LightGBM vs XGBOOST: Which algorithm is better


Algorithms are crucial in machine learning for constructing reliable and precise models. This article will compare and contrast LightGBM and XGBoost, discussing the pros and cons of each and highlighting the best applications for each. In the end, we hope to shed light on when one algorithm could be preferable to another.

LightGBM Algorithm

LightGBM is an effective gradient boosting method for massive datasets. Faster training and improved accuracy are the results of its tree-based learning strategy and the usage of techniques like leaf-wise tree growth and histogram-based computing. Applications include classification, regression, and ranking, all of which see heavy application.


  • Speed and Efficiency − LightGBM is a fast and effective boosting technique for large datasets due to its leaf-wise growth strategy, which allows for faster convergence, and histogram-based feature binning, which reduces the time required for training. As a result, it is highly recommended for use in prediction and model training applications requiring high speeds.

  • Handling Large-Scale Datasets − LightGBM's low memory footprint and impressive scalability make it a standout when working with massive datasets. It efficiently manages high-dimensional data with millions or billions of instances thanks to its distributed computing infrastructure. Accurate model construction on enormous data sets is made possible by methods like histogram-based feature discretization and parallel learning.

  • Improved Accuracy − LightGBM uses leaf-wise growth and gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) to boost model accuracy. This method prioritizes the most important samples of the loss function to produce more accurate splits. It improves the model's accuracy by reducing overfitting and increasing its ability to generalize.

  • Handling Categorical Features − LightGBM effectively deals with categorical features by translating them into numerical values, thus decreasing the amount of memory required and doing away with one-hot encoding. Using this method, you may model real-world datasets more accurately while also decreasing your memory footprint.

  • Flexibility in Objective Functions − LightGBM's objective functions and evaluation metrics can be modified to suit a wide range of modeling needs. It allows for user-defined goal functions for domain-specific knowledge and comes pre-loaded with loss functions including regression, binary classification, and multi-class classification.


  • Memory Usage − However, LightGBM's leaf-wise growth technique can lead to higher memory usage than alternative gradient boosting algorithms, although being efficient for training speed. This is because larger datasets or those with restricted memory capacity may find it difficult to handle the resulting complicated trees.

  • Sensitivity to Noisy Data − Due of its emphasis on larger gradient samples, LightGBM's leaf-wise growth technique may overfit noisy data. To address this challenge, it is necessary to employ effective strategies for data preparation, feature engineering, and regularization.

  • Lack of Built-in Handling for Categorical Features − Although LightGBM provides good numerical encoding for categorical features, it does not support original categorical characteristics, hence further preprocessing or feature engineering may be necessary for effective encoding of inherent order or hierarchy.


XGBoost is an enhanced gradient boosting algorithm that uses decision trees in conjunction with boosting methods to get superior results. It performs exceptionally well with huge datasets, has excellent prediction accuracy, and accommodates a wide range of assessment objectives and metric types. XGBoost is popular for data-driven applications and machine learning competitions.


  • Performance and Scalability − With its level-wise tree growth technique, XGBoost excels in performance and scalability for small to medium datasets. Large-scale datasets with millions of instances and high-dimensional feature spaces are handled efficiently thanks to the use of parallel processing and specialized techniques.

  • Regularization Techniques − To prevent overfitting, XGBoost uses regularized greedy for feature selection and limits the complexity of models with L1 and L2 regularization. By concentrating on informative traits, this sparsity-aware algorithm improves accuracy and interpretability.

  • Handling Missing Values − Simplifying the modeling pipeline and saving time, XGBoost deals with missing values in real-world datasets by learning to assign directions to child nodes based on learnt statistics. Therefore, preprocessing and imputation are unnecessary.

  • Handling Categorical Features − To handle categorical features, XGBoost employs one-hot encoding, which guarantees each category receives the same amount of attention during training and accurately captures non-linear associations between categories and target variables.

  • Feature Importance Analysis − The built-in feature relevance analysis in XGBoost aids in the identification of important and influential factors in the behavior of a model. This feature analysis is useful for feature engineering and selection since it aids practitioners in seeing trends and making well-informed choices.


  • Training Speed − For big datasets, XGBoost's level-wise expansion technique is less efficient than LightGBM's leaf-wise expansion strategy. With a breadth-first tree growth technique, training takes longer and consumes more computer resources.

  • Memory Usage − The level-wise growth technique used by XGBoost provides stability but may cause performance issues in memory-constrained contexts or when working with big feature datasets.

  • Interpretability − XGBoost models, especially those with deep trees and several levels, are difficult to interpret because of their complexity. It is difficult to comprehend the interplay between features, which complicates both prediction and choice.


In conclusion, two widely used gradient-boosting algorithms are LightGBM and XGBoost. LightGBM is well suited for huge datasets due to its speed and efficiency. XGBoost provides stability and adaptability across a wide range of machine learning applications. Considerations like training time, memory utilization, and interpretability should guide your decision. Both algorithms are frequently utilized because of their respective merits in creating reliable models.

Updated on: 05-Oct-2023


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