Labelled Image Function in Python Mahotas


Python stands out as a top language for image processing thanks to its wide library support. Due to its effectiveness and simplicity, Mahotas has emerged as a go-to library for many developers and researchers. The tagged image function, a crucial tool for image analysis, is one of the amazing toolboxes provided by Mahotas. With the use of real-world examples and clear explanations, this article seeks to demystify the Python Mahotas labelled image function.

Understanding the Labelled Image Function in Python Mahotas

Using Mahotas' labelled image function, it is possible to segment a picture into different parts according to particular attributes. The function gives each separate section of an image its own label (expressed by an integer), enabling detailed study of every area.

When performing image analysis activities that require segmenting the image and identifying or quantifying its objects, this function comes in particularly handy. Common uses for the function are in machine vision, where it can aid in object tracking and recognition, as well as medical imaging, where it can be used to identify and quantify unique cells or structures.

Practical Examples of the Labelled Image Function in Python Mahotas

If you haven't already, install the Mahotas library before beginning the examples. Using pip, you can install it:

pip install mahotas

Example 1: Basic Usage of the Labelled Image Function

This example will show how to use the labelled image function on a binary image in its most basic form.

import mahotas as mh
import numpy as np

# Create a simple binary image
img = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]], dtype=bool)

# Apply the labelled image function
labelled_img, number_of_objects = mh.label(img)

print("Labelled Image:\n", labelled_img)
print("Number of objects:", number_of_objects)

In this illustration, two separate items were produced as a binary image. Using the tagged image function, we produce a labelled image in which the total number of items is returned and each object is given a distinct label.

Example 2: Using the Labelled Image Function with Real-world Images

When working with real-world photographs, the tagged image function's true power may be observed. We'll load an image, convert it to binary, and then use the labelled image function in this example.

import mahotas as mh
import mahotas.demos

# Load an example image
img = mahotas.demos.load('nuclear')

# Convert to binary using Otsu's method
thresh = mh.thresholding.otsu(img)
binary = (img > thresh)

# Apply the labelled image function
labelled_img, number_of_objects = mh.label(binary)

print("Number of objects:", number_of_objects)

'Nuclear' is an example image that was loaded using the mahotas.demos.load function. We used the labelled image function to segment the image into individual items after converting the image to binary.

Harnessing the Power of the Labelled Image Function in Mahotas

The Python Mahotas labelled image function is a potent tool for image analysis, providing a quick and effective way to segment images. This function paves the road for more complex image analysis jobs by allowing you to recognise and measure various items in a picture. Applications span from machine vision for object detection and tracking to medical imaging, where it aids in identifying and quantifying distinctive cells or structures.

But grasping the foundations is essential if you want to fully utilise its power. Make sure you understand fundamental principles in image processing such binary images, thresholding, and picture segmentation. Additionally, keep in mind that binary images perform best when using the labelled image function, therefore you will typically need to convert your images to binary before using the function.

Last but not least, even though Mahotas provides a wide range of image processing tools, you might need to combine it with other libraries like NumPy, SciPy, or OpenCV for more challenging applications. Use SciPy for additional image processing tasks, NumPy for manipulating arrays, and OpenCV for operations like feature extraction and object tracking.


In conclusion, the Python Mahotas labelled image function provides a strong, effective tool for object recognition in image analysis applications. This article has examined how it functions and provided real-world examples of how it is used. You may take your image processing jobs to a new level of potential by mastering the tagged image function. The labelled image function is a tool you'll want in your toolbox whether you're working on medical imaging, machine vision, or simply exploring with image analysis.

Updated on: 17-Jul-2023


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