Linux Commands – Remove All Text After X


Linux commands are essential for operating and managing Linux-based systems. One of most common tasks that Linux administrators and users encounter is manipulating text files. In many cases, they need to remove all text after a certain point in a file, which can be a tedious and time-consuming task if done manually. Luckily, there are Linux commands that can make this process easier and more efficient. In this article, we will explore some of commands that can be used to remove all text after X, and provide examples of their usage.

The Sed Command

Sed, short for Stream Editor, is a powerful tool used for text manipulation in Linux. It is often used for replacing or deleting text in files. To remove all text after X using sed command, we can use following syntax −

$ sed 's/X.*//' filename

This command will remove all text after first occurrence of X in file named "filename". For example, suppose we have a file named "sample.txt" containing following text −

This is a sample text file. X This is some extra text that needs to be removed.

To remove all text after X, we can use following command −

$ sed 's/X.*//' sample.txt

This will produce following output −

This is a sample text file. X

The Awk Command

Awk is another text manipulation tool that can be used to remove all text after X. syntax for using awk command to accomplish this is as follows −

$ awk '{sub(/X.*/,"X")}1' filename

This command will remove all text after first occurrence of X in file named "filename". For example, suppose we have same file "sample.txt" as before. To remove all text after X, we can use following command −

$ awk '{sub(/X.*/,"X")}1' sample.txt

This will produce same output as before −

This is a sample text file. X

The Cut Command

The cut command is used for cutting out sections from each line of a file. It can also be used to remove all text after X. syntax for using cut command to accomplish this is as follows −

$ cut -d 'X' -f1 filename

This command will remove all text after first occurrence of X in file named "filename". -d option is used to specify delimiter, which is set to X in this case. -f option is used to specify field, which is set to 1 in this case. For example, suppose we have same file "sample.txt" as before. To remove all text after X, we can use following command −

$ cut -d 'X' -f1 sample.txt

This will produce same output as before −

This is a sample text file. X

The Tr Command

The tr command is used for translating, deleting, and squeezing characters. It can also be used to remove all text after X. syntax for using tr command to accomplish this is as follows −

$ tr -d 'X' < filename

This command will remove all text after first occurrence of X in file named "filename". -d option is used to specify that X character should be deleted. For example, suppose we have same file "sample.txt" as before. To remove all text after X, we can use following command −

$ tr -d 'X' < sample.txt

This will produce same output as before −

This is a sample text file. 

Let's take a look at some additional examples of how to remove all text after X using commands we discussed above.

Example 1: Removing all Text After X in Multiple Files

Suppose we have multiple files in a directory and we want to remove all text after X in each file. We can use sed command in a loop to accomplish this task. following command will remove all text after X in all files with .txt extension in current directory −

$ for file in *.txt; do sed 's/X.*//' "$file" > "$"; mv "$" "$file"; done

This command will create a new file for each input file with .new extension, remove all text after X in input file, and then rename new file to original filename. -i option can also be used with sed command to edit files in place without creating a new file.

Example 2: Removing all Text After Last Occurrence of X

Suppose we want to remove all text after last occurrence of X in a file instead of first occurrence. We can use rev command to reverse file, remove all text after first occurrence of X, and then reverse file back to its original order. following command will accomplish this task −

$ rev filename | sed 's/X.*//' | rev

This command will first reverse file named "filename", then remove all text after first occurrence of X using sed command, and finally reverse file back to its original order.

Example 3: Removing all Text After X in a Specific Line Range

Suppose we want to remove all text after X in a specific range of lines in a file. We can use sed command with line range addresses to accomplish this task. following command will remove all text after X in lines 5 to 10 of file named "filename" −

$ sed '5,10 s/X.*//' filename

This command will only remove all text after X in lines 5 to 10 of file named "filename", leaving rest of file unchanged.


In conclusion, removing all text after a certain point in a file is a common task that Linux administrators and users encounter. Luckily, there are several Linux commands that can be used to accomplish this task quickly and efficiently. sed, awk, cut, and tr commands are just a few examples of many commands available for text manipulation in Linux. By understanding syntax and usage of these commands, users can save time and effort when working with text files in Linux-based systems.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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