List all the Microphones connected to System in Python using PyAudio


Python programmers that work with audio data have access to the flexible PyAudio package. It offers PortAudio Python bindings, a multi-platform audio input/output (I/O) toolkit that enables Python programmes to play and record audio on several platforms. We'll look at using PyAudio to list all the microphones connected to a system in this post. This is a feature that is especially helpful when working with audio data.

PyAudio Installation

Let's first make sure PyAudio is installed on your system before moving on to the examples. The package installer for Python, pip, makes the process simple. Run the following command after opening a terminal −

pip install pyaudio

Using an exclamation point before the command will allow you to execute it inside of a Jupyter notebook 

!pip install pyaudio

PyAudio Basics and Identifying Microphones

First, you must construct an instance of PyAudio in order to communicate with your system's audio capabilities. You can use all of PyAudio's methods once you have an instance of it. The get_device_info_by_index and get_device_count functions are of particular importance in this situation.

import pyaudio

# Create an instance of PyAudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# Get the number of audio I/O devices
devices = p.get_device_count()

# Print the total number of devices
print(f'Total number of devices: {devices}')

The total number of audio input/output devices connected to your system will be printed by this script.

We must repeatedly go through all devices and determine whether they are input devices (microphones) in order to compile a list of all the microphones. The'maxInputChannels' feature of the device aids in determining whether it is a microphone.

import pyaudio

# Create an instance of PyAudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# Get the number of audio I/O devices
devices = p.get_device_count()

# Iterate through all devices
for i in range(devices):
   # Get the device info
   device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(i)
   # Check if this device is a microphone (an input device)
   if device_info.get('maxInputChannels') > 0:
      print(f"Microphone: {device_info.get('name')} , Device Index: {device_info.get('index')}")

Advanced Usage: Selecting a Microphone

Let's make our script even more complicated. Consider choosing a microphone to capture audio. To accomplish this, we can use the device's 'index' property. Here's an illustration of how you might go about doing it:

import pyaudio

# Create an instance of PyAudio
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()

def select_microphone(index):
   # Get the device info
   device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(index)
   # Check if this device is a microphone (an input device)
   if device_info.get('maxInputChannels') > 0:
      print(f"Selected Microphone: {device_info.get('name')}")
      print(f"No microphone at index {index}")

# Select a microphone with a specific index


You can simply manage and modify connected microphones using PyAudio, a robust toolkit for handling audio data in Python, giving you the ability to create sophisticated audio processing apps.

The examples we've looked at demonstrate how to select a particular microphone from a list of all the microphones attached to your system. You can develop your audio-based applications to include more sophisticated capabilities like real-time audio recording, analysis, and processing with the help of these foundations.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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