Lipika reads a book for $1\frac{3}{4}$ hours everyday. She reads the entire book in 6 days. How many hours in all were required by her to read the book?


Lipika reads a book for $1\frac{3}{4}$ hours everyday. She reads the entire book in 6 days.

To do:

We have to find the number of hours required by her to read the book.


Number of hours Lipika reads a book everyday$=1\frac{3}{4}$



Number of days taken to read the entire book $=6$

Total number of hours required by her to read the complete book$=(\frac{7}{4})\times6$




Thus, Lipika required $10\frac{1}{2}$ hours to read the complete book.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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