Lambda with if but without else in Python

Python is a flexible and strong language that provides a plethora of capabilities to accommodate various programming styles. The lambda function, a tool for writing brief, anonymous functions in your code, is one of these characteristics. In this article, we'll examine the idea of combining the lambda function with a "if" statement without the usage of a "else" clause. Several instructive examples will also be used to further your comprehension.

Understanding Lambda Functions in Python

In Python, anonymous functions that are declared with the keyword "lambda" are known as lambda functions. They can particularly handy when you require a single, short function but don't want to define it the conventional way by using the 'def' keyword. Here is a straightforward lambda function example:

multiply = lambda x, y: x * y
print(multiply(5, 6))



The lambda function lambda x, y: x * y in this illustration accepts two arguments and returns the sum of those two arguments. It is given to the multiply variable, which may then be used like a regular function.

Lambda with If, But Without Else?

In a lambda function, we can typically utilise if-else conditional statements like follows −

check_even = lambda x: True if x % 2 == 0 else False



The 'otherwise' clause may not always be necessary when using a 'if' statement inside of a lambda function, though. The 'else' clause is required by the syntax of the 'if' statement inside a lambda function in Python. By utilising some built-in Python functions, this necessity can be avoided.

Let's examine some real-world instances of lambda usage with the 'if' but without the 'else' statement.

Example 1: Filtering a List

numbers = [5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 32]
filtered_numbers = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers)


[12, 18, 24, 32]

The filter() function is used in this example to apply the lambda function to each element of the list of integers. The element appears in the output list if the lambda function returns True. Keep in mind that we have utilised 'if' inside the lambda function effectively without requiring a 'otherwise' clause.

Example 2: Transforming Elements of a List

numbers = [5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 32]
transformed_numbers = map(lambda x: x**2 if x % 2 == 0, numbers)
print(list(transformed_numbers))  # Raises a SyntaxError


File "/home/cg/root/64b40d33edea0/", line 2
    transformed_numbers = map(lambda x: x**2 if x % 2 == 0, numbers)
SyntaxError: expected 'else' after 'if' expression

This example shows that attempting to use 'if' inside of map() with a lambda function without 'else' causes a SyntaxError. However, you may prevent this by mimicking the behaviour of 'if' without 'else' by returning None (Python's equivalent of 'no value') for components that don't fulfil the condition.

numbers = [5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 32]
transformed_numbers = map(lambda x: x**2 if x % 2 == 0 else None, numbers)


[None, 144, None, 324, 576, 1024]

In the updated example, None is used in place of any numbers that do not match the requirement.

Example 3: Using List Comprehension

Another feature of Python is list comprehension, which provides a more pythonic method of implementing 'if' without 'else' in a lambda function.

numbers = [5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 32]
squared_numbers = [x**2 for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0]


[144, 324, 576, 1024]

Here, we essentially achieve the "if" behaviour without the "else" behaviour by only squaring the numbers if they are even. We are only left with the squares of the even integers after ignoring all the odd numbers.

Leveraging Lambda Functions for Efficiency

employing built-in Python methods like filter() and map() or structures like list comprehension, we can still effectively design conditions that operate like 'if' without 'else' despite the syntactic requirement of the 'else' clause when employing a 'if' statement in a lambda function.

Your Python code will be clearer and more productive thanks to lambda functions, which provide a very concise and legible approach to write functions. When utilised properly, they can greatly simplify your code and enhance performance, especially for data processing jobs.

Keep in mind that practise is the key to understanding lambda functions. Where it makes sense, try to include them into your Python code. Soon enough, you'll be skilled at using this potent tool to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your Python programming.


Due to Python's strict syntax restrictions, the idea of utilising a lambda function with 'if' but without 'else' at first glance may seem contradictory. But you can accomplish this behaviour with Python's built-in functions or constructs if you have a firm grasp of lambda functions. This method can provide code that is more effective and readable and is tremendously helpful for functional programming.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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