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Living A Mindful Life Amidst Clutter

person icon Brent Dalley


Living A Mindful Life Amidst Clutter

Our surroundings can a do dictate how we feel, how we act and how we think.

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Brent Dalley

English [CC]

category icon Mindfulness,Personal Development,Personal Transformation

Lectures -25

Duration -2.5 hours



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Course Description

This might sound like a surprising claim but the ability to control your emotions and the way you respond to a situation is not only the secret to happiness, but also the secret to being able to get whatever you want from life.

Why? Because it’s our interpretation of events, more than the events themselves, that dictate our happiness, mood and performance. Not only that, but our emotions and the neurotransmitters that control them are what alter our ability to focus, to remember information and to be creative.

The reaction of your body is in response to your belief and your perception then – not the reality.

Several studies point to disorganization as being one of the main reasons people suffer from anxiety at work and at home.

Clutter is a leading cause of anxiety or at least your inability to focus according to several psychological studies. It makes sense, because one way to free your mind from anxiety is to have more free time to just think without interruption.

You can’t do that if you’re wading through your clutter.

If you could gain control of your emotional response then, you could prevent that stressful response and instead stay calm and focused.

But the power of controlling your emotions is much more profound than that. As you will learn in this course, the ability to increase your confidence can actually lead to all kinds of changes in your life that result in you being more productive, more successful… even wealthier.

And it doesn’t stop there! Controlling your emotions also means you’ll be able to overcome stressful situations and even phobias! Say goodbye to a fear of public speaking… And likewise, controlling your emotions can help you to avoid arguments and shouting matches in your relationship – which will result in a more harmonious and happy home life.

One of the best ways to simplify your life is to declutter. There are numerous ways to go about doing this and I have included 10 different approaches to the journey of decluttering your life.

Then there are the ways that your emotion can make you more powerful and more efficient. Did you know for instance, that you can increase muscle fiber recruitment and potentially tap into superhuman strength by getting into the right mood? Did you know that the correct combination of neurochemistry can give you perfect


This course will show you how to tap into all those things and at the same time, it will show you how you can simply get some peace and quiet by calming your mind and taking a time out.

See you in the course and learn how powerful Mindfulness and Simplicity can be in your life.

Who Is The Course For:

  • This course is for anyone looking to improve their life.


  • Did you know that clutter is a leading cause of anxiety according to several psychological studies?
  • In this course you will learn step by step in simple terms how to declutter every room in your home.
  • If you finish the course and work hard at implementing what is taught you will find your daily tasks much easier to accomplish
  • You will find your relationships much more meaningful and your general well being noticeably improved


  • This course was designed and produced to give you a broad overview of mindfulness and yet contains the tools you will need to include the power of mindfulness in your daily life.
Living A Mindful Life Amidst Clutter


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

1 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 09:23 09:23
The Power of Mindfulness in Your Life and How to Use It To Your Benefit
13 Lectures
Declutter To Put Your Mind At Rest
11 Lectures

Instructor Details

Brent Dalley

Brent Dalley

For the past 22years Brent has owned and operated his own business.

He works from home, writing and producing training courses in personal development, leadership, and personal communications.

He consults and coaches winning teams and team leaders.

He is a personal coach to those seeking to improve their personal life.

With forty years' experience in leadership, he has gained a lifetime’s knowledge and experience.

Throughout his career Brent has received awards in education, sales performance, cost control and asset management, and employee/management relationships.

In his time away from the office he has volunteered as a counselor and coach to countless individuals and couples.

He is married to the same young lady he met 60 years ago and together they have two daughters and one son and 9 grandchildren.

His current interests are mountain biking, hiking and spoiling grandchildren.

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