LinkedIn Alternatives

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional network and you can use the platform to look for jobs or internships. You can also post a job if any job vacancy is available in your company. You can also apply for an internship. Professional relationships can be strengthened by connecting with more and more professionals. The platform can be accessed as a desktop or mobile app or through the web. LinkedIn can also be used to write articles, post pictures and videos, join groups, and do a lot more things

Price Plans of LinkedIn

LinkedIn has 9 plans and the details can be found in the table below:

Plan Cost
Free $0.00
LinkedIn Premium Career $39.99 / month
LinkedIn Premium Business $59.99 / month
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Professional $99.99/month
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Team $149.99/month
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Enterprise Custom Pricing
LinkedIn Recruiter Lite $2,399/year
LinkedIn Recruiter $8,999+/year
LinkedIn Learning $29.99 / month

Why LinkedIn Alternatives?

  • There is a risk of stealing of identity

  • Incomplete profile cannot land you to a job

  • A lot of spam messages can be seen

  • Expensive premium plans

How to choose a LinkedIn Alternative?

There are many advantages of LinkedIn and some of them are listed below:

  • Resume can be easily updated

  • A large number of jobs can be found

  • Companies and industries can be followed

  • Skillset can be promoted and knowledge can be demonstrated

  • Get employed easily

Top 10 LinkedIn Alternatives

There are many platforms available online that can be used as Linked Alternatives. Some of these alternatives are discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 – Xing

Xing is a popular professional platform and a great alternative to LinkedIn. You can use the platform to get connected with professionals and share your ideas. You can also find tradeshows, seminars, and conferences. Job posting, job searching, and researching companies can also be performed here. The platform is free to use but advanced features can be used in the premium version.

Alternative 2 – Indeed

Indeed is a platform which is considered as one of the best alternatives to LinkedIn. As per statistics, 300 million unique visitors monthly visit the website to search for jobs. They upload their resume after creating an account. In order to search for jobs, you can use the search box, you can also add filters like company, location, and many more. Jobs can be sorted on the basis of date and relevance.

Alternative 3 – AngelList

AngelList is considered as one of the most popular substitutes for LinkedIn. The platform has been developed so that job seekers can get connected with different organizations as per their skills. The platform can be used for free. The user interface is easily understandable and you can use the platforms securely to search for jobs. You can also use the platform to raise funds for your startup.

Alternative 4 – Opportunity

Opportunity is another great platform which can be used as a replacement for LinkedIn. Employers can post job vacancies while job seekers can look for jobs. You can create five different types of profiles which include

  • Finding career opportunities and jobs

  • Enhancing business relationships

  • Sales lead generation

  • Meaningful relationships

  • Hiring best talent

You can easily sign up on this platform and start your job search.

Alternative 5 – Bark

Bark is a platform that can be used by local professionals to get connected with people and companies who want their services. Bark can help you to reach those professionals available in your local area. The platform can also be used to set up your own profile. This will help you to set your preferences and then look for the companies that need your services.

Alternative 6 – Jobcase

Jobcase is a social media platform which can also be used to search for jobs. Currently, more than 100 million users are using the platform to seek jobs, join communities, and make their careers. You can find jobs easily on the basis of your preference. You have to make a worker’s profile which will let the employers know about your skills and invite you for an interview.

Alternative 7 – Glassdoor

Glassdoor is another popular LinkedIn alternative. Job seekers can navigate to the platform to look for companies where their skills can be used. You can find salaries offered by different companies, interview questions, and other things needed to get a job. The tool can also be used by employers to attract top talents.

Alternative 8 – Meetup

Meetup is considered as one of the topmost alternatives to LinkedIn. You can use the platform to find different types of groups having similar interests as yours. You just have to sign up and then find such groups. The platform also provides a lot of career opportunities. Meetup is a platform on which discussions on any topic can be done.

Alternative 9 – Xing

Xing is also a professional platform and is a super alternative to LinkedIn. Users can share news, jobs, and employment opportunities on this platform. Employers can use the platform to post jobs while job seekers can look for opportunities and apply for jobs.

Alternative 10 – Doostang

Doostang is a professional networking platform and was created to help ambitious people grow their careers. The platform currently has more than 500,000 users who belong to different industries which are high in demand. Some of these industries are consulting, media, and finance. If you go for a paid account, you will get the opportunity of your LinkedIn profile reviewed and optimized.


LinkedIn is a popular platform which is used by people to seek jobs. Employers can also use the platform to post job opportunities. LinkedIn has a few disadvantages like expensive premium plans, identity stealing risk, spam messages, and many more. There are many alternatives to LinkedIn and some of them are Indeed, Jobcase, Xing, and many more.

Updated on: 07-Sep-2023


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