Load Image in Tkinter from Pygame Surface in Python

Combining the power of Pygame for graphical rendering and Tkinter for creating GUIs can lead to robust applications with engaging visual elements. In this tutorial, we will explore the integration of Pygame surfaces into Tkinter applications, focusing on loading images, specifically demonstrating the process with a Pygame circle.

What is Pygame?

Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing video games. It provides functionalities for handling graphics, user input, sound, and more. Tkinter, on the other hand, is a standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit for Python. By combining Pygame and Tkinter, developers can leverage the strengths of both libraries to create interactive and visually appealing applications.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have Pygame and Pillow (PIL) installed. You can install them using the following command −

pip install pygame Pillow

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process.

Step 1: Initialize Pygame

The first step is to initialize Pygame. This sets up the Pygame modules and prepares the environment for graphical operations.

import pygame

# Initialize Pygame

Step 2: Create a Pygame Surface

Next, we create a Pygame surface where we will draw our graphics. In this example, we'll draw a blue circle on the surface. Make sure to replace this code with your own surface creation logic if needed.

width, height = 300, 200

# Create a Pygame surface with an alpha channel
pygame_surface = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA)

# Draw a blue circle on the surface
pygame.draw.circle(pygame_surface, (0, 0, 255), (150, 100), 50)

In the above code, pygame.Surface is used to create a surface with an alpha channel (pygame.SRCALPHA). The alpha channel allows transparency in the image. The pygame.draw.circle function is then used to draw a blue circle on this surface.

Step 3: Initialize Tkinter

We need to create a Tkinter window where we will display our Pygame surface.

import tkinter as tk

# Create a Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Loading Image in Tkinter from Pygame Surface")

Step 4: Convert Pygame Surface to PIL Image

To display the Pygame surface in Tkinter, we need to convert it to a format that Tkinter understands. We'll use the Pillow library (PIL) to convert the Pygame surface to a PIL Image.

from PIL import Image

# Convert Pygame surface to PIL Image
pygame_image = pygame.image.tostring(pygame_surface, 'RGBA')
pil_image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (width, height), pygame_image)

Here, pygame.image.tostring converts the Pygame surface to a string of pixel data, and Image.frombytes creates a PIL Image from this pixel data.

Step 5: Convert PIL Image to Tkinter PhotoImage

Now that we have a PIL Image, we can convert it to a Tkinter PhotoImage using the ImageTk module.

from PIL import ImageTk

# Convert PIL Image to Tkinter PhotoImage
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image)

Step 6: Create a Tkinter Label and Display the Image

The final step is to create a Tkinter label and display the converted image on it.

# Create a Tkinter label to display the image
label = tk.Label(root, image=tk_image)

Step 7: Run the Tkinter Main Loop

To keep the Tkinter window open and responsive, we need to run the Tkinter main loop.

# Run the Tkinter main loop

Putting All the Steps Together

Let’s put all these steps together and check the output −


import pygame
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import tkinter as tk

# Initialize Pygame

# Create a Pygame Surface
width, height = 400, 300
pygame_surface = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA)
pygame.draw.circle(pygame_surface, (0, 0, 255), (150, 100), 50)  

# Initialize Tkinter
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Loading Image in Tkinter from Pygame Surface")

# Convert Pygame Surface to PIL Image
pygame_image = pygame.image.tostring(pygame_surface, 'RGBA')
pil_image = Image.frombytes('RGBA', (width, height), pygame_image)

# Convert PIL Image to Tkinter PhotoImage
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image)

# Create a Tkinter Label and Display the Image
label = tk.Label(root, image=tk_image)

# Run the Tkinter Main Loop

# Quit Pygame


The above script initializes Pygame, creates a Pygame surface with a blue circle, converts it to a Tkinter-compatible format using Pillow, and then displays it in a Tkinter window.


In this tutorial, we explored the process of integrating Pygame surfaces into Tkinter applications. By combining the strengths of both the libraries, developers can create visually appealing and interactive applications. The provided example demonstrates how to draw a Pygame circle on a surface, convert it into a Tkinter-compatible format, and display it in a Tkinter window.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2024


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