

The movement of the charged particles is responsible for electric energy. Energy obtained from the kinetic energy or potential energy of the charged particles is the electric energy. Charged particles are atoms, molecules, or ions that have a charge on them. There is a force of attraction or repulsion between the charged particles which depends on the coulomb’s law.

Electricity is an important form of energy. Every matter in the universe attracts other matter with some attractive force. Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be visible to the human eye. Photon is the basic unit of light. It is a quantum of energy or energy packet in electromagnetic radiation.

What is lightning?

Lightning is a flash of light that appears in the sky. A large spark of electric current seen in the atmosphere is called lightning. Lightning is always associated with thunderstorms. When a region of a cloud acquires an excess electric charge, then there occurs a discharge of electricity. This is known as lightning.

The induced electric charge may be positive or negative. This discharge is sufficient to overcome the air resistance. Lightning may occur between the clouds, within the cloud, between cloud and air, or between cloud and ground.Lightning occurs in the cloud where there is an excess development of positive or negative charge. The flow of electrons that happens during lightning heats the air to a temperature of about 270000C Lightning that reaches the earth has a frequency in the range of 40 - 50 times/sec.

Facts about lightning

  • It is possible to light 100 W bulls for 3 months with the help of energy from one lightning.

  • Only 10% of the people died. 90 % of people were alive. In this 10%, 25 % of the people suffer from long-term psychological problems.

  • The maximum rate of injuries and deaths due to lightning happens during May and September.

Types of lightning

Lightning is of different kinds. Some of them are given below.

  • Intra - cloud lightning − It is one of the most common types of lightning. This generally happens inside the cloud due to the separation of charges. This happens when the electrons transfer between the clouds. Another name for Intra-cloud lightning is sheet lightning. Because it looks like a sheet of light in the sky.

  • Cloud-cloud lightning − This type of lightning is caused due to the transfer of electrons between the clouds.

  • Cloud-ground lightning − In this type of lightning the electron transfer takes place between the cloud and the ground

  • Cloud to air lightning − This lightning happens due to the ground and the air.

  • Bolt from the blue − Within the lightning that originated from the updraft of the storm. They traveled horizontally for many ilie without cutting. then it hits the ground.

  • Anvil lightning − A positive lightning bolt that originates at the upper cloud comes from the top and travels straight down to the ground.

  • Heat lightning − These thunderstorms are derived from the region far away from there to stop it.

Some other types of lightning are ball lightning, Dry lightning, sweet, etc.

Reasons behind the lightning

During heavy storms the air current that moves upward makes the water droplets come downwards. Due to the movement of the air and water droplets there occurs a charge separation. To balance the charge difference the electrons travel from one cloud to another through the conducting path. When too many electrons are gathered by a negatively charged cloud they are searching for a positively charged or neutral cloud to share the electrons.

The air gets heated high and expands if a huge amount of charge is transferred between the clouds. As the rubbing of clouds makes the transfer of electrons, a thunderstorm is followed by lightning. When the clouds come in contact the excess electron in the upper cloud gives the electrons to the lower cloud and attains a positive charge. As the lower cloud receives electrons it attains a negative charge.

This transformation of electrons causes lightning. The same thing happened between the woolen clothes we wear and us. Woolen clothes worn for a long time can be charged. After removing the exchange of charges produces an electrostatic spark.


Lightning is due to the buildup of electrostatic charges.

  • The direct effect of lightning is very rare. In this effect, the lightning is passed directly into the human. That part of the light passes through the skin and affects it. And part of it affects the Heart and brain.

  • Inside the flash, the lightning falls on the nearby object, and from the object, a small part of lightning is passed through the human.

  • Ground current type lightning falls on nearby objects like trees and part of it to the ground. This is the main type that causes more death ratios.

  • Conduction lightning occurs and falls on the conducting material. It is better to avoid touching conduction metals.

  • Thunder is one of the effects of lightning.

  • The lightning current produces heat which in turn may burn the trees.

  • lightning sometimes causes an increase in nitrogen oxide by 90% and Ozone by 30%.


In this tutorial, the facts about lightning and the types of lightning were discussed in detail. The reasons behind the lightning and the effects of lightning were also discussed.


1. What is static electricity?

The imbalance of charges within the material or between the materials is called static electricity. When a balloon is rubbed by a cloth it gets negatively charged as the electrons are included in the balloon. Thus the balloon sticks to the wall. This is due to the static charges induced in the balloon.

2. What are the safety measures that should be taken outdoors during lightning?

Outdoor −

In the forest during lightning, it is best to stand under a short tree. It is not safe to use an umbrella during lightning. Seeking shelters immediately. Separate from others to reduce the injury rate. best to avoid open places.

Indoor −

It indoor better to avoid using water. Do not make contact with electrical equipment. Using cell phones during lightning is not advisable. It is best to avoid windows, doors, etc.

3. Tall buildings are easily affected by lightning. Why

Generally lightning is caused due to charge separation. Due to the difference in the charges the streak of charges falls downwards. Due to their height, the air gap between the cloud and the tall tree or tall building is low which makes it attain lightning easily. To avoid this lightning conductors such as a metal rods are used to conduct lightning directly to the ground.

4. What are the consequences of lightning?

lightning may cause burn and injury to the skin. As the lightning passes through the heart and brain it can damage hearts and cardiac arrest may occur. It may cause some neurological effects and it causes brain damage. Lightning may damage the eardrum and affect hearing ability.

5. What is a Thunderstorm?

Thunderstorms are violent disturbances that cause weather disturbances and they are associated with lightning. Rapid heating and cooling of air near the lightning area produce shock waves and they result in thunder.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2024


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