Legislations in British India – List of Acts Passed in British India


The Legislations in British India were passed to put a pause to all the revolutionaries in India. In the initial stage, the British came to India to pursue trading purposes. However, with time they desired political control of the region and for that they fought with the rival - French East India Company. They both came to India for the same reason; however, it changed into gaining political supremacy. To control the whole region, they imposed many laws and acts.

History of British India

The British ruled the Indian region for over 200 years. During their time, they passed many acts. However, some of the acts are still used in Independent India and it remained unchanged. British ruled India from 1757 to 1947, and this phase can be divided into two categories.

The first phase, which started in 1757 and ended in 1858 was known as East India Company rule. The second phase was from 1858 to 1947, it was known as the Crown rule. However, the Britishers' rule in India is also referred to as the crown rule in India.

Legislation in British India

There were some legislations or laws, which passed during British rule, which had a major impact on controlling the freedom activities running all over the country.

The most important among them are -

  • The act of regulation was the first law that was passed to control the territory, which came under the East India Company, which was majorly Bengal. It was passed to stop the misgovernment and avoid the situation of bankruptcy.

  • The Pitt’s Act of India was passed in the year 1784. It was also known as the East India Company Act. It was passed to rectify the act passed in 1773. This act helped both the Crown and the east India Company to rule.

  • The charter act was passed by the parliament of Britain in the year 1813. It restored the trading rights of the company for the next 20 years.

  • The act about the Sati regulationcame illegal with the help of the act.

  • The remarriage of Hindu widows was passed in the year 1856. It played a major role in changing the situation of the woman.

  • The act of the government of India was passed in 1858. This act helped to shift the control of India from the company to the crown.

  • The act about the Newspaper and Press were passed in 1908 and 1910, respectively. Those two acts played the most crucial role in controlling the press and the newspapers.

  • The act about the Indian Independence was passed in the year of 1947. The final formalities ensured the division of British India and gave rise to India and Pakistan.

Most Important Acts Passed in British India

The first law that was imposed by the British was the Act of Regulation passed in 1773 and one of the most important and last acts was the Act of Indian Independence passed in 1947.

However, there were other acts such as

  • The act of regulation passed in 1773

  • The charter Act of 1793, 1813, 1833, and 1853

  • The act about Bengal regulation, passed in 1818

  • The act to stop Sati Daha passed in 1829

  • The act about the remarriage of the Hindu widows, 1856

  • The Government of India Act, 1858, 1912, 1915, 1919, and 1935

  • The acts of the Criminal Tribes, 1871

  • The act about the transfer of the property

  • The press act of India was passed in 1910

  • The forest act of India, 1927

  • The act About the defence which was passed in 1915

  • The act that restraint child marriage, 1929

  • Rowlatt Act of 1919

  • The act about Indian independence which was passed in 1947.

British Laws are still used in India

There are some laws, which are still used in India and remained unchanged -

  • The Khakee dressing: the of the police force which was passed in the year 1847

  • The act about traffic arrangements

  • The act about the Indian Police which was passed in 1861

  • The act of the foreigners, which was passed in the year 1946

  • IPC of 1860.


The British passed many acts and laws imposed on India to strengthen their control, however, some of the acts played important roles in the betterment of the life of Indians, such as the act about the prevention of child marriage, the remarriage of Hindu widows, etc. During that time, the British parliament started controlling the east India Company and they imposed many acts and laws to control the civilians. In some of the cases, they were imposed to suppress the voice of the nation.


Qns 1. How many acts were passed during the company rule?

Ans. There are a total of five acts that are included in the list of Company rules. They are- the regulating act which was passed in 1773, The Pitts act of India passed in 1784, the charter act which was passed in 1793, the same in 1833 and 1853.

Qns 2. What are the most crucial laws in India?

Ans. In India, 5 laws are considered the most crucial. They are the Motor Vehicle Act which was passed in 1988, 166 A, The IPC, the act on Home violence, the Police act, and the code of criminal procedure.

Qns 3. Which acts were known as the East India Company Act?

Ans. Five acts, which were passed in the years 1773, 1780, 1784, 1783 and 1830 are altogether known as the east India company acts. There were some other acts, such as the act passed in 1833 and 1853, known as the Government of India Acts.

Qns 4. What are the major types of legislative powers?

Ans. The legislative powers can be divided into three major types and they are the state list, concurrent list and the union list.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2024


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