Life Cycle of Open Standard

There is an agreed-upon manner of doing things whenever we start a company, whether online or in the conventional sense. This is referred to as "Standards." For example, if you want to start a company creating bed linens, the minimum length of bedsheets required by industry standards is 7 feet. These guidelines might be publicly published or followed in an unwritten manner.

What is the Purpose of Standards?

As consumers, standards assist us in determining whether or not something is appropriate for the purpose for which it is purchased, and whether or not it is of acceptable quality. It's also easy to comprehend and compare rival items because to standards. Standards are fueling international commerce since they are widely accepted and utilized in various areas. The legitimacy of new goods and marketplaces can only be evaluated via the use of standards.

The following are the benefits that the standards provide

  • Security and dependability - Users see standard items as more reliable, which increases their faith in companies that provide standard products.

  • Government initiatives and laws are backed - Regulators and politicians commonly resort to standards to safeguard user and commercial interests and to support government policy.

  • Interoperability - Interoperability is a term used to describe the ability of two or more systems to the ability of devices to function together is contingent on goods and services meeting certain requirements.

  • Increase market access - By making people more aware of technological advancements and activities.

What are Open Standards and How Do They Work?

Open Standards are publications that are freely accessible to the public and include executable standards. These are made freely accessible for anybody to use and adapt, such as computer software that is publicly available on the Internet and includes the source code so that experienced users may edit it.

The Open Standard's Life Cycle

Standards have a life cycle in which they grow and adapt to changes in the environment, or they fade away when no longer in use.

  • Ascend − A new standard is said to be in the emerging phase while it is being developed or reviewed. Companies are not using these standards because they are awaiting accreditation by approved parties. Example − Aero-Trains, A group of Japanese researchers has created a prototype of an Aero-train that floats on an air cushion.

  • Current − The current phase is defined as when emerging standards have been certified and authorized and are in use in the industry. Electric trains, for example, are powered by electricity.

  • Expired − Obsolete standards are those that are no longer in use by industry due to changes in the environment. Standards that do not change are prone to become obsolete as time passes. In most cases, such standards are replaced with new ones. Railway steam locomotives, for example.

  • Revised − Standards vary as industries develop, and they reach various levels of maturity. They mature as a result of their efficiency and worth. For example, train lines were formerly linked with wood or concrete, but they have since been modernized to utilize ballast-free track.

The Advantages of Standards

  • Interoperability - When a product is created according to specifications, it is compatible with other companies' goods.

  • Prevents merchant enslavement - Allow people to choose items from any firm without having to worry about how it works.

  • Collaborative innovation - Allow many companies to collaborate to tackle a challenging problem.

  • Less expensive - The creation of standards is free of charge.

  • The ability to behave freely - Users have the option of relying on many providers for services rather than a single one.

Updated on: 01-Dec-2021


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