Language Detection in Python using Tkinter

Different languages are becoming more prevalent on the internet in this age of globalisation. We must take into account this multilingual reality in our software applications as developers. This article presents a useful method for Python language recognition that makes use of the Tkinter package. We'll lead you through the process of developing a language detection GUI application as we delve deeper into the subject.

What is Tkinter?

The Tk GUI toolkit's standard Python interface is called Tkinter. It is the approach for using Python to build graphical user interfaces that is most frequently utilised. Most Unix, Windows, and Macintosh platforms support Tkinter, a powerful and platform-independent windowing toolkit.

The Importance of Language Detection

The process of determining the language in which a piece of text was produced is known as language detection. Numerous applications, including sentiment analysis, content classification, and translation services, depend on this skill. The user experience and data processing capabilities of your application can be greatly improved by integrating a successful language detection system.

Getting Started: Install Necessary Libraries

Two Python libraries will be required to develop our language identification application: tkinter to build our GUI and langdetect to determine the language of the text. You can install them using pip if you haven't already:

pip install tkinter
pip install langdetect

Building a Language Detection Application with Tkinter

Utilising the langdetect library is very simple. It offers a method called detect that accepts a string of text as input and returns the detected language's ISO 639-1 language code.

Before we start building our GUI, let's use a straightforward terminal application to demonstrate this −

from langdetect import detect

text = "Bonjour le monde"
print(detect(text))  # Outputs: fr

The detect function in the code snippet above successfully recognises French ('fr') when we provide it the French phrase "Bonjour le monde" (Hello world).

Now that we are familiar with the langdetect library's fundamental features, let's go on to creating our GUI application with Tkinter.

Creating the GUI Window

The creation of a window is the first stage in a GUI application using Tkinter. To accomplish this, call the mainloop function on an instance of the Tkinter class after initialising it.

import tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Language Detector")


With the title "Language Detector" and measurements of 300x200 pixels, the code above builds a straightforward Tkinter window.

Adding Text Entry and Result Label

The text that users desire to have the language of detected will then be entered into a text entry form. We'll additionally include a label to show the detection's outcome.

entry = tk.Entry(window)

result_label = tk.Label(window, text="")

Implementing the Detection Function

Finally, we'll develop a function that will identify the user-inputted text's language and show it on the result label. In order to activate this feature, we'll additionally include a button.

from langdetect import detect

def detect_language():
   text = entry.get()
      language = detect(text)
      language = "Unable to detect language"

detect_button = tk.Button(window, text="Detect Language", command=detect_language)

The detect_language function in the code above retrieves user-entered text, determines the language, and sets the result label to the ISO 639-1 language code. The function detects the exception and sets the result label to "Unable to detect language" if an error occurs (for example, if the entered text is too brief to identify a language).

Here is our language detecting program's whole source code:

import tkinter as tk
from langdetect import detect

# Initialize the main window
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Language Detector")

# Create an entry for the text
entry = tk.Entry(window)

# Create a label to display the result
result_label = tk.Label(window, text="")

# Create the function to detect the language
def detect_language():
   text = entry.get()
      language = detect(text)
      language = "Unable to detect language"

# Add a button to trigger the detection
detect_button = tk.Button(window, text="Detect Language", command=detect_language)


Advanced Implementation: Handling Multiple Languages

The langdetect library has the ability to not only identify a single language, but also to list a number of potential languages in which the input text may be written, along with a probability for each. If the content contains many languages, this functionality may be helpful.

Here is a sample of the code used to implement this feature:

from langdetect import detect_langs

text = "Hello, Bonjour, Hola"
print(detect_langs(text))  # Outputs: [en:0.999996709158]

As you can see, the detect_langs method locates many languages in the string and gives a confidence rating for each.


This article has offered a thorough explanation of how to use Tkinter and the langdetect package to construct a language detection feature in a Python application. We hope this post has clarified how easy and basic it may be to implement this functionality into your product. The ability to determine the language of a text string is a significant factor in many applications.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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