List of Viceroys in India


The Viceroy was set up after the Government of India Act was signed by the Crown. This made an office that was set up as the Secretary of State for India in the year 1858. In the days that followed after this Act was accepted by the Crown, the post of Governor- General was termed as the Viceroy.

Who is a Viceroy?

The person who is installed in the office of the Viceroy is known to be the one who is representing the monarchy to a foreign territory.

In this case, the Viceroy used to supervise the administrative system when the Indian subcontinent was under the rule of England. The United Kingdom was able to install the viceroy after the power of administration went over to the British monarchy.

List of Viceroys in India

List of Viceroys in British India Tenure of each Viceroy serving British India Memorable events under the rule of every Viceroy
Lord Canning 1856 to 1858 Under his rule India witnessed the First War of Independence. The country goes three major educational institutions namely, the University of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay (Indian culture, 2022). The administration shifted from the Company to the Crown.
Lord Elgin 1862-1863 Under the reign of this Viceroy the movement started by the Wahabis occurred. The rebellion was to fight imperialism under the leadership of Syed Mir Nisar Ali,
Lord John Lawrence 1864-1869 The war to capture Bhutan in the year 1865 was fought under the reign of this Viceroy. There were High Courts of justice that were established in the three port cities of India, Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.
Lord Mayo 1869-1872 The division of finances between the Central Government and the State Government was brought in for the first time. The country got its first census in the year 1872. There was a college set up for the elites from the Royal lineage which was known as the Mayo College. The Statistical Survey of India was an important organisation that was established. He is the only Viceroy who died in the country after Sher Ali Afridi assassinated him in Port Blair.
Lord Northbrook 1872-1876 The foundation of the AryaSamaj was laid under the rule of this Viceroy. He was the representative of the Crown when Punjab tried to overthrow British rule by organising the Kuka Movement (Wasti, Chawla & Arshad, 2018). He was responsible for passing the bill of Universal Marriage Act that allowed people from two different castes to get married.
Lord Lytton 1876-1880 There were two notorious acts that were introduced and executed by the British government under his tenure (ignca, 2022). Vernacular Press Act and the Arms Act were passed. The country fought a war with the Afghans for the second time.
Lord Ripon 1880-1884 A large yet non-violent upheaval was caused by the Indians to repel the Vernacular Press Act. The introduction of the Factory Act happened for the first time under his rule. A resolution to form the local self-Government was passed by the British government. Ilbert Bill's Controversy occurred and the passing of the Hunter Commission on education happened.
Viceroy in 1887 - Lord Dufferin 1884-1888 The administration of Lord Dufferin led to the formation of the Indian National Congress. The third war with Burma was fought.
Lord Lansdowne 1888-1894 The introduction of the second Factory Act took place. The Government passed the Indian Councils Act and the commission led by Durand was sent.
Lord Elgin II 1894-1899 The Chapekar Brothers assassinated Officer Rand.
Lord Curzon 1899-1905 Bengal was divided under his rule (indianexpress, 2022). Two important commissions known as the Police Commission and Universities Commission were set up.
Lord Minto II 1905-1910 The Congress split in Surat and the Muslim League was formed (britishpathe, 2022). The reforms of Morley and Minto occurred.
Lord Hardinge II 1910-1916 Delhi became the new capital city of India. Hindu Mahasabha was established in 1915. The Partition of Bengal was cancelled.
Lord Chelmsford 1916-1921 Events like the Lucknow Pact and Champaran Satyagraha were launched. The Rowlatt Act was introduced and the JallianwalaBagh tragedy occurred.
Lord Reading 1921-1926 The incident at ChauriChaura occurred which withdrew the Non-Cooperation movement (insightsonindia, 2022). Kakori Train was looted and Swaraj Party was established.
Lord Irwin 1926-1931 Arrival of Simon Commission and the Dandi March started under his tenure. The Nehru Report was published and the PurnaSwaraj was adopted at Lahore. Gandhi and Irwin made a pact in 1931. The First Round Table Conference occurred.
Lord Linlithgow 1936-1944 Congress resigned as a protest against WWII. The League passed the Lahore Resolution. INA was formed and the Cripp’s Mission was sent to India. The Quit India Movement was launched.
Lord Wavell 1944-1947 The conference at Simla was held under his rule. The League announced its D- Day and Clement Attlee announced India’s Independence.
Lord Mountbatten 1947-1948 The June Third Plan was placed and the Redcliff Commission was sent to India. India was declared an independent and sovereign state.


The tutorial shows the list of Governor-General that used to represent the Crown to India. The Viceroys had the role of executing the policies of the Queen. This was the time the Viceroy started operating under the orders that were passed down to him under the order issued by the Council of India. This was the body that received orders from the Queen of England.


Qns 1. Who was the first Viceroy of British India?

Ans. The first Viceroy of British India was Lord Charles John Canning who was able to serve tenure of five years in total. This British officer assumed a seat in the year 1858 and went on to serve the Crown until the end of 1862.

Qns 2. Who was the last Viceroy of India?

Ans. The last Viceroy of India was Lord Louis Mountbatten under whose rule India got its Independence. This was the reason behind the fact that makes Lord Mountbatten as the last Viceroy of India.

Qns 3. Under whose advice did the Viceroy of British India operate?

Ans. The Viceroy of British India used to get its advice from the Council of India whose office was in London.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2024


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