Locate unused structures and structure-members

Structures in programming languages like C and C++ are a collection of related data fields, which can be accessed and manipulated as a single entity. They are often used to group related data items into a single variable, making it easier to manage and work with complex data structures. However, as code bases grow and evolve over time, it is not uncommon for structures and their members to become unused or redundant. These unused structures and members can clutter code and make it more difficult to understand, maintain, and update. In this article, we will discuss some ways to locate and remove unused structures and structure-members.

Why Remove Unused Structures and Members?

Unused structures and members can impact performance and readability of your code. Here are some of reasons why you should consider removing them −

  • Reduced code complexity − Unused structures and members add unnecessary complexity to your code, making it more difficult to understand, maintain, and update.

  • Improved performance − Unused structures and members consume memory and can slow down your application's performance.

  • Better code quality − Removing unused structures and members can improve overall quality of your code, making it more readable, maintainable, and bug-free.

  • Easier debugging − When you remove unused structures and members, you can focus on essential parts of your code, making it easier to debug when issues arise.

Ways to Locate Unused Structures and Members

Manual Code Review

One way to locate unused structures and members is to conduct a manual code review. This involves going through your codebase line by line and looking for structures and members that are not used. This can be a time-consuming process, especially for large codebases, but it can be an effective way to identify unused structures and members.


For example, consider following C code −

#include <stdio.h>

struct student {
   char name[50];
   int age;
   float gpa;

int main() {
   struct student s1 = {"John", 20, 3.5};
   printf("Name: %s\n", s1.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", s1.age);
   return 0;

In this code, gpa member of student structure is not used. A manual code review would reveal this, and gpa member could be safely removed.

Static analysis tools

Another way to locate unused structures and members is to use static analysis tools. These tools can scan your codebase and identify structures and members that are not used. Some popular static analysis tools for C and C++ include −

  • Clang − A C language family frontend for LLVM that includes a static analyzer.

  • GCC − A compiler for several programming languages, including C and C++, that includes a static analysis tool called GCC Analyzer.

  • Coverity − A commercial static analysis tool that can detect unused code and other defects.


For example, consider following C code −

#include <stdio.h>

struct student {
   char name[50];
   int age;
   float gpa;

int main() {
   struct student s1 = {"John", 20, 3.5};
   printf("Name: %s\n", s1.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", s1.age);
   return 0;

A static analysis tool like Clang or GCC Analyzer would identify that gpa member of student structure is not used and flag it as an unused variable.

Dynamic analysis tools

Dynamic analysis tools can also be used to locate unused structures and members. These tools can be used to trace execution of your code and identify structures and members that are not used during runtime. Some popular dynamic analysis tools for C and C++ include −

  • Valgrind − A tool for memory debugging, leak detection, and profiling that includes a tool called Memcheck for identifying memory errors.

  • Purify − A commercial tool for detecting memory errors, performance bottlenecks, and thread synchronization issues.

  • Intel Inspector − A commercial tool for detecting memory errors and threading issues.


For example, consider following C code −

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct student {
   char name[50];
   int age;
   float gpa;

int main() {
   struct student* s1 = (struct student*) malloc(sizeof(struct student));
   s1->age = 20;
   s1->gpa = 3.5;
   printf("Age: %d\n", s1->age);
   return 0;

In this code, name member of student structure is not used. A dynamic analysis tool like Valgrind or Purify would identify this and flag it as an unused memory allocation.

Removing Unused Structures and Members

Once you have identified unused structures and members, you can safely remove them from your codebase. This can be done by deleting structure definition and any references to its members. Make sure to test your code thoroughly after making any changes to ensure that it still works as expected.


For example, consider following C code −

#include <stdio.h>

struct student {
   char name[50];
   int age;

int main() {
   struct student s1 = {"John", 20};
   printf("Name: %s\n", s1.name);
   printf("Age: %d\n", s1.age);
   return 0;

In this code, gpa member of student structure has been removed since it was identified as unused. resulting code is simpler, easier to read, and consumes less memory.


Unused structures and members can add unnecessary complexity to your code, impact its performance, and make it more difficult to understand, maintain, and update. By using manual code reviews, static analysis tools, and dynamic analysis tools, you can locate unused structures and members and safely remove them from your codebase. This can improve overall quality of your code, making it more readable, maintainable, and bug-free. Remember to test your code thoroughly after making any changes to ensure that it still works as expected.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2023


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