biological neural networks and modeled just after it, which is made up of distinct neurons connected to one another.

A neuron is a basic yet linked functional unit in machine learning that handles outside inputs. Data enters a neuron into its inputs, is processed by the neuron using weights, biases, and an activation function, and the processed data is then sent out as the neuron's output.

You must train a neuron by changing its weights and biases until the output is perfect once you have one that can take input data and produce a value.

These neurons are used by machine learning for many different tasks, including forecasting the result of an event, the price of a stock, or even the movements of a soccer player during a match. To forecast the result, a neuron takes input information from any previous events.

Capabilities of Machine Learning

Supervised learning is the primary type of ML solution. These are solutions where training data is accessible, allowing the code to obtain remarks on its performance as it develops.

Games and object recognition are examples of supervised learning tasks since the machine receives remarks as it learns. Did it properly identify the thing in the image? Did it win the game, or did it lose after 10 seconds of play? It can modify its decision-making process in response to feedback to do better the following time.

Classification and reinforcement learning are two of the most prevalent subcategories of supervised learning issues.

Software, such as filtering spam emails or an image recognition program, is given a set of inputs in a classification issue and must learn to accurately categorize those inputs.

In reinforcement learning, the software also known as the "agent" dynamically comes into contact with the environment and decides what to do next. The agent must figure out the optimal way to complete the goal based on the environment as it is right now, the positive and negative incentives, and the actions made.

Reinforcement learning agents have begun learning to play many kinds of video games, including much more difficult strategic games like StarCraft 2. They can also learn to play games like master the board games of Go and Chess, Ms. Pac-Man, compete against experts in a game named Dota 2, and play Ms. Pac-Man.

Examples of Machine Learning

When problems develop in a range of contexts and environments, machine learning is utilized to identify answers.

Smart Cars

Based on data gathered from many internal and exterior sensors, ML can assess the driving environment and driver state based on data gathered from many internal and exterior sensors.

For instance, a smart automobile has the ability to observe, identify, and then recognize an item using ML. Since there are so many distinct items in the environment, it would be quite difficult to explicitly code into the car's architecture what each object is or maybe. But if you use machine learning to educate the automobile to recognize objects, it can decide for itself.

Music and Video Recommendations

Kids who use music applications may have questioned how the program might recommend additional songs they would like. Similarly, how does YouTube choose which video kids would like to watch next? Machine learning makes all of this feasible. An algorithm that determines the listener's or viewer's preference is built and improved using information from previously seen movies used to train the algorithm.

Web Search

It takes a lot of work and machine learning to get results when looking for anything in a search engine. How does Google determine which of the tens of thousands of results are relevant to a search query? Everything on the internet is categorized using a highly developed kind of artificial intelligence and ML, which determines which photographs are of "dogs" and "cats" and which articles are about the "Loch Ness Monster" or "Bigfoot."


Supervised learning is one of the primary types of machine learning issues. In reinforcement learning, software dynamically interacts with the environment and decides what to do next. Agents can also learn to play Ms. Pac-Man, master the board games of Go and Chess, and compete against experts in Dota 2. Machine learning can assess the driving environment and driver state based on data gathered from many internal and exterior sensors.

Updated on: 10-Mar-2023


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