Location protocol Property in JavaScript

This article will teach us how to use the Javascript location protocol properties to implement the web application's protocol.

The read−only location.protocol property in javascript returns the protocol specified in the current webpage's URL. It offers details on the URL's protocol, including "http:", "https:", "file:", etc.

Common protocol values that are utilised by numerous web apps include −

  • http − It represents the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

  • https − It represents the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).

  • file − It represents the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

  • ftp − It represents the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

  • data − It represents the data URIs.

  • mailto − It represents the email links.

To access the protocol used in the current URL, we can use the location.protocol property.

Let’s look at some of the examples to understand the concept better −

Example 1

In this example, we will create a button element and add a click event listener to it. When the button is clicked, we will call the checkProtocol() function and check for the location.protocol value and then display a corresponding alert message based on whether the protocol is "https:" or not.

Filename: index.html

   <title>Location protocol Property in JavaScript.</title>
   <h3>Location protocol Property in JavaScript.</h3>

   <button onclick="checkProtocol()">Check Protocol</button>
      function checkProtocol() {
         if (location.protocol === 'https:') {
            alert('This webpage is served over a secure connection.');
         } else {
            alert('This webpage is served over an insecure connection.');


The output will look like below −

Example 2

In this example, we will create a button element and add a click event listener to it. When the button is clicked, we will call the findSecuredUrl() function and check if the current protocol is not "https:". If it's not, the function prints the secured version of the current URL to the console.

Filename: index.html

   <title>Protocol Redirect Example</title>
      function findSecuredUrl() {
         if (location.protocol !== 'https:') {
            const securedUrl = 'https://' + location.host + location.pathname;
            console.log('securedUrl', securedUrl);
   <h3>Protocol Redirect Example</h3>
   <button onclick="findSecuredUrl()">Redirect to Secure Protocol</button>


The output will look like below −


We may retrieve the protocol listed in the URL of the current webpage using JavaScript's location.protocol attribute. It allows us to identify the URL's protocol part, such as "http:", "https:", etc. When using conditional logic or when making decisions based on the protocol in use, this information may be helpful. We learned the concept of location protocol property in JavaScript and saw some examples explaining the same.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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